Pandora's Box System   

Pandora's Box System
Dating Company: DiCarlo Diclassified | Dating Coaches:
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527 of 567 people found the following review helpful

"Innovative Advanced Dating System, But Weak on Implementation Side"

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Last Update: October 24, 2024
The Good
Innovative and effective system for understanding womens' behaviors and modifying your behavior (or dating strategy) to suit different women.
The Bad
Poor implementation advice/ difficult to implement, a lot of marketing embedded in the product, aggressive marketing sets unrealistic expectations about results beginners will get.
The Bottom Line
This is an innovative dating strategy system for men at an advanced level who want new ideas on how to take their skills to the next level.

It has a lot of potential for those who are experienced. If you are advanced it will help you think more strategically about your game, and change your behavior to fit each women (as they are different).

However, it lacks practical guidelines and advice to help you implement it in this base product. This makes it hard to take beyond being theoretical if you are a beginner. So if you are a beginner, this product is definitely not for you. It will not teach you the basic and intermediate dating skills you'll need to use any 'dating strategy'. Instead, check out the more relevant and cheaper Make Women Want You book. It covers the foundations of women's psychology and how to attract women well.


If you aren't already getting success with women or don't have much experience with applying dating advice this isn't for you.

This is a product that will be useful to you if you are already getting some success with women, but don't get consistent results. For instance, you get a lot of success with some types of women but not others (perhaps the ones you want).

The reason is that:
A. This is a dating strategy product. In order to use it you already need to have some basic approaching and attracting women skills.
B. It is high on theory and low on implementation 'how to' advice. This makes it difficult for you to implement unless you already understand a lot and can use the theoretical ideas to figure implementation out for yourself.

Having said that, let's jump into the product...

Does the System Make Sense and is it Realistic?
Vin DiCarlo and Brian Burke have done a good job of capturing some of the major differences between women in the 3 dimensions they give you in Pandora's Box.

  1. Do these dimensions map to reality of women? Pretty good. I did the exercise of classifying all of my girlfriends and it was useful for around 80% of them. For the 20% I had trouble with they were pretty unique personalities and not from the U.S.
  2. Will the dimensions help you to understand women's behaviors better? Yes.
  3. Now, the real test. Will you get better results if you adapt your behaviors to women who differ on these dimensions? Yes.

So, overall this is a useful system to understand and think about when you are meeting women. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good and with practice could make a very big difference to your results and the types of women you are able to get and keep.
Weaknesses of System to Be Aware of
A Gap in the System - Self Esteem
I was surprised to see that there is no mention of self esteem or confidence level of the girls in the system. Over the years this is one of the major differences that I've perceived in women that has helped me to calibrate my behaviors to them. It's probably one of the most important things I've learned over the years in fact.

Self esteem often affects how women respond to the ways you communicate with them, and most definitely in relationships it has an important role to play. This is a real gap in the system from my point of view. Including it would have taken the system to a whole new level of depth - but perhaps the complexity would be too difficult to teach then? Or to make sense of? It puzzles me why it would be left out.

Cross-Cultural Applications
It is obvious that Vin DiCarlo and Brian Burke have based this system on a comprehensive view of what they have seen and experienced in the U.S. I can see that it would be more difficult to use the system to understand and relate to women that have different cultures through ethnicity and/ or have lived most of their lives outside of Anglo-Saxon culture. The system doesn't capture the extremes involved, although the guidelines are still relevant. Keep this in mind.

Not so Hot in Implementation
The weakness of this product is in implementation.

The pieces in this product as it stands alone are:

  1. "The Profiler Quiz": A short 9 question multiple choice that you can run through for a girl you want to know the type of. At the end it gives you some summary analysis of the girl's type. I ran it for a range of girls and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. For me it wasn't consistent and it was much more effective to just think about the girl and decide what she was based on her behavior.
  2. Pop Quiz This test is supposed to see if you can figure out the personality types of women based on some behaviors. In practice, this was made super simple so that it really doesn't help. It basically repeats behaviors they've spoken about being relevant to types and then takes it to extremes to make it really easy for you to identify.
  3. The Ultimate Strategy Guide: Disappointing...
Disappointing Ultimate Strategy Guide
Many of the tips given to you in the "Ultimate Strategy Guide" part of the course aimed at each of the 8 personalities are actually relevant to all women. So this is misleading. In other words, it's advice that you should follow no matter the woman - it's always relevant.

A few examples:

  1. "The main mistake guys make with this type of woman is LOOKING at their hand when touching her. Do not do this. She will immediately see you as trying to sneak a touch in."
  2. "Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself."
  3. "The best way to have great body language is to a) relax your body, b) look happy."
  4. "Remember that with a [personality type A] she can't think that you are with her just for sex."

At times, I also found the advice confusing and not well thought out. In one of the worst examples, for instance, it says:

"When women get dressed up, drink a little alcohol, and go into a dance setting, they almost all turn into TDI-playettes."

TDI-Playettes are one of their 8 personality types. This point seemed to undermine the whole value of their system, saying that all girls suddenly become one type when in bars?

The good news is that this isn't true (if it was the system would be less useful). Some of the insights into the different behaviors of women are definitely relevant in bars also - in fact all the time (unless you're talking about becoming senseless drunk). So despite this remark in their product, I'd say their insights are more relevant than the statement would infer.

Summary: My feeling is that Vin and Brian were trying a bit too hard to make women sound different in this important chapter of the course. It could've been simplified, and would've been far more useful and valuable if it had been left simpler. Complexity is often not better - or necessary.

Over-zealous Marketing, Building the Product Up
In the sales video for the program there are some high expectations about the results you can get - with very little effort - from this system. If you are looking for a magic bullet, and easy results with no effort, you are going to be disappointed. There are no secret words that will magically attract the women of your dreams.

It also claims that it is the first dating system that customizes your approach to different women. The first was actually Dating to Relating published back in 2007. Although as you'll see from our review of Dating to Relating, Pandora's Box is much more effective and useful.

In the actual product the marketing continues.

The first four parts continue a mixture between basic dating advice (a review of principles covered in Vin DiCarlo's first book The Attraction Code), marketing and building up the Pandora's Box product. This is an important part of why we have given this product a low customer packaging/ service rating. The product is very professionally put together apart from this overly-commercial focus of the content. You don't pay a high price point, as with this product, to have to read through a lot of marketing - it's unreasonable.

If you haven't already read The Attraction Code this will be less noticeable for you, as there will be some new content. For those that have, you may find yourself, like me, reading quickly through all these chapters, scanning the pages for something interesting - which doesn't happen very often.

The marketing appears a lot less from Chapter 5 onwards, although it does make the odd appearance in the form of telling you a concept like "Threading" would be really useful to use in a particular situation, and then telling you you can learn it in a bootcamp for example.

Customer Service Complaints (Now Fixed)
When Pandora's Box was first launched we received a number of emails from users and became aware that some people who buy this product were coming up against customer service issues.

We contacted DiCarlo Diclassified about these and were satisfied that they had dealt with them.

They explained that there were some big issues at the start, because of the popularity of the product (it's true that it has been hugely popular), but they had now been resolved. They increased the capacity of their servers and the size of their customer service team to cope with what had become overwhelming demand. Since then we have had no further complaints.

The Bottom Line
If you are new to dating advice, before considering Pandora's Box, look at a beginner's option to get you started with the foundations of attraction and women psychology. The Make Women Want You book is the best book covering this topic to give you the basics.

If you already have the skills to meet and attract women, have become observant of women's social cues, and are getting 'sporadic' success then you may be ready for Pandora's Box. If you don't, then your time will be better spent learning from other products.

The ideas on different personality types are useful, if not complete. So for those at an advanced level, this will get you started on thinking on a new level and have the potential to help take your game to a higher level.

The guidelines on implementation are 'shaky'. There is a mixture of good advice that makes sense, some confusing advice, and some generic guidelines that are relevant for all women in all situations. This is another reason why this product should only be looked at by guys of an advanced level, so they can see past this.

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Product Information

Pandora's Box System: A Man's Guide to the Female Mind is a dating system that gives you different strategies for women with different personality types. It provides ways to identify what type she is and interpret what she wants in dating, in sex and in a long-term relationship.

The review on this page is for the main part of the product that you receive immediately on sign up. There is also a second part - the 32 week subscription course. Read the review for the second part here: Pandora's Box 32 Week PhD in Female Psychology.

The system is designed around the idea of asking women 3 questions that will tell you what type of sexual response system a woman has. This is said to be the key to attracting her as all women are different.
  • Female Psychology
  • Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
  • eBook
  • Download (Video)
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Brian BurkeVin DiCarlo
Release Date:
March 07, 2010
Price: $69.95


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

1. The Myth and Introduction (video/ pdf)
2. Redefining the Goal (video/ pdf)
3. The Difference Between Men and Women (video/ pdf)
4. Vital Information (video/ pdf)
5. The Three Great Conflicts of the Female Mind (video/ pdf)
6. The Time Line Test vs. Invest (video/ pdf)
7. The Sex Line Deny vs. Justify (video/ pdf)
8. The Relationship Line Realist vs. Idealist (video/ pdf)
9. Mind Reading - Determining Her Type (video/ pdf)
10. Pop Quiz (video/ pdf)
11. The Ultimate Strategy Guide (pdf)

This includes looking at some of the following topics:
- Why she's hot then cold only seconds apart
- Ways to start conversation with different women
- Why some women will flirt, then back off
- What you should avoid doing with younger women
- Why some women say no to sex
- How to tame wilder women
- The way to "cheat proof" your relationship
- Which type of women will approach you
- Why the more some women like you, the more they lie
- How to compliment some women

What You Get:

- Pandora's Box Core System: The 3-Step Pandora's Box Starter System (10 System Videos Plus 10 Accompanying PDF Guides and Pandora's Box Strategy Guide For All 8 Types (PDF ebook))
- 'Pandora's Box Profiler' Easy Reading Tool (Full version)
- The Pandora's Box Handbook: Word-For-Word Examples Of What To Say, Where To Take Her On A Date, And How To Start Conversations Step-By-Step For All 8 Types Of Women
- 14 Days Female Sexual Psychology Coaching (Free trial of Pandora's 32 Week P.h.D In Female Sexual Psychology)
- 7 Fast Action Bonuses including (An In-Depth Video Analysis Of The 8 Types of Women, Advanced Insider Strategies and Techniques For All 8 Types of Women)

Guarantee / Terms:

14-day money-back guarantee

User Reviews of Pandora's Box System

(21 reviews)

4.3 out of 10 stars


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286 of 301 people found the following review helpful

"Pandora's Box - Good, but Expensive"

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Value for Money 
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The Good
The Pandora's Box System is a sound way to approach pickup, and if mastered, you could be extremely effective.
The Bad
Price is misleading and not much content is delivered for the up-front price (an expensive 30+ week membership is required to unlock all content).
Pandora's Box introduces some novel ideas by classifying women into 8 typical personality types, which you can then learn to identify and handle. Although the system is valuable, the delivery fails to execute on a few levels.

Firstly, the price is misleading. Vin promises to deliver the "entire" Pandora's Box system for the up-front offering price, but after purchase I only discovered an explanation of the system and it's 8 types of female personalities. The rest of the "entire" system must be purchased on a weekly basis (billed monthly) for a duration of 32 weeks. Granted, a lot of extra bonus content is delivered during these weeks, but some of it should be made available with the up-front purchase to fulfill the sales promise. He does interviews with each of the personality types, which I believe are valuable extras, but the basic methods for executing the core ideals should be made available from the initial purchase, as offered.

Second, the content delivered with the up-front purchase is piecemeal, and consistently references things you are "going to learn" and tactics they are "going to reveal." The trouble is, you need to pay for many weeks to get these tactics.

Lastly, there is no point of contact for customer service from within the membership area. Someone later pointed out to me that I could just reply to Vin's newsletter, and that would probably work. For example, I wanted to contact their web developer regarding a technical issue. The website forces the topmost video (many videos per page) to automatically begin buffering. If you are in a place where internet is slower, and you have already seen the first video, it kills your load time on any other video while the first one buffers. This is extremely irritating, and nowhere in the membership area does it elicit feedback from the users.

As for the content, the ideas behind Pandora's Box are good and sound. However, you can go buy Keirsey-Bates's book, Please Understand Me, for a fraction of the cost and receive a lot of content on personality types (although they are not discussed in a sexual context). I personally feel the up-front cost should be somewhere around ~$40, as it stands. If they delivered all of the promised content, the $97 would be a good deal, then they could upsell me on the additional interviews and "bonus" material separately!

In conclusion, Pandora's Box System is a pretty valuable tool, and if you mastered it you would be dangerous. However, the marketing strategy it employs really does damage to the customer and to the brand. If you have lots of money, then you might give it a shot. If you don't, then I would steer clear of this one.
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193 of 209 people found the following review helpful

"A big rip off"

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You pay for the package deal and then they send you to a site which if you loose it you loose everything with no way to get back in or get your money back. Pure rip off. Besides it that weeks and weeks to get the whole package if you even make it to any part of the program. eor a $170 I ended up with a PDF file of AMANS GUIDE TO THE WOMEN MIND part 1 I guess they think that is worth $179. What a rip off and no place to contact them about your problem, no emails telling you paid for the program. Just give away your money as normal for this bunch.
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119 of 151 people found the following review helpful

"My Pandora´s review"

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Okay, here it goes. What most of you must be thinking is: does it work? My answer is yes and no. The good thing about this product is that, like it says, its a great eye opener. It gives you some very good tips about general female psychology, and what exactly women want in life. After studying it, female behaviour will stop being such a huge mystery, which will grant you peace of mind and self confidence, no more "I dont understand women stuff". At least if you´re a little bit smart.

Now, this can be quite helpful for developing healthy relationships, the negative part is that the product overrates itself way TOO MUCH. You wont have absolute power over a female, nor you will be able to attract ANY WOMAN YOU WANT, you´re gonna develop some very useful skills, yes, but you wont become a love and passion god, like the product says.

I know what you´re thinking "But Rodrigo, all products overrate themselves a little bit". Yes, but in this case they are promising something just too big. You dont spend that huge amount of money just to know some cool facts about female´s mind, you spend it because you think its gonna turn you into a semi-god, something it doesnt do. And this happpens because the 8 types of women they talk about are just too general, and everything mostly depends on how you develop your own skills and your own personality, something that no book or dvd can do.

So, is it worthy? Depends on what you´re looking for, I have to admit that when I had my first contact with Pandora´s System I was extremely expectful, and really wishing that everything that it said on that long intro video was true, sadly it isnt. It helped me realize that there aint no bulletproof method. If you´re looking for a general and useful view on female´s mind, then I would say yes, you should get it. But if you´re looking for anything else, you´re just wasting your time.
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112 of 118 people found the following review helpful

"Pandora's Box System - A Man's Guide to the Female Mind"

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The ads for Pandora's Box gives off the impression that if you ask women these magical three questions, they will be helpless to do anything but fall madly in love with you, and chances are she will have sex with you right there and then. This is a massive case of "too good to be true."

So the first problem with the system is the obvious, the ads are exceptionally misleading. While they purposely make it seem like ask three simple questions and make women fall in love with your (I am pretty sure most ads use those exact words) what the system teaches is (according to the system) all women have three different independent value systems. And each one will (according to the system) suggests what that woman is looking for in a man/relationship.

So each "question" is not a question you can ask a woman but rather questions you must find out about the woman.

The Second problem is, the system says to seduce a woman you need to find answers to the 3 questions, but it does not give advice on how to do so. And these are EXTREMELY personal questions, many (if not most) women if you asked them these questions directly would lie, thus defeating the purpose.

The Third problem with the system is it is mostly just rainmaking, every step of the way it asks for more money. The system in itself that you pay for, the system that is suppose to have three simple questions (which are anything but simple), this system according to the ads is suppose to be all you need to get with any woman you desire. However after you buy the system, Dicarlo is quickly telling you how to get girls you need to buy more videos and coaching tapes and a lot of other junk.

I jump off all "systems" at that point (if I can before that point).

Pandora's box is at best misleading and at worst a flat out lie. If the price of the starter kit was lower I might be willing to recommend fun little guide on understanding women better, but $70, come on! You can get better info from Barnes and Noble for under $30. (Hell under $10 used.)
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79 of 87 people found the following review helpful


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These guys ripped me off, didnt get half of the stuff i was supposed to. Charged me like $500 then $100 monthly for some stupid pdf emails
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67 of 75 people found the following review helpful

"Not quite worth it..."

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I have to say I had serious doubts about this product and while those doubts are gone it still doesn't justify the price of this product. Does it work? Yes, Will it always work? No, while this does nail several variables that come with trying to figure out women it by no means covers every base out there. I have to say if the core package was released as say a soft cover on amazon for $20-$40 then it'll pay for itself just for the moments you start classifying old girl friends or close gal pals as Modern women or Social Butterflies.
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54 of 73 people found the following review helpful

"Innovative and Powerful..."

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The FACT is DiCarlo has taken a leap in female psychology here. This is based on well researched science and it is VERY effective IF applied properly, which as we all know is a MUST when dealing with women on a sexual level.

I didn't sign up for the online interviews which were way out of my price range, but the book itself is jam packed with pretty powerful information that relates to a woman's fears about sex and relationship.

I asked a women the "three strange questions" and she was immediately turned on. I got a flurry of IOI's after each question and by the time she has answered the last (i.e. third) question she was looking at me like she was ready to jump me right then and there.

The three questions are:

1) Do you TEST with several guys at once, or do you INVEST with only one guy at a time?

2) Do you JUSTIFY sex as something done only for fun, or do you DENY the past so that each time is special?

3) Do you IDEALIZE being taken care of, or are you a REALIST who is ready to take care of herself?

You will have to read Di Carlo's Pandora's Box system in order to find out why these questions are so powerful.
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42 of 45 people found the following review helpful

"There's a lot of deception with these guys"

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Dicarlo and Burke have good information so I'll read what they have to say but they have a habit of being deceptive in what they promise. Read Mark Alexander's review (Below).

He sums it up pretty well. Dicarlo and Burke offer free pdf downloads and encourage the reader to print, email or copy the books. Where the deception comes in is that they don't tell you that the pages are black and that if you print them out it will probably take four or five ink cartridges to do it. I do appreciate the free downloads and the free information but I don't like their subtle deceptive tactics. I did purchase some products from them before I realized what they were doing. For me, it undermines their integrity so I will give my money to those who don't use deceptive practices.

You pay for the package deal and then they send you to a site which if you loose it you loose everything with no way to get back in or get your money back. Pure rip off. Besides it that weeks and weeks to get the whole package if you even make it to any part of the program. eor a $170 I ended up with a PDF file of A MAN'S GUIDE TO THE WOMEN MIND part 1 I guess they think that is worth $179. What a rip off and no place to contact them about your problem, no emails telling you paid for the program. Just give away your money as normal for this bunch.

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28 of 30 people found the following review helpful

"Delivering some but not all"

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The only thing you'll really get out of the basic package is the knowledge that not all strategies work with all women. Also the description of different personality types are lacking in one respect, namely that these personality types are archetypes, and that a woman may have a personality that belong to two or even more of the types mentioned. Neither does it take into account that traumatized women may act contrary to the personality type they naturally belong to. Yes, there are a lot of useful truths in the package, but it is more or less useless if reality becomes a little too complex. Yes, you may be a little more successful in picking up dates, but in the long run a woman is an expert in finding out that you're simply acting her type of man without naturally being one. All in all, it's just a big scam like the rest, and not really useful for nothing. -You'll just as easily get by with women if you're smart and have social skills above the average.
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24 of 105 people found the following review helpful

"BEST SYSTEM EVER (read it)"

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Hi, i'm only 14 years old and I'm in highi school. Ive ben pokeing around the web and then it hit me...

I need love!!!!

I stumbled across this WONDERFUL LIFE CHANGEING system about wemen....
i have them entiraly under me!!!! no joke, wemen I dont even know are intristed in me JUST BECAUSE I GOT OFF MY LAZEY BUT AND STARTED TO TRY!!!!!

But however, this is very powerful...IM SEROUS NO JOKE THIS CAN SCREW UP A GIRL ENTIRALY!!!! dont mess with this and dont be an idiot in your life...

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