Modern Day Sexual Man   

Modern Day Sexual Man
Dating Company: Hypnotica Inc. | Dating Coach:
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"Effective Way to Change Your Sex Life Into a Game of Discovery and Pleasures."

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Last Update: October 22, 2024
The Good
Emphasis on discovering and gathering sexual energy without the new-age stuff. Mostly practical techniques and examples. The audio and video quality are good.
The Bad
There are no written documents to consult. The course is a 7-hour presentation from start to finish without any pictures.
The Bottom Line
This is a highly practical course focused on giving you the ‘how to’ of pleasing a woman in bed and developing a better sex life. Great fit for guys who are able to get a woman into bed but want to take their sexual skills to the next level.

If you’re looking for something that really focuses on practical techniques, this is the best program we’ve reviewed in this area. If you want something more focused on the mental aspects of being a better lover, a great program is Unleash The Beast by Alex Allman.


In Modern Day Sexual Man you will learn how to find many of women’s arousal triggers, new sex positions, and some hypnosis techniques.

You’ll also discover that, “Sex is about exploring another human being’s mind, body, and energy by building intimacy and a strong emotional connection through vulnerability” (Sexual philosophy, module 1).

The Creator - Hypnotica

Hypnotica is a pioneer in dating, sex, and relationship coaching. He was one of the earliest members of the seduction community, and even depicted as Neil Strauss’s (Style) coach in The Game. You can read his full biography here.

How Does Modern Day Sexual Man Work?

The first contact with Hypnotica is in the fast track video, where he explains the content of the 8 modules, and claims we will feel like a sexual superstar after the program, with the tools to please a woman and have an amazing sex life.

The foundations of this claim lie in increasing your sex drive and energy, so women can feel attracted to you and stay around. Obvious ways to boost your sexual energy and prevent erectile dysfunction are to have a healthy lifestyle, of course, because excess weight, smoking, anxiety and low stamina are not sexy.

Hypnotica’s more thorough protocol to build sexual energy in yourself and women is proven to work, and he frames it in an interesting discovery mindset that will help you stop masturbating, among other things.

Modern Day Sexual Man is housed in a basic website that gives access to the videos online, or via download, which is a great feature. Overall, the user experience is simple and to the point. There is no online community.

The product consists of 8 video presentations with slides (7 hours), and 10 audio bonuses (7 hours). You could skip reading the bullet points and only listen, most slides last around 5 minutes and have around 60 written words, while Hypnotica talks fast at about 150 words per minute. You would get the same information from reading a 225-page book.

If you absolutely need to read text to learn and study, you could be bothered with this product because there is no written document. It’s more difficult to listen and understand at your own pace, or to come back to a specific technique for review. However, modern media players have options to slow lecture speed. Also, titles and bullet points are well organized, helping you navigate the video.

There is nothing superfluous in this product, time flies while in learning mode, and you’ll also have a good laugh once in a while. If you have one or more women in your life, you’ll imagine having sex with her while listening, it’s a pleasant feeling.

Sneak Peek of the Modules and Bonuses.

Module 1: Getting Your Head Right
Sexuality is deeply moral in our society and can be caught in restraining inherited belief systems. However, men need to understand that their sexual energy is theirs alone. To fully experience it, men need to reclaim control and ask themselves what they want to do with it: have sex and kids only in marriage or experience all its possible pleasures with multiple partners? Reading this, I guess you aim for the latter.

Women crave men who open them up sexually and this can be done by sexually free men without moral issues, who respect women, and have the courage to lead and explore in bed.

This discovery mindset will help you focus elsewhere than on performance and orgasm, get rid of anxiety, and start having fun leading women in the discovery of their bodies.

Module 2 - Foreplay

Foreplay is a mind game, and it works because our brains are our biggest sex tool. This module does not teach how to pick up women, it teaches why they come back with proper priming. Examples of styles like “the unpredictable” and “the giver” could separate you from other men, and maybe make women fantasize about you. This module could help you if you’re afraid to talk about sex outside the bedroom.

Module 3 - Hands

First keep them clean and lubricated if necessary. Second, specific techniques are described and easy to understand even in audio format. Pressure points, speed, hands position, and awareness to her response: all is there to help you please your partner. Some interesting techniques even include your thumb and nose. This module will help you discover some of women’s erotic triggers.

Module 4 - Giving Oral

This module’s emphasis is also on your partner’s pleasure. It contains a lot of techniques you’ll need to review once or twice while experimenting. They are very detailed even without pictures, and those that require making sounds are properly recorded. This module will help you give new sensations to your partner, it’s interesting if you’re unsure how to give great oral sex.

If you’re adventurous, you could also try some hypnotic post-orgasm techniques to foster this state of mind and body, which are an interesting and unique feature of Hypnotica’s teachings.

Module 5 - Receiving Oral

In this module Hypnotica gives techniques with food and sweet talk that could change the negative association of your penis in her mouth to a positive one. The proposed goal is to develop her sexual self-esteem, while communicating what you like and want in an assertive but respectful way.

Module 6 - Vaginal

This module aims to teach you about rhythm, tempo, variations, and some unique sexual positions. There are obviously less communication techniques in this module, and more “bam bam bam!” Hypnotica refers to external videos from his YouTube channel for more information and visuals.This module is interesting for men who want to try new positions.

Module 7 - Anal

Anal pleasure is more complex to achieve in your sexual life than vaginal or oral, but this module can guide you. You’ll learn that most women can experience anal pleasure and orgasms with the proper relaxation and conditioning techniques. You could become the only man who does it right for her if you have the right attitude. You’ll also learn about benefits of butt plugs, good hygiene, going slowly, and the squeezing technique.

Module 8 - Penis Performance

Here Hypnotica talks about your penis and how to improve your erection and control your ejaculation. He gives interesting advice to help you stick to Kegel exercises. This module could help men who masturbate to porn redirect their energy towards their partner.

Hypnotica gives a website to buy cheap Cialis/tadalafil to prevent impotence in high stakes sexual relations, like first times or while partying a lot. However, this drug is normally prescribed by doctors after examination of the sexual dysfunction problem. It’s mostly safe, but some people with known medical problems or taking medication should refrain from using it.


These are gifts from Hypnotica that cover other areas of dating, sex and relationship. They are not essential parts of the program, but here’s what to expect from a couple of them.

Bonus 1 - Ultimate Polyamory

This bonus is a 45 minutes interview Hypnotica gave to an unknown interviewer. It contains mostly tips on establishing rules for a 1 guy with 2 women polyamorous lifestyle, nothing else. There's a how-to for first dates and ongoing relationships based on transparency and respect. It’s unfortunately low on emotional content, which will obviously be a major drawback of this lifestyle.

It takes courage to implement this lifestyle which often fails, so be prepared, and do consult other resources before trying this relationship, like this interview Angel had on this subject with Elisabeth Sheff.

Bonus 2 - The Smooth Talker

It’s an interview with the same guy as above. A smooth talker is a man who makes women think, because it adds value to the relationship. Be the man who has opinions about world news, trends, and positions on questions about dating and mating, like “is sex better intimate or rough? Lights on or off? Sleep on first date or not?” This bonus is helpful for men looking for pickup techniques, but it’s short and incomplete.

Bonus 3 and 4 - From Friend to Lover and Lover to Girlfriend
This one is interesting, because with the advent of online dating, men will make a lot of interesting female friends with whom they can continue to do specific activities and can get carried away in their hopes. Hypnotica hammers that you should “do your thing and don't just hang out and wait for her!” Don't be a follower who always say yes. Be in control and have other things going on in your life, like other women.

If you like her, you should tease her continuously and plant seduction seeds once in a while and only do fun things together. Be aware that it could stay in the friend zone, so don’t react negatively to her silence or rejection. Flirting is always fun, with friends or lovers.

Then, you'll learn about choosing a woman to be a part of your life, which is obvious for most of us but is big deal for Hypnotica: with all the women to choose from, which one will satisfy me in the long run, not only sexually but in life?

And even more bonuses
You’ll receive other bonus recordings about diet, teasing women, and where to meet single women.
Does The Program Work? is it Legit?

The Science

There are no scientific explanations or external references in this program, everything is from Hypnotica’s lifestyle and experience with women. However, dating, sex and relationships are more an art than a hard science, so Hypnotica is more like an artist.

Testing The Product

Going into this review knowing Hypnotica's methods, I was skeptical about using hypnosis techniques to foster sexual relationships. But, Hypnotica has a proper ethical sense and I assure you there are no manipulation techniques in this product that will get you in any kind of trouble.

I have a fairly diverse and satisfying sex life, but I still tested every technique in this product with a couple of women, one of which is my girlfriend now. The techniques are super easy to implement: next time you’re in bed initiating sex, pick one and try it. They are all known to give women intense pleasure, orgasms, and to spur their fantasies for exploration. Here are the results I experienced with The Modern Day Sexual Man.

First lesson: you need concentration for proper execution, a lot of sexual energy, and awareness of your partner’s sexual and emotional states, so I advise against using these techniques after drinking or taking drugs, or too late at night, and try to stay fit.

Like me, maybe you’ll feel some hilarious side effects using this product. You could feel odd if you hear Hypnotica’s instructions, with his deep voice in your head, while your fingers are inside a vagina doing the backhand push pull. Maybe you’ll feel weird too when you try the water pump position and your woman screams to unconsciousness, as you tell yourself "It works !!" Fortunately, these side effects are transient, and funny.

Second lesson: Hypnotica has a polyamorous lifestyle and sleeps with new women all the time, so he is always in his peak of sexual exploration. His product influenced me to explore further women’s sexuality. As the relation with my girlfriend persisted, we became satisfied with our new sexual boundaries, and our intense sex drive. I found that when sexuality is emotional, healthy and balanced, my partner tries new things on me, and that’s very satisfying.

In this comfort zone, I found it harder to be a modern day sexual man on weekdays when time in bed is short, energy is low, and initiating sex is easy. I try to foreplay every day to keep the fire burning in my stable relationship, and this product helped me in this area.

I also get more adventurous sexually on the weekends. I can start early with techniques I learned in the foreplay module, and spread them all day to build her desire to the maximum. We also have more quiet time in bed, and more opportunities to hit it anywhere during the day.

Third lesson: I used some of the techniques with new women I met, and all they noticed was the pleasure, and they are still calling me. However, with my girlfriend, I had to explain where I learned more advanced techniques I used on her in the same night, so be careful.

Although I wasn’t very fond of it, I even tried the techniques that lead to anal sex. Hypnotica is smoother in his approach than other coaches I read, and he made this desire and pleasure less awkward and more fun. He tells fun anecdotes in this module.

After trying all techniques in this program, a dozen of them leaked into my regular repertoire. My greatest takeaway of this product is "be a sexual man, explore new things, and observe."

Who is This a Good Fit For?

This product will have the biggest impact for men who can attract women and get them into bed, but who lose them after a couple of dates. It’s purpose is to heighten women’s pleasure and experience with you in hopes of making them come back.

For others, this product is full of insights for building sexual energy with the women you choose to be in your life. You’ll probably find something new to try and practice in this product.

Who is This Not a Good Fit For?

If you can’t attract women yet, this product will not help you, Make Women Want You, by Jason Capital would be more adapted to your needs. If exploring your sexuality like talking dirty, trying new sex positions, trying oral and anal sex, and being a little dominant in the bedroom frightens you, this product is not for you either.

The Bottom Line

This product costs $67 and is average for this kind of product. It’s more expensive than a book, but at around $5 per hour of unique content you won’t find elsewhere. It’s designed to change men’s perception of sex into a game of discovery and pleasures and oriented for those who are already successful initiating sexual relationships.

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Product Information

“Modern Day Sexual Man” by Hypnotica (Eric Von Sydow) is designed to show men how become a great lover so a woman becomes addicted to you on a primal level. It shows you how to have more sex and more pleasure during sex.

This 8 module video series aims to teach you everything you need to know to transform into a sexual powerhouse in the bedroom.

It is intended for those:

- Who demand an amazing sex life
- Who refuse to be embarrassed about their sexual nature and freedom
- Who want to take a woman to incredible levels of pleasure and ecstasy

Bonus items include:

- Friends to Lovers
- The Smooth Talker
- The Sex Drive Diet
- Sex Buddy to Girlfriend
- The Ultimate Polyamory Guide
- Six Secret Spots to Meet Women

Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Download (Video)
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Hypnotica Inc.
Release Date:
September 09, 2016
Price: $67.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Secrets of erotic hypnosis
- How to become multi-orgasmic
- How to overcome many sexual difficulties
- Language patterns to talk a woman into orgasm
- How to get a hard-on on command and stay hard
- How to overcome feelings of guilt or shame around sex
- How to feel more sensation and have stronger orgasms
- Anal clutching technique for a comfortable, pain-free rear entry
- How to penetrate a woman deeply and hit all of her pleasure spots
- How to overcome premature ejaculation and last 30 minutes or longer
- Why women resist anal and what to do to help a woman overcome her fear
- “Water pump sex position” to make a woman easily orgasm from vaginal sex
- A hypnotic language pattern to get a woman addicted to giving you oral pleasure
- The optimal hand position, pace, and pressure to give a woman a squirting orgasm
- How to overcome performance anxiety and insecurity to feel calm, centered, and in control
- “Pubic bone humming technique” to send pulses of vibrating pleasure through her vagina
- The best lubes to use, and the best speed and rhythm for maximum comfort and relaxation

What You Get:

Video training program

Purchase options:

Modern Day Sexual Man Only (one-time payment of $67)

Modern Day Sexual Man + Free Trial of Ultimate Man (initial payment)
- Weekly call with Hypnotica
- Private Facebook group
- Brand new meditations
- Latest content from Hypnotica
- Free access to new courses
- Transform your life
- 14-day free trial
- Monthly payment of $67 after 14-day trial
- Cancel with One-Click

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

User Reviews of Modern Day Sexual Man

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"Sexual Revolution"

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This is the most comprehensive sexual product I have ever come across! It's going to take me years to master all of this content. You aren't just empowering yourself as a modern day sexual man you are empowering any woman who is blessed with the opportunity to exchange pleasure with you!
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Unique product"

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I think this product is unique for tons of reasons, partly because it's one that is completely up front about sexuality, no excuses toward politicaly correct pick up firms. It gives the hard gold Truth about what to do in bed with a women and how to act to get the best results

I think concerning being social with people, improving your life in general or simply "pick up chicks", the best products are already out there. But ! for SEX !? there's too little sources on what to do. All the current generations of men grew up with no education about sex, excpet porn wich does a lot of damage. Imagine if you came to this world without the ability to talk, nobody knows how to learn you and you can't communicate whereas everybody does, would be pretty bad right ? I thinks it's kind of the same situation for sex at this time. Guys are thrown into the real world with no education on what sex is and what to do with women in bed, and very few guys become successful without any education. If you are one of those, great for you, for the others:

Fortunately, Eric put the effort here to gather all his knowledge about what works in bed, based on thousands of sexual interactions (seriously.. some pick up gurus are hardly even to 20 women and they claim to be masters..) He went through constant practice through the years, pushing his comfort zone to unknown territories, as well with women as with life, and he gives you here all his sexual knoledge for a ridiculous price compared to what's in it.

i didn't even went through the complete program yet since there's so much information. For what I tested so far, everything worked beautifully, I just deleted some techniques and put emphasis on others, because some techniques seemed natural and really pleasurable to me, so I focused on them. I can't even describe the state of some girls I used this knowledge with, one was completely shaking for about 10 minutes, the orgasm didn't want to stop, she told me she had never felt that before (whereas she was already highly sexual..)

The bonuses are gold too, for instance the "where to meet women" has to be the very first step to learn when you want women in your life. With a simple 1 hour bonus, this one washes off all the stupid shit about "you have to approach this way, to say this line etc.."
Or even the "smooth talker" bonus. I was studying speed seduction because of the folks surrounding it as "the dark secret arts" bla bla bla, but in fact I realized through experience (maybe I'm not good enough in SS but any way) that guys having success with speed seduction are good with women any way. And then when I tested eric's conversation method I felt it much more amazing, I adapted his method to fit my tastes and as a result, I felt I was much more connecting to girls during conversations. It's far more powerful than the weak frame of "I have to manipulate her to get what I want"

Well, I could talk for hours about it but my comments could very well be compressed in some simple words: BUY IT NOW, YOU NEED IT !!
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"Mindset and body shift for authentic success "

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This program and the UM extension is awesome

One caveat: this is not a read through and all problems sorted thing. You really gotta be doing the hours and work on yourself - so I gave 9 for ease

If you want some easy aka lightweight ... don't go to Eric. He is a true power animal

Recommendation: see if you can identify with Eric''s world view amd approach to food and workout and sex. He puts out many youtube videos. Try for example his Vegas talks. If what he says resonates with you then definitely go deeper by getting the program
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5 of 16 people found the following review helpful

"It's ok but I prefer..."

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It's ok but I prefer...

Alex Allman
Jason Julius
Naked U

They explain everything Eric does but in much more depth and even have a demonstration.

I hope Collection Of Confidence v2 comes out soon :)
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"Best Sex Education product out there "

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I've been following Hypnotica's work for around 12 years now and all his products are well worth purchasing, this is totally different to anything Eric has previously done and is unique within the area of how to enhance your ability in bed.

many other products seem to talk about many similar themes whereas this from the start is evidently the result of tried and tested "hands on" experience. The way that the course is broken down into modules that deal with specific subjects is very useful for referring back to and the level of knowledge here is masterful.

This is also amazing value for money, to get access to this level of information for the price, is stunning, for example the bonuses that are included with this product are well worth the price of the whole thing just by themselves.

I also recommend taking advantage of the included trial of the ultimate man program. I did and am incredibly glad that I did, the ability to be able to interact with Hypnotica each week has literally been life changing for me personally.

This is the real deal. Take advantage of this amazing knowledge at an incredible price
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"Great Content"

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Great info and a very amazing price. Genuine and new. I haven't heard any of the info in the program anywhere else before. It completely changed my sex life. I highly recommend purchasing it with the sexual mastery accelerator as well.
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"We Live Matrix Life"

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I'm watching Matrix Reloaded on night shift man I love that movie...... especially the part in restaurant when they're looking for the key maker....epic....

Had an awesome experience yesterday I got home from my workout and met my wife in the bedroom getting ready to go to work. I grabbed her and throw her on the bed and then I walked away and she said "I don't have time for this right now"
I laughed and said "I know I just like to see the look on your face when you think I'm going to throw you on the bed and f#ck you till you can't control your knees...."

As I walked out of the bedroom she yelled at me and she said "I don't have that much time it would have to be a quickie"

I giggled and said "okay have it your way"...followed by a very intense quickie...

that was awesome I don't remember doing anything like that before Eric Von Sydow 's Modern-Day Sexual Male... with the Ultimate Man upgrade..but I know something's different she can tell something's different and she loves it too...
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