Pandoras 32 Week P.h.D In Female Sexual Psychology

Editor Review
"Expensive. Innovative with Potential but Needs Work on Implementation."
Without more clarity on how to calibrate to a different girl, what to do and specific actions the vast majority of men will have difficulty applying this effectively and making use of it.
Under what condition should you buy this? If you are at a very advanced level, want to push the edge, and don't mind the over $800 price point - you could get some good value from this. Get ready to invest some time to work out the implementation yourself.
In this review I discuss only the second part of the program, which is a course spread over 32 weeks with you getting access to new videos of women being interviewed by Brian Burke. The women have been selected based on the Pandora's Box "8 Personality Types", and the purpose is to give you a better understanding of the base system. Brian Burke explores different aspects of their personalities.
There are a number of additional programs that you are offered within the membership site. These include:
- Seduce Me.
- Unleash Her Inner Nymphomaniac.
- Intensive Phone Coaching.
Complaints about Billing
Please pay attention. When this product was launched in 2009 we had continuous complaints about the billing.These complaints come from people who didn't understand that when they bought this product they were being signed up for a weekly subscription to Pandora's Box 32 week PhD in Female Sexuality. It is charged $24.77 per week ($99.80 each month, billed at beginning of the month) and the first payment is charged to your credit card 14 days after purchase of this product.
To be clear: You pay $69.95 when you sign up, then 14 days afterwards you will be billed $98. Then 1 month later you will be billed $99.80 again. This continues each month for 7 and a half months. The total cost of the program ends up at $818.45.
Dicarlo DiClassified showed us how they have made an effort to make this clear on their sales and billing pages (which indeed pass FTC policies and follow the guidelines on these types of subscriptions). Nonetheless they say themselves they still get around 15% of their cancellations attributed to the issue and we continue to hear from customers who are 'surprised' to find these bills on their credit cards and don't know how to stop them.
To conclude, read carefully what I have written above to avoid those nasty credit card charge surprises, and if you buy it keep your support emails sent to you on purchase so that you can cancel easily if you want to later.
Large Volume of Training Content
This course contains around 20 hours of content to study. It is the largest course I've ever seen for dating skills. The reason it has so much content is because most of it is made up of interviews with women, that go from between 20 minutes to 30 minutes in length.Once per month on the program you are given a bonus with audio, PDF or video content to study. This is given the week you are billed with your next monthly payment.
This training is spread out over 32 weeks - so you are investing around 1 to 2 hours a week in the program on average. For many guys this is probably manageable.
For me personally this was a downside. Because of the interview format, the training is made pretty 'time inefficient'. Instead of getting straight to the point, you watch and learn from observing and listening to the women discuss topics given to them by Brian Burke.
This couldn't have been helped if the interviews were well run. At times, however, Brian seems unprepared for the interviews and he doesn't take control to bring the interviews to the relevant subjects when the girls wander to irrelevant subjects too much. An example would be where one girl gets into specific details of the facial features she particularly likes, describing the strong eyebrows that attract her, for instance (1 minute discussion). There are numerous.
The Realities of Understanding Women through Interviews
I watched the first 6 weeks of videos and find them to be very time consuming with little directly implementable information.It's a nice idea to interview women from each of the 8 personality types. It does make the personality types come alive with real women and in that sense is practical. However, unless you at an advanced level already I think you'll find it hard to make use of this.
Women - rarely - discuss directly in a way that reflects reality their sexuality, attraction and related topics. Studies by marketing researchers over the last 100 years show that what people say, doesn't reflect their behavior or what they do in general topics. The gap between what is said and what is done is far greater when it comes to more repressed subjects like sexuality and sexual choice.
I didn't find these videos to be any different. I could see the differences in the women, what was behind what they were saying - how they are different and will respond differently - but I've been studying and experimenting with dating advice for over 10 years. Would you see through and behind what the women are saying?
That's a key question you need to ask yourself, because it will determine how valuable this training is to you.
Quality of Videos and Packaging
The quality of the program videos and documents is very high. It's all well put together, and care has been taken over the packaging. You won't be disappointed with the presentation of the product - it's a very professional job.Disappointment After Over Promising Marketing
The marketing for this program is pretty aggressive with what it promises. This is not that unusual for products in the dating advice market, and is unfortunate.If you are going to buy this make sure to read these reviews about the real potential of the product, rather than accept what the marketing and sales videos tell you about it. Be realistic about what you could get out of it.
This is an interesting program with some insights about women, but it is no "magic bullets". Magic bullets don't exist. If you of an experienced level there is value to be got from this program from study, and experimentation. I know that experienced / advanced guys are more realistic about what they can get for these programs - so i'm not worried about them getting 'taken in' by the marketing so much.
So this message is for you if you are new to dating advice and inexperienced with women. As I've mentioned in the main Pandora's Box program review - this program isn't well adapted for you. Check through our beginner's rankings for programs that are a better fit for you.
The Bottomline
The full Pandora's Box program is an ambitious attempt to further the field of dating science. The direction is right, but it is lacking in implementation.Without more clarity on the advice for implementation and specific actions the vast majority of men will have difficulty applying this effectively and making use of it.
Under what condition should you buy this? If you are at a very advanced level, have the time to invest, want to push the edge, and don't mind the $800 plus price point - you could get some value from this.
Get ready to invest some time to work through implementing it properly yourself.
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Product Information
This membership program is only accessible through buying the Pandora's Box system. When you sign up for Pandora's Box you are given a free 14 day trial of this PhD program. The role of the program is to provide supporting information, strategies, techniques, and an in-depth video analysis of the 8 types of women in the Pandora's Box system.
A major feature of this program, in which you receive weekly updates over 32 weeks, are the video interviews you receive. In them Brian Burke interviews 8 different women, one from each of Pandora's Box System's personality types. These interview updates come once every 4 weeks (i.e. roughly once per month) while other updates in the form of additional ebooks with implementation details and strategies are updated monthly, or weekly.
- Female Psychology
- Attracting Women
- Online Video
- Online Access
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
The Cinderella
- Week #1: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #2: Video Analysis Part #2
- Strange Psychology and Decoding Women-Speak
- Week #3: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Cold Reading" for All 8 Types
- Week #4: Video Analysis Part #4
The Playette
- Week #5: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #6: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #7: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Approaching without Rejection" for All 8 Types
- Week #8: Video Analysis Part #4
The Hopeful Romantic
- Week #9: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #10: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #11: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Conversational Mastery" for All 8 Types
- Week #12: Video Analysis Part #4
The Connoisseur
- Week #13: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #14: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #15: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Dating Strategies" for All 8 Types
- Week #16: Video Analysis Part #4
The Modern Woman
- Week #17: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #18: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #19: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Get Her Addicted" for All 8 Types
- Week #20: Video Analysis Part #4
Your Private Dancer
- Week #21: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #22: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #23: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Physical Intimacy" for All 8 Types
- Week #24: Video Analysis Part #4
The Seductress
- Week #25: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #26: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #27: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Threesome Strategies" for All 8 Types
- Week #28: Video Analysis Part #4
The Social Butterfly
- Week #29: Video Analysis Part #1
- Week #30: Video Analysis Part #2
- Week #31: Video Analysis Part #3 AND ADVANCED STRATEGY "Total Devotion" for All 8 Types
- Week #32: Video Analysis Part #4
GRADUATION OF Pandora's Ph.D Program!
Week #33: Surprise Bonus Product AND Certificate of Completion!
What You Get:
One episode of video course each week of the program.
Once per month you are given a bonus video, audio or PDF named Advanced Strategy.
Guarantee / Terms:
This P.h.D. program is free for 14 days after subscribing to Pandora's Box System. After the 14 day period you will be charged for $24.95 per week billed monthly ($99.8/month).
User Reviews of Pandoras 32 Week P.h.D In Female Sexual Psychology
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Definitely NOT value for money"
March 17, 2011
-unique and advanced method of finding a partner
-extremely expensive, the initial pandora system costs only $65, but while it is intriguing, it doesn't offer much help in terms of application. The PhD in Female Sexual Psychology is required to fully put it all into practice, but at $25 a week, for 32 weeks, it is definitely NOT value for money.
-The PhD in Female Sexual Psychology is useful effective, but could be completed in no more than 8 weeks. Each week, you receive more videos on a certain woman of a particular "type". These videos are poorly constructed and are NOT worth $25 each. The only value in the "PhD" are the 8 step eBooks, that only come once every 4 weeks.
-This isn't overly important, but there are dozens of careless spelling errors that generally detract from the professional image it is clearly trying to convey.
Having said all that, the program is extremely useful. It really does give you a deeper understanding of the female mind, but it's nothing that can be learned overnight.
The overall cost is nearly $900USD. Perhaps this is why so many [avoid] paying for it...
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