Daygame Blueprint   

Daygame Blueprint
Dating Company: PUA Training | Dating Coaches:
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38 of 42 people found the following review helpful

"Recommended Viewing For Anyone Who Is Serious About Meeting Women During The Daytime"

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Last Update: February 15, 2025
The Good
Very detailed product that covers everything you could want to know about meeting women during the daytime. A lot of the advice is actually relevant in all situations - not solely during the day - so you can use it while out at night or on dates.

There are some great presentations by guest speakers that cover topics on a broad spectrum. The entire course teaches you the specifics of what to do, as well as educating you on the psychology of women.

The Bad
Because there is so much information here it takes a long time to watch all the videos. While not necessarily a bad thing, a few things could have been edited out to cut some length.

Some of the questions called out by audience members can't be heard in some instances when they aren't given a microphone. During one of the in-field clips some footage is not available at a key time when the cameraman got lost.

Product has been updated to a subscription pricing model, requiring you to pay $69/month to retain your membership.

The Bottom Line
This is a solid product for guys who want a straightforward method for meeting women during the daytime.

Everything is covered in detail and demonstrated live. Focuses on the big picture and only teaches you the things you need to know to get the best results now and in the long term.

Update: since this review was originally written, other programs have been released. A better overall product at a more affordable price is Say Hello by Christian Hudson.


The Daygame Blueprint was recorded at a seminar in central London a few years ago. The goal was simple: to teach each of the attendees everything that they needed to know to consistently meet women in everyday situations and begin a relationship with them.

Taught by Yad and Andy Yosha, the founders of, this seminar involved taking their collective years of experience approaching women during the daytime and infusing that knowledge into the audience members. No easy task, which is why the event went for a full three days.

The resulting DVDs (when you purchase this course you view them online) are so chock-full of information that it feels like you've attended the seminar personally. There are five different modules included, with a number of lengthy videos in each, as well as a bonuses section. Don't expect to be able to digest the contents of this program in just a day. While the price might seem high at first, it's actually very reasonable in terms of the quality of information you are receiving.

Because there is so much detail here, there is nothing that is left out. A lot of time is spent on demonstrating the correct way to approach a woman on the street, including the right body language, vocal tonality and what to actually say. Because there are a few coaches demonstrating, they provide a few variations so you can see how the principles apply but still allow you freedom to try different things.

The approach is demonstrated on a woman live during the seminar, as well as during in-field clips of Yad initiating conversations with women on the streets of London. Yad is well known for his penchant for highly attractive eastern European women, and just goes to show that looks are not as important as confidence and personality when it comes to dating beautiful girls.

Probably the most impressive thing about these in-field videos of Yad is how unimpressive they are. Meaning, Yad doesn't do anything really unique that any other guy couldn't do to get the same results. There are no fancy tricks here, just relating as a man to a woman and being honest and playful. The fact that almost no guys ever approach a woman on the street in this way is one of the reasons it works so effectively.

The area of attraction is covered in detail, including how to challenge a woman when you just meet her and how to 'flip the script' after you compliment her so you don't give her all of the power. The exercises on assumption stacking will be particularly useful for nearly everybody watching this, and just getting an understanding of that alone will help boost your success.

Differences From Night Game

When you're in a bar or nightclub, you generally have a lot more options open to you about how you're going to appoach a girl. Because she's unlikely to be in a rush to leave the venue, you can take things a bit slower and use tactics such as social proof to your advantage to get her interested before you even approach her. In the daytime, you really don't have this luxury.

That's why the method taught here is to be as efficient as possible. If you see the girl of your dreams walking by on the street you might only have a couple of seconds to physically get her attention and let her know why you're talking to her. The best way to do that, as advised here, is to give her a genuine compliment based on something you notice about her. From there you can use a few different techniques to pique her interest and stop the interaction from falling into a boring, interview-style conversation.

Because there's no alcohol and loud music involved, no friends to distract her, and a thousand other variables you might find at night, there's more of a focus on being genuine and developing a connection with women. As Yad says, unless a woman feels she has a sense of who you are and you have a genuine interest in her, things aren't going to go anywhere.

A large focus is placed on having an 'instadate', which is a term for going on a date then and there with the girl you've just met. The idea behind this is that it's more solid and cements you more in the girl's mind rather than just exchanging phone numbers. There are demonstrations on how to do this as well as in-field footage showing it in action. Once you see how to apply this, it becomes easier than you might imagine to go on an instadate with someone you've only been talking to for a couple of minutes.

Guest Speakers

There are a few guest speakers throughout the course, with a lot of interesting ideas to share, including a discussion on how to build happiness and supercharge your self-esteem. Really interesting presentation with a lot of deep insights into human behviour that can make a big difference to your inner game.

Alex Love gives a great speech about sex from an evolutionary biology perspective. There's a good mix of theory here combined with some practical insights that you can put to good use. His discussion on how women place their own social value as their primary concern, with sex being secondary to that, will be really useful for most guys to hear. And his demonstrations of how he remains unreactive and handles the situation when his attempts at escalation don't go smoothly are very educational.

Tom Torero discusses how to approach girls in daytime situations other than the street. He talks about how the opening line you might use with great success on the street would be a bad idea in a coffee shop or on public transport. There's some good advice here for guys who want to become better at approaching women in a variety of situations.

What Could Have Been Improved

Because this is a filmed seminar, there are a number of times the guests are asking questions throughout. While there is a good attempt made to make sure they are given a microphone, there are times that this doesn't happen. So there are a few instances of the speaker on stage giving an answer to an inaudible question. There's a couple of times when a guest doesn't really understand something and asks some random questions that sort of take things off on a tangent. Mildly annoying, but can't really be helped.

It also would have been great to see some in-field footage from anyone else other than Yad, just to show some different styles. The clips of Yad are really good, but it would have helped to mix it up a bit.

The actual seminar involved scheduled breaks for all of the attendees to go out into the streets and put into practice what they were learning by doing real approaches. When they come back there is time spent by the coaches giving feedback on these sessions. As the course is already quite long, this section could have been cut from the DVDs without losing anything of value.

Daygame Blueprint Bonuses

You get a number of bonuses included with this product. One of these is a two-part video from a daygame bootcamp run by a different company based in Australia. It's the lecture portion and the instructor is telling students about their own daygame model and giving them specifics on what to do to start conversations with women in different situations.

There are some differences here and there with what Yad and Andy teach, such as using a more indirect approach quite often. There are different methods and styles that work so the best thing is to try out the different ideas that are taught here and see what gets the best results for you.

There's also a 5-minute video clip of Hayley Quinn talking about texting, where she gives you five tips to keep in mind to make your texts more powerful and increase the chances of a girl wanting to see you.

Yad has another infield footage clip here where he breaks down what he's doing when talking to two girls. It's not the best audio or video quality, but he discusses what he's doing and why, giving you seven tips along the way to make your interactions with women go smoother.

There's a number of audio interviews included here as well, featuring a number of dating experts. Adam Lyons discusses how to meet women during the day with entourage game; Colin talks about how to have open relationships and have threesomes; A J and Jordan Harbinger give you their proven texting strategies and there's a number of tracks from the guys at Authentic Man Program.

On top of that there are interviews with David Wygant and Scot McKay, as well as a book on effective body language for daygame by Rob Brinded. Overall there is a lot of extra content included here and you're getting great value for your money.

The Bottom Line

This is a solid product for guys who want a straightforward method for meeting women during the daytime.

Everything is covered in detail and demonstrated live. Focuses on the big picture and only teaches you the things you need to know to get the best results now and in the long term.

Update: since this review was originally written, other programs have been released. A better overall product at a more affordable price is Say Hello by Christian Hudson.

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Product Information

Day Game Blueprint is a training program for men who went to meet women any time of the day any place. It contains 'live footage' of the infamous Yad an Andy Yosha amongst others to show you how some of the best pick up artists in London, UK meet women throughout the day.

The first part of this program is known as "The Perfect Approach" and is viewable before you purchase the program.

Meeting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Download (Video)
Hot Topic Tags:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Andy YoshaTom ToreroYad
PUA Training
Release Date:
October 31, 2011
Price: $69.99


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

MODULE 1: Capture
- Daygame Foundations
- The Attention Snap
- The Prehistory
- The Observational Statement
- Assumption Stacking
- Approach Anxiety
- End Of Day One Q&A

MODULE 2: Attraction
- The Attractive Daygamer
- Rules Of Daygame Attraction
- Humour and Self Amusement

MODULE 3: Rapport
- Authentic Communication
- Deep Rapport
- Number Closing & Instant Dates
- Creating Deep Connections
- End of Day Two Q&A
- Self-Esteem Supercharger

MODULE 4: Seduction
- Leading & Logistics
- Day Two Strategy
- Inner Game Of Sexual Escalation
- Outer Game Of Sexual Escalation

MODULE 5: Advanced
- Indoor & Spontaneous Daygame
- Same Day Lays
- End Of Day Three Q&A

What You Get:

Online Access to videos

Bonus Items:

Helpful ebooks, videos, downloadable mp3s from:
- Adam Lyons
- AJ and Jordan Harbinger
- Alchemy42 (Colin)
- Alex Coulson
- Authentic man Program
- David Wygant
- Rob Brinded
- Scot Mckay
- The 21 Convention

Guarantee / Terms:

Initial purchase price of $69.99 and will continue after 30 days for a price of $69.99 per month. Cancel your subscription any time.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

User Reviews of Daygame Blueprint

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30 of 30 people found the following review helpful

"Great program for Day Game. Lots of video breakdowns of actual approaches. Highly recommended."

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I'll start out with this review by saying I'm fairly introverted to start with. That being said, as much as I enjoy going out to the bars and clubs from time to time and have a good time. I have a harder time approaching women in those higher energy venues. It takes a unique and different kind of approach to approach women in bars and clubs. The reason is because women obviously dress up and go out to look good, compete with the other women, and meet guys (even though they don't all admit it). So with this in mind, women already have this mindset and they KNOW they're going to be approached by multiple guys. So what about Day Game? If you think about it... (Andy and Yad go over this well), a woman is thinking about her everyday life when she's out and about during the day. She's in a totally different state of mind. Which is why the Day Game Blue Print is GREAT! Plus, it doesn't HAVE to be Daylight out. It could be used anywhere outside of the usual bar/nightclub scene.

The Day Game Blueprint goes over a TON of stuff regarding strictly Day Game. Right off the bat they show you how to approach women in the Streets. That's right. They show you exactly how to approach a woman and capture her attention while she walks down the street to do whatever it is she's doing. They go over in depth how the entire process works from the initial "Capture" phase of catching their attention, to the Attraction, Rapport, Seduction phases. The best part is that in Day Game it is best to throw a straight up compliment at her about something in particular whereas, at a bar or night club.... women hear compliments ALL THE TIME, so they aren't nearly as receptive to it as during the day when the last thing they're thinking about is men hitting on them.

Anyway, I'm getting off the subject of the review... I REALLY enjoyed going through the 18+ hours of video instructions (that's not even including the hours of Bonus Material). Andy and Yad as well as all of the other instructors have a VAST amount of knowledge with Day Game. The best part is they have video footage of them approaching women and you get to watch EXACTLY how they do it and how they are interacting with the women. They do breakdowns through the process to help you understand HOW and WHY they're doing what they're doing and why it's WORKING. They also show the contrast of new students that didn't do so well and show why it DIDN'T work for them at that time.

I'm personally a big fan of the Day Game concept more so than Night game. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a beginner at this stuff so I've still got a LOT to learn in both areas, but I was VERY happy with my purchase of this product as they break everything down for beginners to advanced experience levels. They have so many different instructors as well that cover many different topics from Love, Sex, Relationships, to Self Amusement/Humor witih women. It's amazing how simple the initial approach sounds but they break everything down very well.

Being that I'm still a beginner to this stuff, I can't really point out any particular negative aspects of this program other than I wish they had gone over some more "areas" to pick up women in other than the street like the beach, for example. Most of their basis of Day Game is done picking up women walking down the streets. But at the same time, if you can master picking up a woman on the street, then you can pretty much pick up a woman anywhere. :)

I highly recommend this program for those interested in learning how to pick up women in the middle of the day, or EVEN THE NIGHT. It doesn't HAVE to be day light out to do it. It's mostly for any area outside of a Bar or Nightclub type of scene.

-Michael K.
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28 of 52 people found the following review helpful

"dissapointing 'masterpiece' from the day game masters "

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sorry, but i cant agree with the over the top accolades for this product.
first let me put it straight - is an awesome company with a great set of instructors who truly know their stuff. however this product is lame for a number of reasons:
1) Andy's uninspiring presentation. Andy Yosha guy comes over like a wet blanket. He is boring, scatty and doesnt convince. stick to designing the cover and give Yad more time please
2) over engineering.. making a simple thing (street pickup) over complicated with stupid names like "attraction snap" "capture phase" ridiculous
3) constant boring self indulgent questions from audience members. now of course its ok to give the mike to audience, but the same guys answer obviously stupid / irrelevent questoins time and time again. this comes across as self indulgent. and did we really need to see the instructors assesement of their guys performance in the field? sorry guys, but who cares? better editing would have made this product more snappy.

so to summarise - forget this product. its a waste of time. save some more pennies and go and do a bootcamp with them instead
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13 of 16 people found the following review helpful

"Great product, but it could've been so much better."

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It's hard to grade this on Ease of Implementation, because today all day I let girls pass me by and I strived to just approach them according to the instructions.

The method is simple. It's not complicated or overwhelming like Ross Jeffries stuff or Mystery's stuff. At the same time, there are different parts to learn.

Though it is simple, it is NOT easy to implement. Maybe it becomes easy eventually...but today, there were several cute girls who were clearly into me, and I flirted a little but that was that. I couldn't find the courage to do anything real.

The brunette girl, Sarah Moxom (Yosha said her name in the Capture videos), was stunning.
Not sure whether she was hired or previously gamed.

Yosha was an excellent speaker, but a few times might've stepped on Yad's toes. Not sure.

The 3 things I HATED about this product (all audio issues):

1. The intro and outro music is MUCH louder than the audio of the seminar. It nearly gave me a heart attack every time each segment ended, because of the blaring volume of the music.

2. The seminar students ask questions which cannot be heard, and the speakers fail to repeat the question (except Tom), for the benefit of the DVD. I remember Ross Jeffries was always good about this. After someone was finished with his question, RJ would say, "His question is...." Then he would answer it. In Daygame Blueprint, you hear answers but you don't know the questions.

3. Half of the infield videos COULD HAVE BEEN SO helpful, but are practically USELESS because you can't hear or understand anything the girl says, and sometimes you can't hear Yad.

Why don't they clean up the audio in a program like Audacity or something?
Yad said in the last segment that the DVD's would have subtitles, since it's impossible to understand the words. There are no subtitles.

That's why I grade it a 1 for value for the money. You can't charge $200 for a product and not even bother to spend 20 minutes using a free audio program to clean up the feedback in the audio.

Also, even though they talk about street approaches primarily, they also talk about coffee shops and other venues. Why not simply film the infield videos in a quieter venue, like a museum? If you did that, your infield videos would be better than anyone else's. Mystery's videos are always unwatchable because Mystery performs in loud clubs and bars. Why not film a pickup in a quiet area, just for the sake of the watchability of it. Or if you still insist on producing infield footage with unintelligible audio, AT LEAST put in some subtitles.

In spite of my annoyance with the quality of the audio, I really liked the product overall. Maybe in a month I'll feel even better about it...because I intend to implement it. I just need to see the Wizard of Oz first for some courage.
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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"best product out there"

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By far the best product I've used.

If you have been through any overwhelming material like mystery method stuff then in comparison you won't think this is advanced at all, your "brain won't melt".
It's a totally different approach than all the club stuff, this is just what our ancestors have been doing before clubs began.
You will get everything needed, to approach a girl on the street, or anywhere, and bring her into your life.

This isn't about using tricks or canned material, it warms my heart to know Andy and Yad have made PUA something so Honest, Real and Fun.
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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"great product, but some negs"

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i agree with most comments... it's a great product. But its not without its problems.
most of them come from Yad himself. he kind of just stands there and instead of talking about what he was actually suppose to be talking about, he just tends to waffle and go off into dreamland and talking about utter nonsense, and goes on to explain things that are not actually going on...
he doesn't give proper demos when he says he was going to. the two models who show up are as thick as anything and dont add anything to the product, i would have liked their proper opinions instead of just giggling into the mic.

the streets demos were very poor. the quality was awful, and we couldn't hear anything that was said, and with yad constantly stopping it every 5 seconds, i just began to lose interest... yad is very boring to listen to, because he doesn't get to the point and he's talking utter crap.
he will often say don't do something and then in his video he does it...
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5 of 9 people found the following review helpful


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This is by far the best daygeme product i have ever seen. By far. I like the direct approach because i feel more manly and i hate the indirect monkeys of other products. At least i found somthing to follow that i really like.

It is very analitical and it would show you the exact steps for the very start till the end in a very informative way.

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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"the original and the best"

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what can I say about this product that hasn't already been said, easily the most essential daygame package to have, as the brainchild of Yad and Andy you really can't go wrong here, Yad is known as the father of the whole daygame movement out of London and Andy was his first wingman, together they break down everything you need to be make a success of chatting up girls in the daytime, this really is the blueprint

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful


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It was awesome. It explains everything really well and I recommend it to anyone
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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"BEST Way To Learn Daygame!"

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This is the best way to learn daygame (meeting and attracting women during the day). It covers so much detail and for the price, it's worth it. Only problem is sometimes, your can't hear what the audience is saying and one of the infield is hard to hear. But, other than that, this is one of the best. Highly recommended.
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