Unbreakable - The Confidence and Game To Get What You Want   

Unbreakable - The Confidence and Game To Get What You Want
Dating Company: The Social Man | Dating Coaches:
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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful

"A Solid Product Which Makes Dating Science 'Down to Earth' and Accessible"

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Last Update: February 15, 2025
The Good
Very down to earth and simple take on dating science, comprehensive, good advice on how to learn and where to focus your efforts
The Bad
Gets overcrowded with concepts and technicalities in some parts, nothing new for you if you've already used the main dating advice products from other companies
The Bottom Line
A good grounding programme for beginners. It has everything you need. It will be best for those of you who are good studiers (because there are a fair number of concepts introduced).

If you've read one or two pieces of dating advice already and feel a bit more at home with terminology, this could also be a good product for you.

Overall - it's a good solid product.


This is a program which is pretty comprehensive in covering everything about meeting, attracting and dating women. It should be thought of as a 'Dating Manual' with the foundations of what you need to know to get good. It is basically "The Social Man"'s explanation of dating science.
Somewhere between Beginner to Intermediate
I see this as a product which is a little between total beginners and intermediates.

On the one hand it's comprehensive. Everything is in there to give a beginner a good foundation in dating science. And it attempts to stick to the most important things to start to get good from scratch. The tone of conversation from Christian Hudson and Nick Sparks throughout is focused on helping the beginner.

On the other hand the fact that it is so comprehensive, means that some aspects are a little rushed through - and could become confusing for a beginner.

Example in hand - in Part 4 of the videos there are ALOT of concepts and terms introduced in particular. It feels like waves and wave of them and gets too much for a beginner IMHO. Newbies may feel they are drowning in concepts and some technical language on that video.

One of the Most "Down to Earth" Products on the Market
What do I mean by "Down to Earth"? Christian and Nick have obviously made big efforts in everything from the words they use to the way they have structured the advice to make it more accessible to the every day guy.

They use a lot of common words and terminology for example to explain things. They provide examples throughout about the concepts they are talking to, and use some helpful visual diagrams to get the more complex points across.

So, given how much ground they cover in the product - I'd give it an A+ in terms of how they've tried to simplify it, and keep it as uncomplicated as possible. Really good effort.

Innovation is Not its Strong Point
When I finished watching this program I couldn't help thinking of many other products that I've reviewed. The majority of content has been taken from many of the best products, and common community knowledge, that has been developed up till it's creation in 2009.

For those of you who have already consumed a fair bit of dating advice this may help to put this comment into context. "Unbreakable" core is something equal to:

"Take Real Social Dynamic's Foundations and merge it with the Blueprint Decoded. Then add some of the innovations from Venusian Arts' Revelations and Love Systems' Magic Bullets."

If you've read and watched these products don't expect any huge revelations. You'll notice many concepts from these which have similar names. Examples from many are RSD's Reticular Activation System (Value Filter) and Love Systems' Emotional Progression model (Emotional Continuum).

Caveat. Merging and combining ideas is innovation to an extent. To merge ideas and concepts and make them work together well takes some innovation. So you may get some insights and learn from the way they have pulled this altogether.

I found it to be an elegant way to look at dating science. As I mentioned before, it is a well structured product in its simplicity.

Where I feel the product WAS innovative was with the aforementioned efforts to bring 'dating science' down to earth and more accessible to the masses. This is the value that Christian Hudson and Nick Sparks brought to the dating advice market with this product.

All About Emotions - Not About Technical Tactics
Some of the strengths of this product are how it focuses its approach on dating science. They put a lot of emphasis on emotions, from their emotional continuum concept to just about everything they talk about. This is a really useful and practical perspective which will help a lot of guys. Particularly if you've used a lot of dating advice and are not getting results - this may help to get over this barrier.

As a result you will find this to be a lot less of a 'technical/ mechancial' product than Revelations or Magic Bullets. It has a lot less tactics and talks a lot more about basic principles.

To build on this they also talk about a lot of subtleties in building connections with people in the last couple of videos. It's these kinds of subtleties that often get students 'brains to click' so they get it. Great to see these here.

Good Advice on How to Learn Game
Finally their advice as to how to learn the game is spot on. They have carefully named some of what people call game as "Super Powers" to emphasize that its the last thing to learn. And not even necessary.

I was really glad to see this, because often guys get distracted by a lot of the complex and advanced stuff they don't need to get some better results with women.

They cover these in the last video.

The Bottom Line
This is a good grounding programme for beginners. It has everything you need. It will be best for those of you who are good studiers (because there are a fair number of concepts introduced).

If you aren't so inclined, other products like the Double Your Dating eBook or the Attraction Code will be better to start off with.

If you've read one or two pieces of dating advice already and feel a bit more at home with terminology, this could also be a good product for you.

Overall - it's a good solid product.

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Product Information

This ten-hour online program teaches men how develop unbreakable confidence to attract women. It was created to help you improve the way you think and act around the women that you want.

The program is divided into 9 modules and includes audio MP3s copies, and PDFs of the material.

Bonus items include:

- Complete Confidence Hypnosis
- The Ten Code (14-day trial)
- Breathtaking Hello
- Endless Conversations

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
  • Download (Audio)
  • Download (Video)
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Christian HudsonNick Sparks
The Social Man
Release Date:
June 01, 2009
Price: $67.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Module 1: The metaDynamics of Social Interactions

- The Cognitive Reality Loop, a model of how humans process and interact with each other
- How to quickly manage and manipulate social situations to your advantage
- Understanding the concepts to change bad habits destroying your ability to connect with women
- Emotional Continuum model identifying what people think and feel when attracted or turned off by you

Module 2: Female Psychology: Tested and Revisited

- Three core emotional triggers that women feel as attraction builds
- How to correctly be a likeable type (nice guy, cocky/funny guy, successful guy, etc.)
- “Low Hanging Fruit Principle" to know if she’s open to casual fun or something more serious

Module 3: Realtime Confidence and Engagement

- Breakdown of a woman’s 3 core emotions
- How your confidence and emotional state can either create magic or decimate the interaction
- How to say the right things at the right time with complete confidence
- Managing your interaction to advance her interest in you
- Immediately know when you get attraction and keeping control of it towards success

Module 4: Primary Value

- Deconstructing the six core components of confidence
- Learn how to control your feedback threshold, which may or may not active approach anxiety
- What Jay-Z and Dashboard Confessional have to do with your confidence

Module 5: Passive Value

- How to best tell the “story of your life” to yourself and to others
- Six key components of a lifestyle that women will be desperate to be a part of
- Brain rewiring to overcome past negative experiences that prevent you from going after women

Module 6: Personality

- The Social Man Statutes: the four personality traits good men instinctively embody
- A personality filter to get people to remember you as the most charismatic guy in the room
- How to rid yourself of weird PUA tricks

Module 7: The Unbreakable Method

- The four-step method for going from cold approach to a date, and more
- Temperature Check questions that reduce the time it takes from meeting to kissing her, and beyond
- The “metaframe” of the interaction that will govern all of your instincts and still let you be charismatic

Module 8: Fundamental Skills

- Three different types of “moves” women do to game you and how to reverse the game on them
- The conversation arc: a five-step pathway to get deep with a woman
- Understanding the Charisma Fundamentals right is not optional

Module 9: Advanced Skills

- Three different ways that you can get her feeling good about investing in your emotionally
- How to use a combination of powerful social skills to spark interactions and keep her attention
- Two conversational games a woman’s defenses and get them playfully chasing you

What You Get:

- Downloadable DVDs (or have them shipped if you want a backup at home)
- Audio MP3 files
- PDFs of the material

Guarantee / Terms:


User Reviews of Unbreakable - The Confidence and Game To Get What You Want

(3 reviews)

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8 of 13 people found the following review helpful

"Worth every cent I spent"

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Here are my two cents, I think every pickup and dating product gets a few bad reviews from disgruntled customers, and the previous two reviews exemplified that.

I've bought many different products previously, Mystery Method, Hypnotica, Gambler, David DeAngelo, you name it. This is THE product where everything comes together. It focuses on developing a "natural" game which it's not about using the same canned line over and over. What's more important as highlighted and taught is developing yourself as a better man.

The powerpoints and notes sections have been very helpful when you need to rehash what you learned. The focus on inner game is the biggest highlight because Christian and Nick provided specific examples and things you need to attract the woman. It's not about what you say, but how you say it: you learn tricks about eye contact, body language, and conversation skills.


1. Pickup products have many similar concepts nowadays, but these guys explain really well on how you implement the concepts.
2. If you are new to pickup, the best product to buy is still Double Your Dating from David D.
3. This is a step above from DYD, you buy this product because you want to become better in all aspects of your life, rather than just pickup.
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6 of 18 people found the following review helpful

"Please. This is the worst product I have attempted to study from"

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I stomached it all the way through. Study Revelation or 77 Sexual Laws by David D. Even Ross Jefferies worst product is better. Real World Seduction Swingcat 2.0 will teach you so much more at half the cost. The only thing unique is this program is on outline cards, audio, and video. There is no workbook, exercises, or anything else. Look elsewhere.
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5 of 14 people found the following review helpful


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It seems like the authors are creating an academic overview of the pua techniques. They summarize in a technical way the different methods and techniques. There are few examples of the techniques. This is completely useless.
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