Adonis Golden Ratio

Editor Review
"One of a Kind Original for Building an Attractive Body"
Image and fashion skills is one of the two areas (Relationship skills being the other one) where DatingSkillsReview believes there is still a lack of quality products to help guys despite these being important areas that men need support with.
The Adonis Index Philosophy
This product is a first of a kind, helping guys to mold the most important part of their image and the first impression they make with women: their body. Brad Howard and John Barban have written a review and introduction of the research ("The Adonis Effect" ebook) that exists on what the most attractive physical body for a man is. From this they have defined their "Adonis Index", a score that tells you how close or how far away you are from that perfect body. The index is based on a commonly used ratio the WSR, that has been proven in numberous research studies to be a lot more attractive to women.I've personally been into fitness a long time and was aware of this, as I know a select few of the dating coaches are in the world, and they have purposefully built bodies that fit this attractive ratio. Brad Howard and John Barban are obviously among these. So this isn't secret information Adonis Index is giving you.
However, what they have done is pull together all the research into one eBook that explains it really well and introduces a newbie or beginner to it really easily. They've done a great job of making it easy to understand and clear for anyone new to the subject (which is 99% of men of course).
In a nutshell, The Adonis Index Philosophy is to build a body that has been proven by research to be the most attractive. They advise ignoring a lot of the information on fitness in the media, which is mostly aimed at creating demand for fitness products, which I couldn't agree with more.
So these guys have done a great job of simplifying it down to what is important and rejecting all of the dubious information that is misleading out there. This actually isn't a small task - it must have taken quite a bit of work, which is easy to see through the number of research studies the ebook references.
But is it Easy to Implement?
The approach Adonis Index Systems has taken to customizing your workout program for you is also solid. They have done their homework and give you calculations to make in order to define which program you should be on. There are three programs: Build, Build and Burn and Burn. These mix the goals of building muscle vs. burning fat as appropriate for your stage of fitness conditioning.So that's all good.
Once you have identified your custom program you follow a typical 12 week long program (12 weeks has become the fitness industry standard these last years).
Disclaimer: I haven't done any of their 12 week programs myself so I can't give you direct feedback on their effectiveness from personal experience. I wouldn't be a good example to track results since I already have close to the correct "Adonis Index" score. However, from my personal experience these workouts would achieve their goals with one caveat. I'll come to that in a minute.
The requirements for the program are that you have sufficient time and a gym with the standard range of equipment. For the middle of the road program "Build and Burn" as an example you will be working out 6 days per week with 4 days of an hour to an hour and a half each and two days of about half an hour. That adds up to between 6 to 8 hours exercise time in the gym per week.
The Program's Weakness - Nutrition
There are many philosophies in fitness - and many opinions. In the Adonis Systems Index approach there is very little nutritional advice apart from the bonus ebook "How Much Protein?". The protein book is a very technical and comprehensive run through of how much protein you should eat (anyone who has read a lot of fitness research will appreciate the work gone into it). Tick the box on that.However, I found it a little surprising where it comes to the "Burn" program in particular that there wasn't more information on the rest of the diet.
All my experiences says that nutrition is always going to be an essential factor in fat loss - Adonis Systems seems to have skipped over this point. There is no advice on nutrition to lose fat, and the subject is passed over very quickly. This is the caveat I mentioned earlier.
For a Fitness Beginner or an Advanced Trainee?
This program is suited to either beginners or advanced gym goers from the perspective of the explanation of what your ideal body is.From the implementation side, the exercise explanations etc., I think intermediates to advanced gym goers will get the most out of it.
The explanations and instructions are easy enough to follow and there are clear directions for the exercises. The issue for beginners, if you haven't trained before is that there are important gaps in areas such as safety in the gym and as mentioned above - nutrition.
The Adonis Index Systems Community
One final caveat to this review is warranted. I haven't explored the forums and community that Adonis Index provides where you will obviously have access to a wide range of frequently asked questions and answers from Brad Howard. These may address the weaknesses I've raised above. I have heard through second hand opinion that their forums are good - but I can't comment on them one way or the other.The Bottom Line
DatingSkillsReview congratulates Adonis Index Systems for helping guys in an area where no help existed. We feel a product like this had to be made, and will make a real difference to a guy's dating life. Its great to finally have it here.Here's what we recommend: If you don't have an ideal physique, in particular if you believe it to be quite far from the ideal (either too skinny or too fat) then working on this is really your first priority. The Adonis Index System provides some great information to help you focus your efforts on the right goals. If you are a beginner, understand that for implementation you will have to read around the fitness subject (or pester people in the Adonis Index forums and read up on the content there) in addition to this to get the most out of it.
Overall, it's a one of a kind product at the moment. So if you are struggling in making a first impression with women and haven't taken care of your physique et - it will be a good buy for you.
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Product Information
The Adonis Golden Ratio (formerly known as Adonis Index Systems) is a collection of ebooks, audios, and videos from John Barban and Brad Howard that shows a compilation of research that harnesses the power of the "divine proportion." It is a 55-week cycle and workout system that will help you achieve the body you've wanted by using the Adonis Index and the Fibonacci sequence.
Bonuses include:
- The Muscle Index Manual
- 30-day trial access to Adonis Index Insiders Club, VIP forum, and blog
- eBook
- Download (Audio)
- Download (Video)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Adonis Index 3.0 Master Manual:
- How human size matters
- Good nutrition fundamentals
- The Adonis Index and the story of John Barban
- The Goldilocks Phenomenon and the perfect male form
- The one supplement to increase muscle size and strength
- The one supplement to increase muscle size and strength
- How to calculate the Golden Ratio as it relates to perfect male proportions
- Why some muscle physiology and growth information is only half the truth
- Why most men are building the wrong body to attract women, and be respected by men
- The negative aspects of the bodybuilding subculture as a diet and fitness industry leader
- The secret supplement companies use to drive men's health and fitness products and services
- How the Adonis Index as a measurement tool is an unfair advantage against your competition
- The reason to ignore what you read about muscle physiology and growth in the media
- Why "bulking" and "cutting" the body never really builds additional muscle
The Muscle Building Foundation 12 Week Cycle:
- Power and strength training for force potential increases
- A quick way to add thick and dense muscle without getting fat
The Adonis Index 3.0 20 Week Cycle:
AI Cycle 1: Strength Endurance (4 week cycle)
- Burn fat while conditioning the muscles and cardiovascular system
- Increase lactic acid threshold and improve anaerobic conditioning
- Primes the muscles for neurological and mechanical growth adaptation
AI Cycle 2: Hypertrophy (4 week cycle)
- Rapid nutrient uptake for muscles
- Expands both scaffolding and muscle fiber size
- The effects of advanced energy system utilization and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
AI Cycle 3: Strength (4 week cycle)
- Provides strength for full body growth
- Accelerates focused shoulder girdle development and strength gains
- Prepares the nervous system for increased power output and exertion levels
- Starts myofibrillated hypertrophy and increases neural drive stimulating muscle contraction
AI Cycle 4: Power (4 week cycle)
- Unlocks maximum muscular potential
- Utilizes neuromuscular recruitment and synchronization training
- Primes the muscles for neurological and mechanical growth adaptation
Rage: Overreaching Shock Cycles
- The Rage Cycles are 4 strategic and intense workouts
- Pushing the body to its limits as it becomes accustomed to your workload
Four 2-week cycles:
- Fibonacci Pyramids
- Progressive Supersets
- Timed Sets
- Conditioning Circuits
Booster series for lagging body parts:
- Workouts that allow you to modify and customize the 20 week Adonis Index 3.0 cycle
What You Get:
3.0 videos
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Adonis Golden Ratio
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Overall Good, but a Lot of Fluff"
March 04, 2013
My big complaint is I feel like there's a lot of fluff you have to push through to get to the substance. I felt like a lot of what's in their main manual could have been said in 20 pages. A lot of it was repeated points over and over. I feel like 20% of what they say is really to the point and the rest is repetition, baseless, common knowledge, or throwing around big terms (like psychologically, physiologically, sociologically blah blah) as filler. I understand that it's nice to have 115 pages when you sell a product instead of 20, but I'm the type of person that resents filler and would rather pay the same price to get less pages if those pages are valuable and don't waste my time. I like paying for the value of information that I'm getting, even if it's contained in less pages. If I get the high value info I need that works, I've learned not to worry about how many pages it took to get that info to me.
Also, I had basic questions that I had to search through the documents, podcasts, e-mails for that was really annoying. For instance, how many days per week should I work out? Should I skip a day in between workouts to give my muscles time to rebuild? It pisses me off that I have to wade through repeated garbage and fluff to find answers to basic questions like this in beginning my program.
However, it is the best workout program I've ever done (I've prolly only done like 3 or 4) and I like the workouts I'm doing. I recommend it, but just know a lot of the "content" is (to me) marketing b.s. (their "newsletters") or repeating the same stuff and I resent that I have to go through that.
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