The Flow

Editor Review
"Good Overview And Explanation On How To Become More Successful With Women And Dating"
The main themes revolve around how to banter and be playful with women, how to play your masculine role and how to convey higher status. If you're fairly new to learning about dating and want something that focuses on the core principles that lead to success, this is a solid product.
A couple of other programs we'd also recommend that focus on meeting and attracting women are Say Hello by Christian Hudson and Make Women Want You by Jason Capital.
The Flow is written by Dan Bacon, of Australian-based dating company The Modern Man. It's intended for beginners and aims to teach you the core fundamentals you need to meet, attract and date new women.
It's written using plain, everyday language and doesn't contain any of the industry-specific jargon that you see in a lot of dating and pickup products. So if you're new to learning about dating skills then this is a good book bring you up to speed that's easy to wrap your head around.
The Flow starts out by talking about Dan's personal journey from being terrible with women to having slept with over 250 women and having successful relationships.
The story about how and why his girlfriend broke up with him is quite common, and a lot of guys will be able to relate to this. You may read it and recognize you've made, or are making, the same mistakes that Dan points out.
The 4 Steps Of The Flow
The four different steps of the flow are designed to be part of every stage of the interaction with women. So you can use it when you first meet a woman, when you're on the phone, when you're on a date etc.
So those steps are:
- Start an interaction
- Spark attraction
- Develop a connection
- Take it to the next level
This isn't anything really original, and in fact most dating formulas use some kind of modification of this basic idea. Each company or coach will put their own spin on it, but it's the same idea dressed up with slightly different names.
For beginners, this is a good place to start though as it doesn't over-complicate things and give you too much to think about it. As you gain experience and become more advanced, then the model is somewhat limited and restrictive.
Most of the focus of the book is on the first two steps, starting an interaction and sparking attraction. This is fine, since it's the area where the majority of men get stuck and have the most problems.
Starting An Interaction
This section starts off by showing you why it's so important for men to start the interaction, and not wait for women to do so. It does a good job of explaining things from a woman's point of view about this topic, so you'll realize why it's your responsibility to make the first move.
So there's some info on dealing with approach anxiety and the most common thoughts guys have that prevent them from talking to women. You'll also see Dan talk about the right mindset and attitude to have from the very start of the interaction that seems to automatically create attraction. It seems like a pretty simple shift in mindset but it does make a big difference when you do it correctly.
For what to actually say, there are three types of conversation starters taught here. The types of conversation starters are not original, but some of the specific examples are. Most of these are pretty simple and work well when done right.
Most of the examples revolve around approaching women in a bar, but there's also suggestions for daytime situations. There's nothing here that's difficult to do or weird in a way that will get you called out for being a pick up artist.
Sparking Attraction
This section is the longest part of the book, and also the area that guys typically have the most trouble with. One of the main principles that drives everything here is that you should be playing the dominant, masculine role in the interaction. That for attractive, feminine women to be attracted to you, you must be a confident, masculine man.
Dan goes into detail on how a lot of guys lower their status and don't act in a strong and masculine way because they think by being nice and polite it'll make women realize what a gentleman they are and how good of a catch the guy is.
None of these concepts are anything new, but they are explained in an easy to understand way. So for beginners this is a good overview of some of the most important points for what it takes to naturally create real and lasting attraction in women.
If you want a more advanced look into the role that status plays in sexually attracting women, then check out The Social God System by Jason Capital. For an advanced look at the importance of playing the masculine gender role, take a look at the Way of the Superior Man by David Deida.
Dan talks about eight personality traits that are attractive to women and spends some time going into detail on each of these with examples. Some of the things here are likely to work better for you than others, so you'll have to experiment a bit and see what you get the best results with.
One thing to keep in mind is to be careful about going overboard with the banter and 'playfully arrogant' humor that is talked about here. It's effective when done right and in the right doses, but can become tiresome when you overdo it. Dan and his coaches are based in Australia, where in general girls are a lot more used to guys teasing and making fun of them. Depending on where you live and the culture, you might need to tone it down somewhat.
When it comes to humor it's a very individual thing and you'll have to find what fits your personality so you can be congruent with what you're saying. But overall there are a ton of examples in this section so you should find it helps you use humor more effectively with women.
Sometimes when you're in the early stages of talking to a woman, she won't respond all that positively. This is an issue Dan talks about in depth and tells you why she's doing it, plus how to handle the situation to turn it around. It might seem a bit tough at first, but if you practice this you'll start seeing some results from it.
Overall, this part of the book is a really solid resource on what it takes to attract women and if you're new to learning dating skills you'll pick up a lot of great ideas here. Even if you've got some experience, there'll likely be some things here and there that'll be of particular use for where you're at.
Connection And Taking It To The Next Level
In the model here, after you've attracted a woman you need to develop a connection with her. This is the shortest section and while there are some solid examples here, there's not a ton of depth.
There are four different techniques Dan teaches you to create a connection. It's pretty simple and straightforward and nothing difficult you'll need to learn.
If this is an area that you know you really need to work on, then you'll likely need something more comprehensive. I suggest you check out The Connection Course by Mark Manson, which is a great program for that.
After connecting comes taking it to the next level, and this could be getting a phone number, arranging a date, or leading the interaction towards sex. Part of what is taught here is how to recognize when a woman is interested, so you don't miss the window of opportunity in moving things forward.
There's details and examples on what to do so that you can escalate physically and make sure things are headed in a romantic or sexual direction. Overall this is a solid section with advice that is well tailored to the beginner level.
The one thing that wasn't covered was texting when it comes time to call the girl. Dan talks a bit about handling the phone call and what tactics to employ here, but it was strange texting was completely neglected when it's such a common way to communicate these days.
Especially if you're a beginner, texting can make things easier as you don't have to worry about nerves when calling or saying the wrong thing on the phone. So if you purchase The Flow it's recommended you get a product that will cover this area for you, and the one we recommend is How2TxtHer by Christian Hudson.
Is This Product For You?
The quality of the information in The Flow is of a high standard, and gives a good broad overview of how to be successful with women and dating. There's not a lot of originality here, so if you've read other dating advice products you might feel you've heard most of these ideas before.
If you're a beginner and you want something that gives you a good mix of mindsets and attitudes combined with actionable steps and techniques, then this is well worth checking out. It's not the most complete system or guide out there, but it's certainly enough to get you started.
The Bottom Line
This is a good introductory book for beginners on how to be more attractive to women. There isn't anything really original here, but it's taken some of the best available ideas and tried to simplify them. If you like dating advice without complicated theory and jargon, then you'll appreciate this product.
The main themes revolve around how to banter and be playful with women, how to play your masculine role and how to convey higher status. If you're fairly new to learning about dating and want something that focuses on the core principles that lead to success, this is a solid product.
A couple of other programs we'd also recommend that focus on meeting and attracting women are Say Hello by Christian Hudson and Make Women Want You by Jason Capital.
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Product Information
This ebook teaches you about what women really want in a man and how you can quickly get the results that you want with women. The second phase is learning how to use the program itself, which is designed as a revolutionary, 4-step process that causes women to automatically feel attracted to you and want to get to know you.
The Flow helps you to smoothly move from a conversation, to a phone number, to a date. It includes a number of word-for-word conversation and flirting examples, as well as perspective shifts and insights about success with women.
Bonuses include:
Product Sample Pack
- Dating Power
- Mastery Methods & Mindsets
- The Ultimate Guide to Conversation
Instructions on how to use The Flow
Discount Links
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
The Story of The Flow
Chapter 1: The Four Steps of The Flow
Using The Flow to Automatically Create Sexual Chemistry
Chapter 2: Step 1 of The Flow
Start an Interaction
Conversation Contribution
Conversation Starters
1. Direct Conversation Starters
2. Situational Conversation Starters
3. Simple Conversation Starters
Chapter 3: Step 2 of The Flow
Spark Attraction
8 Personality Traits That Naturally Attract Women
1. Confident
2. Masculine
3. Funny
4. Unpredictable
5. Charming
6. Sexual
7. Charismatic
8. Socially Intelligent
Chapter 4: Step 3 of The Flow
Develop a Connection
4 Attractive Ways to Connect With a Woman
1. Talk From Your Perspective
2. Be Easy Going
3. Ask Questions and Expand on Her Answers
4. Create Intimate Energy Moments
Chapter 5: Step 4 of The Flow
Take it to the next level
10 Next Level Moments
1. Touch Her
2. Get Alone With Her
3. Get Her Phone Number or Add Her to Facebook
4. Call Her or Text Her Right After Getting Her Phone Number
5. Kiss Her the First Time That You Meet her
6. Have Sex With Her on the First Day or Night That You Meet Her
7. Call Her to Arrange a First Date
8. Kiss Her on the First Date
9. Have Sex on the First Date
10. Text Her or Call Her to Arrange a Second Date
Chapter 6: Summary of The Flow
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User Reviews of The Flow
Most Helpful User Reviews
"best seduction book i've ever read"
October 16, 2011
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"Works with sacrifice"
August 26, 2012
I've read through it twice now and have found the methods behind it to be highly effective. Anyone who already has that confidence to approach women will benefit greatly from this book and get all the attractions and attention you could ask for.
One con (from my own experience and personality) is that without a little bit of confidence or daring already in you, there may be difficulty convincing yourself to overcome the hardest step of the Flow, approaching a woman. The one problem with this ebook is that it doesn't necessarily help you overcome anxiety, it is sort of assumed you can build it over time after using the Flow. Testimonials have proven this to be true and I wish I had the same success as all of them. Nerves may inhibit you from taking that vital step forward, depending on who you are. To this day, nerves and reluctance still takes its toll on me and I have been unable to use the Flow on anyone except any well known friends of mine who are girls. If you've got courage and some experience in approaching a woman, this ebook IS for you!
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July 23, 2014
I got Dan's book about 3 months ago and got laid the first night I went out using the techniques. After that I was sleeping with a few more women that I met and then I recently chose one of them as my girlfriend.
5 stars from me for sure. Anyone who says anything bad about The Flow is either a competitor trying to discredit Dan (who is one of the only legit dating coaches out there) by writing a fake bad review or a weirdo.
The Flow is what every guy should read if he is not getting what he wants with women. It's the most practical, complete approaching guide online. I've never come across anything than even compares it. The Flow is in a league of its own and has been written by a true master of the game.
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"The Greatest Dating Book for Beginner's to ever exist"
November 10, 2014
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"Deep Stuff"
October 06, 2014
The Flow works in a different way; you get to realize that you only need to change some ways to go about things in order to become a better version of yourself. Not only this applies to dating, but also in other areas of your life.
And these deep insights are the things that make The Flow different. Because in order to change as a man and have women be naturally attracted to you, you need to work on this "deep stuff". But when you get to connect with that power within you, you realize that it's all worth it.
That being said, this is also a very practical guide. Concepts are explained in a very simple, straight-forward manner and they yield amazing results. Reading this has literally changed my life, as I was a very insecure person at first with no success at all in both dating and life in general. Now I feel confident and powerful in social situations and currently I'm dating a smart, beautiful and caring girl.
10/10 This book is a life-changer.
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June 29, 2014
Then, they get very philosophical about the importance of such topics
such as masculinity, getting out of your head and creating emotions.
They constantly fail to offer any specific information or
step-by-step direction about how to create more emotions or
becoming more masculine. People who spend this kind of money have
the right to expect more than a few guys who talk in vague ways.
***Do not tell me to work on something in my life without
a clear explanation of how to do this.
I have purchased 4 products-each time hoping for something
better---and each time was disappointed.
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"The REAL deal! Best ebook on Dating I've ever read"
September 26, 2014
1) Truthful information on what women want in a man and how you can be that guy she wants to be with, without pickup lines or putting on a false persona!
2) A four step process on attracting women with loads of examples!
3) how to be the man women want you to be before, during, and after your relationship, be it one night stand or for life.
All that is required of the reader is to practice, practice and PRACTICE!
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"The Flow and Women"
February 05, 2015
The flow is the first of several programs for improving yourself with women and in general. It is a good introduction, and if I wasn't poor I would have bought all his material by now. But this program is just an intro. If you follow the flow you will improve with women and you will be a more desirable person in general, but if you stop here you will only tap a fraction of the potential your manhood would allow. pursuing the modern man and its products changed my life, and through this influenced those around me for the better. Unfortunately words don't describe the feeling a guy like me feels, who was once terrible with women, when the ladies are giving me signals to ask them out on a regular basis.
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"Great book with real effective techniques. "
February 10, 2015
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"This is where you need to start"
March 04, 2015
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