PUA Training

Despite having a late start compared to other companies in the dating industry, PUA Training grew very fast thanks to its aggressive PR strategy and hiring coaches that were already well known in London.
It is the largest dating company to have been founded in the UK, and now also has activities in the U.S. led by Adam Lyons.
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- Trademark Advice & Dating Systems
- Company History
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Company DataWebsite: PUATraining.comFounded: November 01, 2005 Founder(s): Gambler (Richard La Ruina)
Address: |
Current Coaching TeamAdam Lyons (AFC Adam) • Alex (PUA Training) • Amanda Lyons • Angel (PUA Training) • Anthony P (PUA Training) • Gambler (Richard La Ruina) • Gulliver (PUA Training)Coaching Team AlumniBeckster • Dharam (PUA Training) • Kezia Noble • Matthew Hussey • Ollie Pearce |
Trademark Advice & Dating Systems
- In early years teaching people to become "Pick Up Artists" with standard PUA techniques (e.g. PUA routines, NLP/ speed seduction).
- In recent years, just finding and working with top coaches who bring their own expertise / experience to creating new courses for PUA Training (e.g. Yad for Day Game Domination, Scott Valdez for Women on Demand and Race de Priest for 43 Texts that Guarantee Sex.
History of PUA Training
PUA Training was the second dating company to be founded in the UK market.The first, Impact Interaction, founded in early 2004 and referenced in "The Game" was divested by its founders in late 2005 and later disappeared after mis-management by its new owners.
This left the UK market entirely open for PUA Training. The main competition based in the U.S. (Real Social Dynamics, Mystery Method Corporation) and Eastern Europe (Bad Boy Lifestyles) had a disadvantageous cost base having to fly their coaches into the market. This enabled PUA Training to coach students at a lower price point, giving them another advantage.
PUA Training, thanks to its aggressive PR and marketing strategy and these advantages grew into a significant player in the dating coaching industry very quickly.
Some of the better known dating coaches besides Gambler at PUA Training have been Adam Lyons (AFC Adam), Beckster and Kezia Noble. Adam Lyons runs the U.S. arm of PUA Training today with his wife Amanda Lyons.
Beckster and Kezia Noble have left over the years to start up and work on their own dating projects. Beckster left in 2009 and Kezia Noble left in 2010.
PUA Training has recently launched activities in non-English language speaking countries including Germany, Italy and South Korea.
News & Media Exposure
Books, Courses & Coaching from PUA Training
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