Text That Girl   

Text That Girl
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2 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Great Product For Learning How To Inject Playfulness Into Your Texts And Get Women Out On Dates"

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Last Update: October 22, 2024
The Good
Very practical guide that contains a lot of real world examples throughout. Covers a number of potential obstacles you may face and shows you how to overcome them.
The Bad
The overall style and tone of the texts won't be suited to everyone's personality. The section on how to get numbers is rushed in places and may be confusing to some readers.
The Bottom Line
Overall this is a solid product with some great insights into how you should approach texting. It does a good job of making you see things from a woman's perspective, explaining the common mistakes that most guys make via text and why they don't work.

There's a ton of examples here and they fit the author's style which is playful in a silly and goofy type of way. If that sounds like your type of style, or the type of style you'd like to adopt, then this product will be perfect for you.

If your style tends to veer more towards charming and sophisticated, then How2TxtHer will be a better fit for you. If your style is more cocky or you're mainly interested in young party girls, then Text God is worth checking out.


Text That Girl is Race dePriest's book that gives you a blueprint on how to use text to get girls to meet up with you in person. If you're interested in how to use text to create a sexual vibe when talking to girls, check out his other product, Text 2 Sex.

At the beginning of the book Race makes a pretty compelling case for the power that text messaging has. He lists a number of statistics that demonstrate how prevalent texting is is modern society, pointing out that only 43% of smartphone users make voice calls while 70% say they text. And that 80% of people surveyed said texting was their preferred way to communicate to their friends.

So the point is, if you're not confident in your texting abilities it's going to have a negative impact on your results with women. Even if you prefer to call women there are going to be times when texting is necessary, so it's a crucial skill to develop.

Please note that there's a small section in here on how to get a woman's phone number. It's far from extensive and Race admits this topic is mostly beyond the scope of this book.

If you're a beginner and need help with the fundamentals so you're able to attract women and get their number, Race recommends you check out the Tao of Badass. We have found that Make Women Want You is a better overall product for beginners and suggest you try that out instead.

Where Guys Go Wrong With Texting

Race does a good job throughout the book of getting you to envision things from a woman's perspective and understand what her reality is like. If she's attractive she's going to have a lot of guys chasing her, which means she'll be receiving texts constantly.

There's some examples here of the types of messages most guys send and why they're a bad idea, as they're generic and you'll blend in with everyone else. So if any of these remind you of your own typical texts then you'll know that you need to change your strategy.

Aside from what you're texting, the frequency that you send them is also important. There's a checklist here that gives you warning signs that you might be texting too often, and a checklist that indicates when you're texting the right amount.

This is a really important concept to grasp, as by texting a woman too often you communicate neediness which is arguably the biggest turn-off for her. However this doesn't mean you need to play games or follow rules such as wait two days to text her after getting her number. Race gives you good guidelines here to follow so that you can text naturally while making sure you don't come on too strong.

Stirring Up Emotions

One of the problems with most texts that men send is they're boring to women. Especially when you've only just met her and you don't know each other that well yet, if you don't engage her emotionally then it can make her less enthusiastic to meet up. Remember, there are likely a number of guys texting her so you need to stand out somehow.

Throughout the book Race stresses the importance of making sure your texts have an emotional effect, which can be as simple as making her smile. This is in contrast to the texts most guys send, which tend to be more focused on exchanging information. Things like asking what's she doing, how she is, when she's free to meet up etc.

There's a lot of examples given here of what to do instead, as well as some formulas so you can come up with your own texts and won't have to just copy and paste these ones.

The more you can get her smiling and anticipating your text messages, the more she'll be thinking about you and emotionally investing in you, which is helpful for getting her to meet up with you. But it goes beyond that also, since when she meets you'll she'll have positive thoughts and feelings, rather than neutral if your texts had have been flat and boring.

Does It Fit Your Personality

There's an important topic which isn't addressed in the book, that you should be aware of. One thing you want to keep in mind is that when you send texts they should sound like something you personally would say. Which means you need to be careful about copying someone else's examples if that person has a completely different personality to you and speaks in a way that you wouldn't.

Here's a quote from the book that pretty much sums up Race's particular personality and style:

If you haven’t figured it out yet, fourth grade humor is the underlying theme for most of your text messages, including the initial interaction. Lighthearted, super-silly jokes win women over. This causes her to constantly associate positive emotions with you.

Nearly all of his text examples reflect this style. It's not a case of this style being good or bad, it's an expression of Race's personality and it works great for him. If your personality type is very different from his then sending some of these texts will likely come off as incongruent, and will leave the girl wondering why you are so different over text than you are in person.

A certain amount of consistency is necessary for a woman to feel she can trust you, so you want your texts to reflect who you are. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try out different styles to see what works for you, especially if you're a beginner. In fact a lot of men will benefit greatly by being more playful in the way they communicate with women.

However there are different ways to be playful and not all of them involve being super silly and goofy. Some of the examples here are ones I would feel comfortable using myself, but others just wouldn't be things that I would say. So in that sense I would have liked to have seen a bit more scope in this book about different styles that might be better suited to other personality types.

If you check out How2TxtHer you'll get a bit more of a well-rounded take on the subject, partly because there are three different presenters throughout the course.

Using Text Speak

Another thing you'll probably want to test out is how comfortable you feel using 'text speak'. In the examples here you'll see a lot of 'lol', 'j/k' 'hahaha' and smiley faces. They're in most of the texts, sometimes all used in conjunction and in my opinion possibly overused at times.

But again, it all comes down to your own particular style and what works for you. You also might want to consider your target demographic when trying out some of these ideas.

As a general rule, younger women are a lot more willing to engage in text speak than older women, many of whom claim it's actually a turn-off for them. From the examples provided here, it appears most of the women are in their 20s.

Also be aware that some dating advice suggests not frequently using expressions such as 'lol' or emoticons since it can be more of a feminine way of communicating. There is some truth to that, however you also have to keep in mind that it's easy for someone to misconstrue a text and not realize that you were just joking. So sometimes you need something to convey that you are just teasing and the text isn't mean to be taken literally.

The more you practice the more you'll strike a balance of what works for you. Don't be afraid to try out some of the examples in this book, and don't feel like you have to use as many smiley faces or text speak as what Race does.


There's a number of bonuses that are offered here. They aren't exclusive to this product and are available when you purchase Race's other programs as well. For the most part they are videos and audio from other dating coaches that offer some content and also give you the option to buy their products.

Some of the other coaches that provide content here are Jason Capital, Vin DiCarlo, Christian Hudson and David Tian aka the Asian Rake. Richard La Ruina aka Gambler has his own bonus section here with a number of videos related to his product Stealth Attraction. Overall there's some solid content in the bonus section, some of it better than others but it covers a wide array of areas so you'll probably find something relevant for where you're at.

There's also a community board where you can post any questions you have and have them answered by Race or other members of the site. There isn't a great deal of activity on here, but it's more than some of the other sites I've seen that offer the same thing.

The Bottom Line

Overall this is a solid product with some great insights into how you should approach texting. It does a good job of making you see things from a woman's perspective, explaining the common mistakes that most guys make via text and why they don't work.

There's a ton of examples here and they fit the author's style which is playful in a silly and goofy type of way. If that sounds like your type of style, or the type of style you'd like to adopt, then this product will be perfect for you.

If your style tends to veer more towards charming and sophisticated, then How2TxtHer will be a better fit for you. If your style is more cocky or you're mainly interested in young party girls, then Text God is worth checking out.

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Product Information

This program is designed to help men master their texting skills with women. It offers the text messages to use and covers areas such as:

- Engaging a woman with texts
- The importance of texting in seduction
- The first texts to send to grab a woman’s attention
- Using text messages to tap into a woman’s emotional core
- How to re-activate a woman’s interest who has stopped texting

Race de Priest offers a program of text messages, and his own style of creating them, that is intended to help you get her number, a date, and take a woman from being tentative to being definite.

  • Meeting Women
  • Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Online Access
Hot Topic Tags:
Phoning & Texting Women
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Race de Priest
Release Date:
January 17, 2013
Price: $47.00


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

First Text Quickstart
- What to avoid first when texting
- Knowing when to end a text conversation
- How to get the best response from your first texts
- Correctly answering the “Who is this?” text question and spiking her curiosity

Techniques and Tactics Quickstart
- Teasing a women to get her to pay attention to you
- Using misdirection to make a woman think that she is chasing you
- A technique to make a woman smile whenever you ask her a question

The Flake-A-Saurus Rex Quickstart
- A technique to have better dates
- How to ask a woman out for a date
- How to get her to immediately text you back
- The psychological principle to get her back into a conversation

How To Get Her Number
- Secret conversations to get a woman’s number
- What to do after you get her number
- Managing your phone list when you have 50-200 numbers from random women
- A technique for flake-proofing a phone number

How to Ask Her Out
- Four ways to avoid first date awkwardness
- An undetectable method for planting the seed for a date
- Polite ways to ask her out without her putting up an excuse
- Getting her to respond if you need an date answer by a certain time
- An advanced technique for dating multiple women at the same time
- How to manage getting your woman even if she wants to bring a friend along

Calling Her On The Phone
- The proper time to call a woman
- How make your speaking voice sexy and powerful
- Your first words when setting the balance of power in your favor
- How to properly respond to her voicemail if you want her to call you back

What You Get:

Online access to:

- Text That Girl Core System
- Cheat Sheet: copy and paste guide of effective texts
- Social Rockstar Reboot: the fastest way to build a social circle
- Cheat Proof: detecting the signs that a woman is cheating on you
- Knight Ride Her: how to become a woman's knight in shining armor
- Guaranteed Sex: video roadmap to lead a woman from the door to the bed
- Creating Charisma: 2-hour video course to make you the most socially popular
- Double Your Digits: techniques to have her putting her number into your phone
- Project Messaging Mayhem: audio course of how to message women on any platform

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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