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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"Great Product That Shows You How To Turn Phone Numbers Into Solid Dates"

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Last Update: October 22, 2024
The Good
Offers a mature and straightforward approach to texting. Good examples of how to flirt and be charming, which can also be applied in face-to-face interactions. Great value for money.
The Bad
At times the audio is low and it's hard to hear everything Christian says. Assumes that you already have some knowledge of dating theory and experience with women.
The Bottom Line
This is a really strong product that mainly focuses on how to use texting in the early part of a relationship with women. So that's everything from the time you first get her phone number through to going on a few dates with her. It's footage from a live seminar that was taught to a small group of Christian's students.

If you're at the stage where you're able to get numbers from women but they don't often turn into dates, this product will be really helpful for you. Also if you feel confused or overwhelmed by texting in general, this is worth checking out. The advice here will work for most men and will generally be most effective on women who have a reasonable degree of intelligence.

For girls who are really young or hardcore party girls, Text God might be a better alternative. Also if you're looking for something a little more comprehensive, then The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game is a really solid product, but also more expensive.

We have awarded How2TxtHer the DSR Editor's Choice Award, as for most guys this will be the best program to get solid results when it comes to texting women.


How2TxtHer is a product that was filmed from a live seminar that Christian Hudson gave to some of his company's students. You have the option of watching the videos online, downloading the audio or reading a transcript of the presentation.

It's presented with the assumption that you already know how to get women's phone numbers for the most part, as the students already have a certain level of experience. So this is more of a practical course rather than focusing on a lot of dating theory. If you need more help with the theory behind effective texting then you might want to check out The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game.

All up there are 12 different video modules presented here, some are quite short and others go for much longer. Overall the quality is very good and it's of a high professional standard. The only minor issue I had was that sometimes when Christian was speaking the audio was a bit low and it sounded like he was mumbling some of the words at times. To fix this I used earplugs and the audio quality was much better.

General Overview

The main focus of the product is in teaching you how to use text messaging as a tool to make women want to see you again. As Christian states a few times throughout this course, the only purpose of texting really is to get the girl to meet you in real life.

There isn't really a lot of context given as to where you might have met the woman you're texting, but it seems to take the view that you've met these women already in real life, as opposed to online dating or Tinder.

Although in the introduction Christian does talk about how the ideas you'll learn here can equally be applied to online dating, and likens it to being like in the Matrix where everything is slowed down. He mentions how it's a good idea to set up some dating profiles for the sole purpose of getting lots of practice at flirting with women, and what to do if you live in a place where there aren't many women online.

You're then taught that the texts you send women should be emotionally stimulating. You don't want to come off as boring or predictable, and by sending the same kind of texts that every other guy sends you're not going to stand out in a positive way. This is especially true for really attractive women, who you have to assume have a number of different guys texting them.

Christian spends some time talking about the main emotions you want to concentrate on getting women to feel, and lists his top 3 and how they work in unison. He uses the analogy of a roller-coaster and I think this is a good way to explain things and should help guys understand what they need to be aiming for.

Another thing he covers is seven levels of investment, which basically is a scale of how interested a woman is in you and how this correlates with four different levels of texting. Quite simply, your texting strategy will depend to a large extent on how invested a woman feels toward you and where your relationship is at.

One of the biggest mistakes that guys make is being too needy, and this is shown in the last module through a case study from one of Christian's customers. The guy makes all kinds of mistakes that only push the woman away further, and Christian does a good job of breaking down what he has done wrong.

Chances are a lot of guys will recognize these mistakes as being similar to things they've done themselves. If you fall into this category, watch the first module a couple of times and pay particular attention to the part where Christian talks about living in the moment and flirting with the future. This is a really simple and practical explanation on the right kind of attitude to have so that you don't scare women away, while giving yourself the best possible chance to ensure something develops long term if that's what you wish.

Module #11 is all about being more sexual with your texts, and this is a solid guide on how to do so without being creepy or sleazy. As Christian points out, you'll have better success rates with this if you've already kissed the girl or had some level of intimacy. In other words, if you try this stuff out on women that you barely know, it may work sometimes but it'll also blow up in your face on occasion as well. Also if you're interested in getting women to send you dirty pictures, there's a technique on how to do that as well.

Christian's Style

If you're not familiar with any of Christian's other products then one thing to keep in mind is that he has a very charming and gentlemanly approach to interacting with women. He uses teases and flirting, but also a lot of compliments and really focuses on connecting with a woman and making her feel special.

It's perhaps a more mature and classy approach than what some other dating coaches advocate, and will be better suited to some women than others. Christian is actually in a long term relationship right now, and his overall approach to meeting and dating women is geared more towards relationships.

A lot of the text examples he gives are well suited for the type of women who Christian was interested in meeting, which was higher class women who are intelligent and have their lives together. He points out that he had no interest in the party girl type of woman who spends all her time in nightclubs. So the texts that he sends are often witty and intellectual, but still fun and playful, and work well for the particular girls he likes (think New York career women).

I actually think his examples will work well on most women, but there are going to be some women that just aren't sharp enough to keep up with some of the things he says. If you're mainly meeting girls who are really young, or their lives seem to revolve around the party scene, then it's likely that Text God will be more effective on these types.

Another thing that you want to be conscious of is the whole topic of congruence. This is especially true when it comes to online dating and texting, and it's something that results in many guys messing up. Basically it means that your actions and behaviors should remain consistent and believable.

For example, if when you meet a woman you're really nervous and shy but when you text her you sound really cocky and extroverted, those texts are going to come across as incongruent to her. This isn't taught in the product, and I think it's an important point to cover. A lot of men buy dating products and then copy examples word for word, even though it doesn't fit their personality.

So if you can look at the mechanics behind all of Christian's examples and look at the structure of what makes them effective, you can use this to craft your own text messages. There's no point sending texts that are suave and witty if when you meet up with the girl your personality is actually completely different.

Guest Presenters

Christian is the main presenter throughout the course, while Nick Sparks and Rob Judge each present one of the modules.

Nick Sparks

The presentation by Nick is quite short, and I think he could have gone into more detail with some examples given. It's more of an overview of his style, which is quite straight to the point and all about setting up the date ASAP. He mentions texting the girl the next day with just small talk, but doesn't mention anything specific. For guys with little experience, a lot of what he says may be too general and vague for you to really get much from.

Another thing he touches on is calling versus texting. He says that for women under 26 you want to text and for women over 26 you should call them, as they may find you less of a man if you don't actually call them. This doesn't really match my experience, and I find that most women are happy to text regardless of their age. There may be times when you want to call instead of text, but I wouldn't use some arbitrary age as the deciding factor.

Rob actually has his own product out on texting, Magnetic Messaging, in collaboration with Bobby Rio. This presentation here covers one of the main techniques from that product, the Key Lock Sequence.

Rob explains that he's interested in going after the highest quality women, the kind who have lots of men chasing them, so just texting and asking to meet up isn't enough to stand out. His approach is more about making a strong emotional impact via text and using a formulaic sequence to lead things up to the point where it's very natural for you to see each other again.

There's some good information in this presentation, and an example of how Rob's high energy personality is reflected in his texts, which are different to Christian's who is a bit more low energy. Again, this relates to the issue of congruence and you'll get the best results if you take the principles taught here and adapt them to suit your own personality.

Rob Judge

How2TxtHer Bonuses

There's 18 bonuses included here with the main product, which are a combination of videos, audio, and written reports. Most feature Christian, but there are a few other dating coaches offering their own insights as well, covering topics from effective opening to how to turn friends into lovers.

One of the is Endless Conversations, and it's a one hour long video recording from Christian about how to not run out of things to say. Here he talks about simple conversational techniques that allow you to keep talking with any woman. It's based more around creating rapport while being playful. This is a good presentation and it's something that any man will be able to use, so you should find it helpful.

Another of the bonuses is called the Breathtaking Hello. This is a written guide that gives you a whole host of ways to open a conversation with women and make a strong impression. There's plenty of good examples provided here and if you can't find at least one that you'd feel comfortable using, you probably never will.

There's also a hypnosis program designed to increase confidence, as well as many other bonuses. Overall there's some high quality content here and combined with the main product it offers tremendous value for money.

The Bottom Line

This is a really strong product that mainly focuses on how to use texting in the early part of a relationship with women. So that's everything from the time you first get her phone number through to going on a few dates with her. It's footage from a live seminar that was taught to a small group of Christian's students.

If you're at the stage where you're able to get numbers from women but they don't often turn into dates, this product will be really helpful for you. Also if you feel confused or overwhelmed by texting in general, this is worth checking out. The advice here will work for most men and will generally be most effective on women who have a reasonable degree of intelligence.

For girls who are really young or hardcore party girls, Text God might be a better alternative. Also if you're looking for something a little more comprehensive, then The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game is a really solid product, but also more expensive.

We have awarded How2TxtHer the DSR Editor's Choice Award, as for most guys this will be the best program to get solid results when it comes to texting women.

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Product Information

The How2TxtHer course replaced the former product named "B4UTXTHER" as the Social Man's text and phone game course in 2013. The former version was developed by Race de Priest, while this later course was written by Christian Hudson and his team.

The course covers a wide range of texting scenarios, as well as several examples of texts. It is intended to provide you with a knowledge of using texting to go from a first meet to a first date with a woman.

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Online Access
Hot Topic Tags:
Phoning & Texting Women
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Christian Hudson
The Social Man
Release Date:
April 07, 2010
Price: $67.00


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Module 1: The Fundamentals
- The common turn-offs that make women say, "Oh, he's just like all the others?"
- How quickly to respond so she doesn't lose interest
- How to use "false disqualifiers" to get her to work for you
- How to make mass texts appear personal and get responses
- Passing a woman's tests that she will throw at you

Module 2: Getting Her Number
- How to ask for a woman's number that doesn't seem awkward
- Getting a woman's number without actually asking for it
- The next step after getting her number
- A pre-emptive anti-flaking technique
- Managing your phonebook when it is filled with a lot of numbers from random women

Module 3: Sending The First Text
- What your first text tells a woman about you
- How to give off the right signals
- The 3 "must" components of your first text if you want to get a woman's best response
- How to bring back the attraction she had for you when she gave you her number
- How to answer the "Who is this?" text and create curiosity
- When to end a text conversation so she desires more

Module 4: Techniques and Tactics
- Creating comfort through role-playing
- Using misdirection to convince her she is chasing you
- How to build unconscious rapport through mirroring
- The correct way to playfully tease a woman
- Creating a nickname that a woman will love
- A technique to make her smile every time you ask a question

Module 5: Setting the Date
- An "undercover" way to plant the seed for the date so that she will definitely say, "yes"
- How to avoid first date awkwardness
- A sure-fire way to get her to quickly respond about a date
- The best way to successfully manage your date if she brings a friend along
- An advanced technique for going on a date with multiple woman at the same time

Module 6: Taming the Flake-A-Saurus Rex
- How to keep your sanity and cool in the midst of a woman flaking on you
- Dating set-up advice to avoid her flaking on youA few things you
- A technique to turn a flake into an even better date the next time
- The best way to challenge a woman if she keeps on flaking

Module 7: If She Stops Responding
- The psychological principles to pull a woman back into a conversation and get her responding
- A text that will make her really curious, as well as see where she is sexually without her knowing
- How to create urgency in a text so she responds immediately

Module 8: Text to Sex
- The importance of setting sexual frames early on
- Ways to subtly steer the conversation in a sexual direction
- How to handle the "booty call" objection
- Priming a sexual encounter to make her sexually obsessed with you by the time you meet
- Using word changes to get a woman's mind racing with naughty thoughts about you

What You Get:

Online access

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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