Style’s Sticking Point Destroyer Kit

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Product Information
This kit, developed by Neil Strauss (Style), helps men with their game by providing sticking points throughout various stages of the process, including:
- Early Game: what to do when noticing a woman and making the approach
- Middle Game: conversation techniques and generating attraction and connection
- Late Game: what to do when you have her and getting to the next level
It also addresses a number of big problem areas:
- Openers being dismissed
- ejecting from set too early
- Not getting dates with women
- Getting the girl to chase you
- Running solid text and phone game
- Building comfort properly
- Not knowing how to calibrate or read IOIs
- Transitioning routines
- Winning over the obstacles
- Mind blanking on the approach
- Not knowing enough PUA material
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- DVD (Video)
- eBook
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Abolish approach anxiety
- A mantra to stop negative approach thoughts
- How the mind functions and beating approach anxiety
- The advantage of deep breathing to overcome approach anxiety
- How to defeat your limiting mind and strengthen your freedom mind
- A technique to convince your mind into opening a set without hesitation
Reading people and calibration with style
- A calibration cheat routine
- The green, yellow, red light system
- Training and trusting your own intuition
- Style and an attractive women in a live demonstration
- How Style corrected his own calibration problem
- Using the guess a number from 1-1000 routine
- Style's main mistake of "The Game" and avoiding it
- The tools of the game and how to use them, and when
- How to avoid destroying sets that are going well
- Preventing over-calibration to avoid becoming a "social robot"
- How to recognize attraction by using an Indicator of Interest (IOI)
- Why women may immediately get "touchy feely" and how to handle it
- Adjusting your actions to bring out the feelings you want a woman to have
- Calibration as a Demonstration of Higher Value (DHV) and strengthening those muscles
The cold reading handbook
- Style’s key to congruency
- The Heart Routine
- The Ring Finger Routine
- A full and Tarot card guide
- How to sound like an expert
- A cold read based on blood type
- Developing a foundation of perfectly natural cold reads
- How to disqualify and tease a woman based on her astrological sign
- Using cold reads to win over the toughest and most skeptical sets
Astrology and the esoteric arts with Evolve
- Synergizing your Tarot readings
- The uber-powerful Astrology disqualifier
- An easy to learn quick cold read routine for each sign
- Key astrology buzz words that make you look professional
- Talking about astrology in a way so you do not appear weird
- A routine for getting beyond the isolating lulls in conversation
- Using astrology to playfully neg and flirt while building attraction
- Deepen your connection with a woman by arguing over her sign
- An Astrology DHV for developing comfort and creating a deeper connection
- Astrology as a means of mastering a woman’s world, and getting to ‘day two’
- How to correctly guess a woman's sign and what to do if you guess wrong
Advanced Kino and Massage with Gypsy
- Getting a woman to give you a massage
- How to safely kino a woman with hand reflexology
- Telling a DHV story to solidify your kino massage
- How to make women more comfortable with your touch
- How to seductively transition from massage to kiss close
- Using the tension in a woman’s hand to cold read her body
- Built in kino escalation that moves through parts of the body
- Gypsy's Chakra kiss close (ties into cold reading and massage)
- Creating a kino escalation environment that appeals to a woman's senses
- A pressure point technique used in isolation to open her up to mutual touch
What You Get:
- 3 DVDs
- 2 ebooks
- Personal training program
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
30-day trial to Style’s Dating Master Program.
See SLA membership details in notice of terms and conditions.