Extreme Stamina   

Extreme Stamina
Dating Company: Orgasm Arts | Dating Coach:
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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

"Must Have Product If You Want Effective Ways To Overcome Premature Ejaculation Permanently"

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Last Update: October 22, 2024
The Good
Very detailed information of steps you can actually take to overcome premature ejaculation and performance problems. Focuses on teaching solutions that will lead to permanent and long term success rather than trying to offer a quick fix solution. Creates realistic expectations of what you can achieve, and teaches good overall mindsets and attitudes for sex.
The Bad
Recommends using a supplement that according to at least one website may be unsafe to use. Doesn't mention at all discussing the issue of premature ejaculation with your partner.
The Bottom Line
If you suffer from premature ejaculation then this is a must-have product. It's not going to give you a simple fix that tries to mask the problem, rather it's going to show you how you can recondition your mind and body so that you can actually have control over when you decide to ejaculate.

The exercises and techniques aren't particularly difficult, but you do need to make the effort to consistently do them. The more time you dedicate to following Jason's advice, the quicker you're going to see noticeable improvement. I have no doubt that applying the information in this product will lead you to a more fulfilling sex life for you and your partner/s.


At one point during Extreme Stamina, Jason Julius points out that about 75% of men only last two minutes or less when having sex. And that even though the average duration for a man is estimated at between four and seven minutes, this is somewhat skewed by the relatively few men who are able to last much longer, bumping up the average.

Clearly then premature ejaculation is an issue effecting the lives of millions of men and leaving countless women sexually unsatisfied. So if this is something you're suffering from, it's important not to beat yourself up about it as you're certainly not alone. Instead, realize that there are steps you can take to get this problem under control, instead of letting it control you.

Jason gives valid reasons based in evolutionary theory as to why it is actually advantageous for men to ejaculate as quickly as possible. That thousands of years ago if you were having sex out in the wild you would be more vulnerable to predators, so finishing quickly made sense. And that our primate cousins with nearly identical DNA only last on average from a few seconds up to a minute.

How Women Reach Orgasm
So if it's only natural for men to ejaculate quickly, then why do you even need to worry about it? Well, like many of our biological functions, this is something that may have once served a purpose but really has no benefit in our modern way of life. While women don't actually need to achieve orgasm for reproduction purposes, they do if they want to enjoy a sexually fulfilling relationship.

Jason uses a number of charts and graphs throughout this course to illustrate his points more clearly. One of these refers to the female orgasm zone, and how long it takes women, on average, to reach orgasm. So he shows how it might take a woman fifteen minutes to have her first orgasm, but that after that she is now in an orgasmic state is capable of having more orgasms. So maybe she has another eight orgasms over the next eight minutes, which will be a great sexual experience for her.

But if you are like the average guy and finish within two minutes, then she's missing out on all of those orgsms she could have achieved had you lasted long enough for her to reach that orgasmic state. By being able to control how long you last, you're much more likely to positively stand out from other men that a woman has slept with.

If you're in a relationship with a woman, or would like to be, this is an important skill to master. You're going to have an overall better relationship and keep your woman happy if you can satisfy her in bed. And if you're interested in casual dating or one night stands, it's still a critical skill to work on. You'll often have the option to see the girl again for a repeat performance if you can go the distance the first time. The other benefit you'll get is increased sexual confidence, which is something women can pick up on when you first meet them, making the initial interaction go better.

Ejaculation Control Triad
At the heart of the program is what Jason calls the ejaculation control triad, consisting of physiology, psychology and threshold mastery. The idea being that when you can master these three separate areas, you'll be able to get past your performance issues and be in control of how long you last in bed.
This section is all about the physical aspects you can work on to gain control of your ejaculation. There's plenty of solid information in this presentation, some of which you may have heard of before.

The main thing that Jason instructs you to do is to start strengthening your PC muscle via simple exercises, known as Kegel exercises. If you've ever read anything on Tantra then you'll likely have heard of the benefits of Kegel exercises and the difference they can make.

Jason lays out a very simple to follow plan of exercises you can do to strengthen this muscle, including how many sets and reps and when to progress to the next level. This is really good advice and you should definitely follow this plan. He also goes into plenty of detail about how you can delay your ejaculation by clamping down on your PC muscle once you've built it to a strong enough point.

The other big topic that he covers is that of breathing. This is excellent information that he goes into here, and shows you the right way to breathe and also the science behind how breathing incorrectly can cause you to ejaculate early. There's also some advice in here regarding breathing, tension and negative emotions that you could actually take and apply to the entire interaction you have with a woman, not just the sexual side of it.

I think the only thing he could have done better was emphasized even more the importance that physical fitness plays in your ability to perform. He mentions that being fit will help because you'll be able to breathe better, but doesn't really say much more than this. By improving your fitness you develop your cardiovascular system and your body can perform at a higher intensity for longer periods of time. Clearly this can have great benefits for your sex life, and should be one of the major things that you work to improve.

Jason also talks about your mental state and how it can effect how long you last in bed. This is again really solid information and particularly applies to guys that are less sexually experienced.

One of the issues he talks about is how some guys are too mentally excited at the prospect of having sex, which makes them more on edge and likely to ejaculate quicker. This is why teenage boys have the reputation of blowing their loads within seconds the first few times they have sex.

But the same principle can also apply to guys as they progress with learning dating skills. As you become more adept at meeting and attracting women, you'll likely find that the women you hook up with become more physically attractive. This can sometimes cause you to become more anxious as you focus on how hot the woman is and how you want to make sure you don't screw things up, which just puts more pressure on you.

So Jason teaches you how to reframe the situation in your head, to lead you to a place of what he calls 'calm arousal'. This is really effective, but something that you'll need to put a bit of work in to master. In essence, the more sexual experiences you have the more you'll be able to approach each future experience with the right mindset.

Threshold Mastery
In this section of the product Jason gives you specific techniques you can implement right away so that you can last longer. He uses the aid of another graph to talk about levels of arousal and how you can stop yourself from crossing the point of no return.

There's a trick that male porn stars use to stop themselves from finishing before the director is ready, and Jason teaches you how to do this. It's pretty simple to do, and something that will allow you to last much longer. As a side benefit, he explains why it also allows you to have more powerful and pleasurable orgasms, so it's a win for you and your woman.

One of the things that's covered in this product is how most men have become accustomed to ejaculating quickly via masturbation. Doing so conditions your body to finish quickly, and then when you have sex your body is just responding in the way that it has been conditioned to.

So you'll learn here how to use masturbation as an exercise in practicing to delay your ejaculation. The good thing about this is there's no anxiety or pressure to perform that you might feel with a woman, so you can just relax and focus on the technique. The other thing Jason points out is that men who ejaculate frequently have a much lower rate of prostate cancer, so you could also be receiving from health benefits from doing this.

Dispelling Common Myths
As premature ejaculation is a common problem, there's a lot of advice out there on how best to treat it. In Extreme Stamina Jason makes a point of clearing up some common misconceptions and why they aren't the solution you're looking for.

For example, one trick that people often recommend is to think of something unsexy to help lower your arousal level. Jason points out why this isn't good for long term success and how you're ultimately taking yourself out of the present moment and shortchanging yourself if you rely on doing this.

Other ideas such as using certain positions or numbing creams to decrease your sensitivity are also panned, as by doing this you're also going to decrease a woman's sensitivity and negatively impact her ability to orgasm. And these are just band-aid solutions that mask the problem, they don't actually fix it at the root level.

What Could Have Been Better
Something that I was surprised that Jason didn't talk about was the effect that using condoms can have in delaying ejaculation. Aside from the fact that we always recommend using condoms for the obvious health reasons, they can assist you in lasting substantially longer in bed. It's not a complete solution by itself, but used in conjunction while you are learning Jason's techniques can have a strong impact.

There's also a recommendation to use a certain supplement that can perhaps lower your anxiety and help you feel more relaxed. Jason recommends using this so you can experience what being in this state feels like, but not to use it as a long term solution. One authority site online recommends not using this supplement as it may be unsafe, although Wikipedia suggests the issues with it were due to a contaminant in earlier versions of the supplement and it now appears to be fine.

However it does note that there are often some unpleasant side effects, so it may be a case of the relatively small benefits not being worth the possible risks. Jason does recommend to consult your doctor before using this supplement, but for the majority of guys I question whether this supplement is one that you should even bother to try. The other techniques he talks about are likely to lead you to the same benefits without ingesting anything potentially harmful.

Another thing that could have been mentioned is the importance of discussing your premature ejaculation if you're in a relationship. Just ignoring the situation is not going to help, but if you discuss it with your partner then you can at least address it and work towards solving it together. Sure it's an embarrassing thing to bring up, but it's also embarrassing for the woman and you'll both fee better about it if you can communicate about the issue.

This isn't talked about at all, and it would have been helpful for Jason to suggest some ways in which to discuss this in a mature and honest manner. This is only a good idea if you're in an actual relationship though, and if you're only going to have a one night stand with a woman, then it's best to avoid discussing the subject entirely.

There's a few extra bonuses that are included with the main product. One of them is a video presentation called female orgasm secrets where Jason gives a basic overview of g-spot stimulation for the purposes of squirting orgasms. It's a good introductory lesson to the subject, but at only about 14 minutes in length is limited in what it can teach you. If you'd like to hear Jason talk about this subject in much more detail then check out another of his products that we recommend, Female Orgasm Blueprint.

Another video that's included is called forever foreplay and it's also about 14 minutes long. Jason packs a lot of quality information into this presentation and it centers around three things you can do to create higher levels of sexual arousal in women. He's on the money with all of his advice here, and it's well worth a listen to even if the ideas aren't anything revolutionary.

There's an audio interview between Jason and Brad Jackson that's around 50 minutes long, and has some interesting information as well. A couple of PDF documents are included that are written by other dating coaches, that you might want to check out, but are more for promotional purposes rather than containing anything all that useful.

The Bottom Line
If you suffer from premature ejaculation then this is a must-have product. It's not going to give you a simple fix that tries to mask the problem, rather it's going to show you how you can recondition your mind and body so that you can actually have control over when you decide to ejaculate.

The exercises and techniques aren't particularly difficult, but you do need to make the effort to consistently do them. The more time you dedicate to following Jason's advice, the quicker you're going to see noticeable improvement. I have no doubt that applying the information in this product will lead you to a more fulfilling sex life for you and your partner/s.

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Product Information

Extreme Stamina is the ejaculation control method that increases your pleasure while enabling you to last long enough to give any women multiple orgasm.

The program teaches you how to take full control over your orgasm to ejaculate any time you want, without spending excessive amounts of money on pills.

Bonuses include:
- Forever Foreplay
- Female Orgasm Secrets

Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
Experience Level(s):

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
Learning Format:
DVD (Video)
Hot Topic Tags:
Erectile Dysfunction
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Jason Julius
Orgasm Arts
Release Date:
January 22, 2013
Price: $47.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Module #1
- Step-by-step ejaculation control to last as long as you want

Module #2
- Specially designed sex exercises to give you a stronger and harder erection
- A new way of breathing during sex that will bring your mind and body into a clam arousal control state

Module #3
- Techniques on how to increase the pleasure or compound orgasm
- The optimal length of time you need to give a woman an orgasm
- An advance exercise called Rapid Pulse to perform while inside of your woman
- An explanation of a none-linear sexual experience, what it looks like, and why its good for you

Module #4
- Learning erection control
- Two different types of emotional states and how to avoid them
- A tool called Pattern Interrupt to apply during intercourse
- Learn the ins and outs of mental success and lasting a long time during sex
- How to use power on state control during sex to give you a full mastery over your ejaculation

Module #5
- Self pleasure exercises that rewire you for success during intercourse
- How your past sex experiences are holding you back and how to overcome them.

What You Get:

DVD program

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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30 of 34 people found the following review helpful

"This is a masterpiece of epic proportions and a true work of art in the self-improvement area"

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I'm calling this a masterpiece of epic proportions and a true work of art in the self-improvement area. Sounds extreme right? Sounds like I'm exaggerating? Let me tell you why I'm not exaggerating and this product really is a masterpiece. Let me share with you some deeply personal stories from my life and then I'm going to talk about how this product could have helped me back then and is helping me now. I'm sharing this is because I'm anonymous and I want to help you. Fair warning- this will be a lengthy review.

This product is called Extreme Stamina. It is a program designed for men who have trouble with premature ejaculation. While most of us think of guys with premature ejaculation as being "two pump chumps" or guys who can't last longer than 2 minutes, Jason Julius defines a man as having premature ejaculation if he can not easily and consistently last at least 20 minutes during sex, which is probably about how long you will need to give a woman an orgasm (or multiple orgasms) during sex. It is also designed to give men bigger and better orgasms by strengthening their PC muscles (the muscle that is used to stop the flow of urine). It will also help you to avoid those psychologically scarring moments where you experience erectile dysfunction right when you are about to have sex or are currently in the act of sex. I know of no other program on the market for this issue that is anywhere close to the quality of this program.

First let me just give you a quick background on myself and then I'll get back this product. I used to be a complete loser with women. It took a long time and many painful experiences to become the man I am today who is good with women. I was the ultimate nerd in high school. I never even went to any school dances in middle school or high school because I was so painfully shy. I had not only never had sex, I had not only never kissed a girl, I had never even held a girl's hand. I was so badly socially conditioned that I felt I was hopeless. I escaped into video games to escape the painful reality that became by life. I also had severe facial acne (which was cured my junior year in high school with Accutane) and I was fat (I lost the weight my junior year of high school by going on an intense workout regiment, but I still felt fat and ugly on the inside.) I was sad and hopeless. So after my terrible years in middle school and high school, I entered college a painfully shy 18 year old freshman, a virgin to sex kissing and hand holding. I was the ultimate AFC (average frustrated chump) at this time. It is only with the help of the community that I have became the man I am today, and I still have work to do on myself, but the transformation I've made from those days is truly incredible. Most guys that went through the experiences I've had in life never escape them, and today they're probably still virgins who are wasting their time playing World of Warcraft or some other nerdy video game to escape the painful reality that is their lives. I feel a dept to the community to give back to it what it's given to me. If you are familiar with Real Social Dynamic's Tyler Durden, his personal story before he became the pickup artist he is today is extremely similar to mine. (You can hear his personal story in Real Social Dynamics "Blueprint Decoded" DVDs).

My first semester of college in 2004, I fell in love with a girl (I'll call her Marissa). I did unbelievably embarrassing things like buying her flowers and other gifts because I was so socially clueless and socially conditioned to think that is what girls wanted. She dumped me soon after we had our first sexual experience. Marissa was the girl that I kind of lost my virginity to at the age of 18, and I say kind of because of what happened. One night we were hanging out in the college dorm, she had put on the soundtrack to a movie, and we began to undress each other and have sex. I put on the condom, and I penetrated her for literally 3 seconds, and got so incredibly nervous that I immediately lost my erection. That was it lol. It was humiliating to say the least. So she then went to give me my first ever blowjob, which was by far the worst oral sex I've ever had in my entire life because she kept nicking me with her teeth. So I lost my erection yet again. That was my first sexual experience. I didn't lose my real virginity, having sex until orgasm, until the next semester of college. And for the longest time in my journey to becoming sexual with women, I experienced two problems- Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Particularly it was in 2005 when I experienced severe and repeated problems with erectile dysfunction. Time after time, woman after woman, I repeatedly experienced losing an erection either before or during sex. I can not even explain to you in words how painful this was for me. The looks on these women's faces when I lost my erection haunted me. And each time I experienced this, it only made me even more fearful that I would experience it again the next time. And then when I did experience it again, it just kept getting exponentially worse. Every time I was about to have sex, all I could think in my mind was "I hope I don't lose my erection this time" and it always made me likely to lose my erection with that woman. It made me feel like such a failure of a man. It brought back all these feelings I had in high school of how much of a loser I was, and how there was something deeply wrong inside of me that I would never be able to fix. It was only after I visited my urologist that this began to be cured. He said that he commonly got men my age that visited him experiencing the same problems, and he prescribed all of them Viagra. So he prescribed me Viagra 100mg, and said to split the pill into 4 parts and see which dose worked for me. Eventually I figured out that the 50mg dose worked best for me, so before any anticipated sexual experience, I took 50mg of Viagra and I no longer had the erectile dysfunction problems. The problem was never with my physical body, it was always in my mind. And the urologist told me men my age often experience nervousness related to becoming sexual and when they lost their erections, they then would become much more nervous the next time about losing their erections during sex, and it would become a self fulfilling prophecy that they would lose their erections because they kept telling themselves in their minds "Oh my god I hope I don't lose my erection". It was a catch 22. So if any of you guys have ever experienced this issue, you might want to consider a visit to a urologist and have him prescribe you Viagra or Cialis. It will make you more confident when you do have sexual experiences, and it will stop the negative chatter in your head of "oh my god I hope I don't lose my erection" that causes you to lose your erection in the first place. It will help you to be extremely confident in your ability to achieve a lasting erection, and it will allow you to last longer in bed than you have ever been able to do before. Hopefully you never experience this problem, and if you do, hopefully you never have to use drugs to fix it. Extreme Stamina should help you with the mental techniques required to never experience this problem so you never will need to get a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs. These drugs are extremely expensive, and you have to take them before a sexual experience, and of course sometimes you have sex spontaneously and can't anticipate it. So you have to fix the cause of the problem in your mind, and Jason Julius will help you figure out how to do that.

This is why Jason Julius really spoke to me in his product Extreme Stamina at 8 minutes and 20 seconds on the Module 4 Psychology Part Two video. He talked about why this phenomenon of losing your erection right when you are about to have sex occurs to men (this happened to me so many times in my life), and how to prevent that from happening again. And he talks about how to recover from such an embarrassing moment easily should it ever happen to you in the future. For any guy losing their erection during or before sex is one of the most humiliating moments in any man's life (after all this is partly why there are so many ads for erectile dysfunction drugs, men never want to go through this again once it has happened), it makes you feel like such a pathetic loser it's not even funny, it can actually be psychologically scarring, especially if you are with a new woman who you are having your first sexual experience with. It sure was psychologically scarring to me. And when it happens and you see her face, you can tell that she feels as if you losing your erection means that she isn't attractive to you, when in fact, it probably means that she was so extremely attractive to you that your mind freaked out and you lost your erection. And of course she will feel like you are a loser. If you have never experienced this, consider yourself lucky. If you have, then you know what I'm talking about. The information Jason Julius gives in Extreme Stamina is information I would have killed to have had years ago. If you have not yet seen Extreme Stamina, don't jump right to this part of the video, you need to watch Extreme Stamina from beginning to end to understand it.

Because of my personal story, I've been talking with you a lot about how this product can help you prevent erectile dysfunction. But the main emphasis on this program is on making you last longer in bed, which is another problem I've always had. It used to be that I could only last a few minutes in bed. I got better, but I've never been able to last the 20 to 30 minutes that Jason Julius recommends in order to give a woman an orgasm. Jason Julius talks a lot about how if you can't easily last at least 20 minutes consistently during intercourse, you risk leaving your woman unsatisfied and constantly searching to fulfill her sexual needs outside of the relationship, even if she doesn't admit it or realize it consciously. This program is designed to transform you from a man who cums right when it starts to feel good, into an "ejaculation hero" as Jason Julius refers to it, a man that can last until she has at least one orgasm, and preferably multiple orgasms. It sounds hard to believe that a video program could make such a dramatic transformation, but I really believe this product will do that for me and you.

Jason Julius came up with the concept of the "Ejaculation Control Triad" which I think is a stroke of genius. It covers the 3 areas you need to master to get a control of your ejaculation- Physiology, Psychology, and Threshold Mastery. The information is presented in such a clean and understandable manner. And it is not boring to watch, I had a lot of fun watching this program. It's all presented so well. The graphic intro is well done. He uses graphics and charts extremely well and it really helps you to understand the information he is giving you. He gives you vitally important information about your PC muscle, and how to exercise this muscle correctly, which is vitally important to getting control over when you ejaculate. He says these PC exercises also have the added benefit of making you shoot semen harder and farther, equaling a more powerful orgasm. I've been doing the PC muscle exercises every day as he recommends. Unfortunately I have not yet had sex since I've watched the program, but I have no doubt that when I do, I will be better prepared to last longer than I ever have.

By the way, there is one moment in these videos that is extremely shocking and completely out of left field. If you've seen these videos, you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to tell you what this moment is, or why Jason Julius does it, because that would ruin the surprise for you. It's so creative and so effective at getting across the concept that Jason Julius is talking about at the time. I've never seen anything like that done in a seduction product before and I really thought it was another stroke of genius on his part.

So anyway, you're probably tired of reading this, so I'm sum it up. Just get this product! It will change your life. Jason Julius created amazing programs with his Female Orgasm Blueprint and Female Orgasm Insider, both of which I very highly recommend. I love how all of his programs are in video format. I hate reading long ebooks. Extreme Stamina in my opinion is his masterpiece and will benefit any man who watches it, so check it out! You will not regret it, I promise you that. It's guaranteed to work or your money back so you have nothing to lose.
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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful


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I just had sex and I saw this yesterday. Normally I last 2 minutes so I used to foreplay till she cum and then I put it in her but today based on the knowledge this guy gave me I lasted 8 minutes and she came while I was fucking her it was so heart whelming to see her cuming while I'm in her and I felt I could last more like I'm "in control". I highly recommend this!
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15 of 15 people found the following review helpful

"Great product!"

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This program is absolutely amazing. It explains in detail how our body and mind work up to an orgasm. This theory makes you understand why you're ejaculating too early. Although the theory is great, it needs some practical training in order to really incorporate the theory in your sex life. So give it some time and you'll see some progress very soon. I personally noticed some progress after a week (practiced about 5 times). In the beginning I was really thinking of the theory, but the more i practice the less I think about it. It just becomes natural.
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15 of 16 people found the following review helpful

"Absolute Greatness!"

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This product is absolute greatness. Everything is presented in a clean, concise and easy to understand manner. You don't have to read a huge ebook like many other products on this topic. Just sit back, watch the videos and implement them. If you do that you WILL see results. You WILL pretty much be able to last as long as you want. Lol if you do it too much you might even go to the other extreme and have delayed ejaculations instead of premature. I'm speaking from experience here based on stuff that I learned from other products. This pretty much has the same info just in a more pleasant package. Now stop reading and buy it. It'll most definitely be worth it.
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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"Great product"

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This product is very good, it has a lot of good information, I already knew some of the facts presented here which worked for me in the past, but still there is a lot to be learned from the videos.
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Freaking brilliant, the bombdiggity, awesome beyond words!!"

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I am extremely busy so I don't feel like typing ten thousand words to say how awesome this product is but I do want to say hands down this extreme stamina teaching is absolutely indescribably awesome! I told my younger brother that if I could choose to have a Mercedes Benz given to me or a home or choose to have all the knowledge in this extreme stamina training I without a doubt would choose this training over the others.

Before learning from extreme stamina course it was more difficult, the contrast and difference has been great since before and after learning and having this product. Now I know the most important thing isn't rolling in that Benz it's being a sex hero in the bedroom FOR your girl. And that is more than what money can ever buy, it's priceless! It's wonderful beyond words! I will go back to clenching my PC muscle now and listening to extreme stamina later today because leaving this comment has got me absolutely pumped! I'm ready to go at it again tomorrow and it is nothing short of awesome! I wish you all would buy the product for your own personal life. I think it's said every time I look at products everywhere for desensitizing and pills and everything else. Man we can train ourselves to be the best! I can't last as long as I would like to in bed. I can't go 20 minutes yet freely and easily but I am really lasting longer and I have learned a lot and am really as a result of extreme stamina a lot better in the bedroom now! Things are going great in that arena! The more I listen to this series again the more sexual confidence I have and that is extremely important, nothing can take that confidence away from you. Porn has totally F'd up our outlook about what real sex should look like and I am glad extreme stamina has helped me have a better understanding about my own sexual performance and has given me many skills that I am happily using!!! What more can I say!! It's worth your money!!! I speculated buying the product and I am happy that has been one of the best decisions i have ever made, seriously, hands down, no exaggerating. peace.
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