Real World Seduction 2.0

Editor Review
"A Thorough Manual That Will Have Women Seeing You As The Prize"
If meeting and dating women feels like a struggle where you are putting in a lot more effort than they are, this is a product that will help a great deal with that.
Swinggcat is one of the most respected members of the dating advice community and has been around for a long time. This book represents his thoughts and discoveries that have seen him become an inspiration to many other dating coaches. In a market where a lot of products are simply regurgitated from elsewhere, this book is truly innovative and Swinggcat is widely acknowledged as having been the first to publicize many of these techniques.
For someone who is well known at teaching 'outer game' techniques, Swinggcat actually has some very good information about 'inner game' and how to develop your confidence. There are practical exercises he gives you to change your beliefs about yourself and women. The section about how to expand your comfort zone combined with developing powerful beliefs is particularly useful. The method he suggests of incremental growth is definitely the way to go.
Psychology 101
Where Swinggcat seems to differ from other authors, is that he seems to have an equal knowledge base both from theory and real world application. It is clear that he is very well read and has a firm grasp of psychological principles in terms of what makes people tick. Most of his techniques are based on psychology and getting into a woman's head. But it certainly isn't armchair advice, the techniques he teaches are seriously effective and work on a deep level.
His basic model of seducing women consists of getting them to see you as the 'Prize'. This is a term he uses continually throughout the book, and refers to the fact that the woman needs to see you as someone that she wants to win over. His method involves turning things around so that you are the selector, and she is the one chasing you. While this isn't a new concept, the techniques he teaches for making this happen are perhaps the best I've come across.
Essentially, he teaches you to decide what you are specifically looking for in a woman, and communicate that directly when talking to girls. So instead of trying to match up to her standards, you're qualifying her to see if she meets yours.
The strongest parts of the book are his chapters on Push/Pull, Qualifying and Challenging, Cold-Reading, Open Loops and Frames. This is where you will get a lot of the gold nuggets that teach you how to make women compelled to seek your approval. It's very effective at creating sexual tension and will give you an edge over your competition.
What Girls Does This Work On?
While in theory this should work on all women because it is based on proven psychology, in reality this is not necessarily the case. It is most effective on 'high quality' girls, those who are very physically attractive and/or have a lot of self-confidence. The reason being, these girls are used to getting their own way with men all the time. It's rare for them to encounter a man with unshakable core confidence and who is prepared to stand up to them. Deep down, this is what these types of women are really looking for. Whereas most guys try to win these women over by pleasing them, Swinggcat teaches how to compel them to please you.
On the other hand, women of average looks and lower confidence will often be put off if you try these techniques on them. You will simply be bringing up a lot of insecurities they already have and waving them in their face. You risk touching a raw nerve where the girl feels that she is not good enough in comparison to other girls and she'll feel you wouldn't want to be with her. This is something that the book doesn't cover, but is extremely important to take into consideration.
To understand attraction on a more basic level, you may want to check out Make Women Want You.
A lot of Swinggcat's personal experiences of seducing women occur in Los Angeles, where women are extremely attractive and get approached frequently. His tactics would be most effective in this environment. So if you're wanting to pick up women 'out of your league' and prefer higher-end bars and nightclubs, his approach is a great way to go. If you're just looking for a low-maintenance girlfriend who you have a lot in common with then most of what is suggested in this book won't be necessary.
Where This Book Could Be Improved
I found the chapter on cold approaching women to be among the weaker of the book. The first half of the chapter relates to the inner game of approaching women, and contains some good advice. But the second half devoted to the outer game contains nothing new. Some of the ways he suggests to approach a woman, such as tapping her from behind, are questionable at best.
To his credit, Swinggcat suggests not using any of his own approaches word-for-word, but to learn the model and then create your own. If you are not able to approach women effectively, this is not the most comprehensive book to learn from though. Consider checking out the chapter on approaching women in the Magic Bullets Handbook instead.
The strength of this book is how effective it is when used early on in your interactions with women. You wouldn't want to continually use all these techniques on a woman once things have progressed further. For example, push/pull is a great way to attract a woman when you first meet her. But when you're in a relationship if you continually keep it up, you risk damaging the connection that you've developed. So if you're looking for advice on how to build or maintain a long term relationship, this is not the book for you.
The formatting and presentation of the book is quite basic, and the hyper-links were not working. There is an alarming number of spelling mistakes and missing words that interrupts the flow of reading. Nothing too bad that is should effect your understanding of what he's talking about, but I had to stop and reread a number of passages for clarification. In addition we receive from time to time complaints about customer service - with people not getting responses to support requests after they purchase. Customer service and packaging is a weak point.
How Easy Is It To Learn This Stuff?
Make no mistake about it, it will take some time to effectively learn these techniques so that they appear natural when talking to women. If you've already got some experience, then you'll adopt many of these techniques much quicker. Something Swinggcat does here in this book is set homework assignments at the end of each chapter, designed to ingrain his techniques in your mind as quick as possible. This is a good way to learn and well worth doing.
If you put in the time and practice these techniques, they will help you get more success with women. No doubt about it. Initially though, you may run into the problem of sounding like you are using rehearsed pick up lines, especially if you copy his routines word-for-word. By studying the concepts and then applying them to your own natural personality, you'll integrate everything much more seamlessly.
Difference Between This Book And The Original
Version 2.0 is about twice as long as the original, Real World Seduction, and is organized in a better structure. The whole section on beliefs and inner game is basically all new content. There are some chapters that cover new techniques and ideas, and most of the content from the original has been expanded upon. Whereas in the first book Swinggcat includes a field report of how he managed to seduce a woman into bed, this version contains that same report plus two others.
If you have read the first book, you should have a good understanding of Swinggcat's style. There is enough new content here to make it worth reading, but the core principles are essentially the same. If you've mastered the techniques that you learnt from the first book, you might find a lot of the information in this version redundant.
One of the bonuses you'll get here is Swinggcat's phone and text game course. This is an audio course that features 19 different tracks that you can listen to online, and contains a fair bit of content. If you follow all of the advice in the main product you should soon be getting quite a few numbers, so this bonus product aims to make sure you capitalize on them.
There's some explanation here on what most guys do wrong, and how phone numbers don't always mean as much as guys think they do. There's the '7 myths of phone game' and this will give you a good grounding on a woman's mindset when she gives you her number.
Some of the advice here will be influenced by personal bias, such as the suggestion of not grabbing a coffee for a first date, or how 60% of women will flake on the date. Neither of these are inherently true but will depend on certain variables that differ from person to person. Overall though there is some solid advice here, and it goes quite deep into psychological aspects that boost your chances of seeing the woman again.
There are a couple of short written reports, one on getting past sexual resistance and the other on turning friends into lovers. Some decent enough info in these, but don't expect comprehensive manuals that cover the subjects in their entirety.
The Bottom Line
This is a very detailed book full of effective techniques written by a guy who knows what he's talking about. When it comes to attracting particularly beautiful woman and having them chase you, this book was a classic and still stands the test of time.
If meeting and dating women feels like a struggle where you are putting in a lot more effort than they are, this is a product that will help a great deal with that.
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Product Information
Real World Seduction 2.0 is the updated sequel to Swinggcat's original and highly popular Real World Seduction. It was one of the first and remains an original work on the art of push and pull and attraction.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Real World Seduction 2.0 provides techniques and triggers to attract women.
This 225 page eBook is divided into four parts and and comprised of 20
Part One covers big picture pieces to making women see you as the
Prize and contains two chapters.
Part Two gives you specific tools and techniques for making women see
you as the Prize and comprised of seven chapters.
Part Three is all about sparking sexual tension and emotionally
driving women to chase you.
Part Four give you tools for recognizing and dealing with barriers
women put up and tests they throw at you.
Part Five sums up everything in the book. In this section you'll get a
complete structure for utilizing all of the information in the book
along with three real world field reports from Swinggcat.
Chapter 1: You'll learn to develop 11 attributes that unconsciously
drive women to see you as a Prize they want to win over.
Chapter 2: You'll get lots of exercises for developing rock-solid
confidence and congruence with women.
Chapter 3 & 4: You'll learn about frames and Meta-Frames. Frames are
the underlying meaning of our behaviors and actions. The Meta-Frame is
the underlying meaning of an interaction between a man and a woman. In
these chapters you'll learn Swinggcat's formula for establishing and
maintaining the Meta-Frame - underlying meaning - that you're the
prize women want to win over. Master this, and women will inevitably
see you as a high value man they want to vie after.
Chapter 5: You'll discover body language for controlling meta-frame.
Chapter 6: You'll unearth both the inner game and outer game secrets
to cold approaching women.
Chapter 7: You'll learn how to connect with and vibe with gorgeous girls.
Chapter 8: You'll get a complete eduction on cold reading - a powerful
tool for sparking an incredible connection with her, building
attraction inside her, changing her self-image, and gaining compliance
over her.
Chapter 9: You'll learn how to become a great storyteller. (All great
ladies men are master storytellers.)
Chapter 10: You'll learn about open loops - a powerful compliance
technology for holding a woman's interest and getting her to do
exactly what you want her to do.
Chapter 11: My patented Push-Pull technology. This is one of the most
powerful ways to trigger huge amounts of attraction in women.
Chapter 12: In this chapter you'll discover how to develop your
standard and then use them to challenge women. When you do this in the
way that I teach, you'll trigger attraction in women and they'll feel
a need from deep within their heart - and groin - for your validation
and approval. Inside, you'll learn how to use this technology to
quickly kiss and sleep with females strangers minutes after meeting
Chapter 13: You'll learn the body language behind Push-Pull.
Chapter 14: You'll learn how to trigger attraction and compel girls to
chase you through role-playing
Chapter 15: You'll learn how to identify tests women throw at you and
venomous frames they try to pull you into.
Chapter 16: Ofter women put up token barriers that prevent us guys
from sleep with or dating them. They aren't real and in some ways
women want you to break them down. In this chapter you'll learn how to
identify them.
Chapter 17 & 18: You'll learn a powerful technology called "reframing"
that will give you the power to handle tests and venomous frames; and
thaw away token barriers.
Chapter 19: You'll get Swinggcat Seduction Formula. This gives you a
structure that takes you from the approach to the bedroom and beyond.
Chapter 20: You'll three real world field reports from Swinggcat so
you can see how his techniques are applied on real women in the real
What You Get:
225 page eBook
Guarantee / Terms:
7 day money back guarantee
User Reviews of Real World Seduction 2.0
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Inacceptable customer "service""
February 15, 2013
Hi Angel,
As far as the experience with Swinggcat is concerned I unfortunately have to report to you that Swinggcat is disingenuous in the treatment of his customers, for several reasons (this also summarizes my experience with Swinggcat; I have left out a few less important details, so you can capture the gist of the story quickly.):
1.Swinggcat secretly tries to sell a subcription to regular series of field reports, titled "Secret from the field". The contract clause is hidden in the terms and conditions, which are inappropriately displayed in a scrollbox that is way to small. Unless the customer intentionally scrolls down the entire text and reads all of the details, he unknowingly subcribes.
2.The subscription is automatic and has to be cancelled by the customer.
3.Even though I did cancel, Swinggcat nonetheless charged my credit card illegally AND DID NOT RESPOND to my first email.
4.Swinggcat only reacted AFTER I contacted my credit card company, to block my card and to reclaim to charges. AT THIS POINT I received an automatic email which informed me, that ANOTHER attempt to charge my card had failed. Only when I replied directly to this email, did I get an answer. And even then Swinggcat kept a tone, that seemed to me as he didn't really care about the issue. ONLY when I clearly voiced my anger about his customer service, did he apologize. He then also offered me one of his audio courses for FREE (his emphasis, not mine) as a compensation for my troubles.
5.I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED THE PROMISED AUDIO COURSE, AND SWINGGCAT ONCE AGAIN DOES NOT RESPOND TO MY EMAILS, even though I have made it that will inform you, his competitors, as well as the legal authorities on the matter. This brings me to the conclusion that Swinggcat has no problem with customer service, BUT with business ethics and the law.
This kind of behavior is absolutely inacceptable to me, and I have never encountered any treatment like this with any other Dating Skills Company (and I have tried several to find something that fits my needs). In sum I can only recommend to other potential customers to refrain from buying at RWS and to look somewhere else.
Therefore I suggest that you reconsider a recommendation for his ebook, as you potentially harm the financial interests of those who use your website to find good products. Because that mars your otherwise excellent website, which has a been of great help to me.
Yours truly,
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"The Best of the Best"
October 14, 2011
I know this looks like an advertisement but isn't I highly recommend this product becuase is cheap but yet extremely powerful
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"miserable customer service..."
January 05, 2013
And I'm not the only one who have had that experience. So I recommend to stay away from Superior Living inc...
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"Terrible and deceptive customer service"
March 20, 2014
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"A must read for wannabe naturals"
July 14, 2012
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"Scam - still a scam"
September 04, 2016
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