Project GO

Editor Review
"Great In-Field Videos Showing How Far Confidence And Humor Will Take You With Women"
Note, while this course is good, there are better courses. We recommend you check out a better rated infield video training course such as Daygame Blueprint or our infield video course rankings.
Simple Pickup have developed a cult following ever since they started posting videos of themselves picking up girls while taking on absurd challenges. They have gone out onto the streets and picked up countless girls while dressed as animated characters, Harry Potter, emos and even while in wheelchairs. The results are eye-opening and often hilarious.
While these videos are primarily focused on entertainment, their subscription service Project Go is designed to show you what they do when they are actually picking up women without the silly challenges.
Who Is Simple Pickup?
Jesse, Kong and Jason are the three guys who film themselves approaching women, usually in the Los Angeles area. They’re all in their 20s and most of the girls they talk to are in the college age bracket.Their overall style could be best summed up as being very direct and confident, mixed with humor. All three are great at improvisation and come up with some really funny and clever things to say on the spot. They’re all quite average guys in terms of looks, and Kong and Jesse often joke about their ethnic backgrounds with girls, which boosts the attraction. This is really great to see for Asian guys who have any trouble attracting Caucasian girls.
Most of their interactions involve approaching a girl directly or doing something ballsy to get her attention. They’ve built up a really high tolerance to social pressure and will go for the girl no matter the situation or who is around watching them. There’s often a lot of sexual innuendo in their conversations and they make it very clear they are interested in the girl.
How Project GO Works
Project GO is a monthly subscription service, where you can log in to the site and have access to the content, which is updated weekly. The basic subscription is $10/month and includes the in-field videos along with commentary afterwards breaking down what happened. The advanced subscription is $20/month and includes the same videos as well as podcasts, Q&A video responses, live video chat and the chance to interact with the guys. You are free to cancel your subscription at any point if you decide it’s not for you.Each week there is a new video of either Kong, Jesse or Jason, focusing on a particular area of the interaction. It might be demonstrating how to remain unreactive, how to pass tests, how to handle a group of girls, or how to kiss a girl very quickly. Occasionally the videos will feature a student from one of their bootcamps and highlight what he is doing wrong and what to do instead.
Are The Videos Any Good?
The videos aren’t particularly long, most going for between ten and twenty minutes. The audio and visual quality is of a very high standard. They’re great in that they show you a really natural way of approaching and interacting with women, and what you can get away with when done with enough confidence.On the other hand, there’s not really any guide on what to do yourself. So for less experienced guys, they may find it harder to implement what they are seeing. It’s really a case here of you’re going to have to watch what the guys are doing, notice what’s working and take some mental notes, then go out and apply it yourself.
For this reason you will most likely be better off with a more 'instructional' product, where they provide better explanation and guidance, like Daygame Blueprint, or if you are not sure what to say to women yet, Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy to really understand and implement what you see in the Project Go infield videos.
Keep in mind: What Simple Pickup is really good at doing is thinking on their feet and coming up with something funny to say. Which is great to see it in action, but a bit harder for the average person to do themselves. It’s something that comes more easily as you gain more experience and confidence, so don’t expect to be as quick-witted as these guys if you are just starting out.
Not For Everyone
If you’re offended by swearing and overtly sexual talk, this program won’t be for you. This is aimed at a younger crowd who don’t mind the frat boy style of humor. If you’re also expecting to see older, more sophisticated women being approached and picked up, you’ll be disappointed.The best thing to do is check out some of their free videos on YouTube to get an idea of what’s on offer here. Although Project GO is toned down in comparison, if you like their free clips you’ll probably enjoy this.
Personally, I love the videos they put out and find them both entertaining and informative. Even if you’re not comfortable being as direct as these guys are, you can still learn a lot from their attitude and willingness to always escalate things further.
The Bottom Line:
Simple Pickup produces some great quality in-field videos. Without a doubt they are the most entertaining in the dating industry and provide great examples of humor in action and how women respond to it. Great motivation for guys who want to be more direct and confident around women, whether during the day or at night.However, since there is little actual instruction in the videos - if you have little experience a program with more instructional content like Daygame Blueprint or a solid conversation with women course like Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy will be more helpful to you.
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Product Information
Project GO is a subscription program from Simple Pickup. This program is designed to be educational and motivational. It teaches you how to pick up women, and improve your social life.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Shit Tests
- Being Unreactive
- Leading
- Bootcamp Student
- When You Feel Like Shit
- Makeouts
- How to never be at a loss for words
- Getting comfortable with fear and rejection.
- Learn how to handle excuses and anxiety
What You Get:
Basic ($10/month)
- 4 uncut videos w/ analysis
Premium ($20/month)
- 4 uncut videos w/ analysis
- 4 Q&A video responses
- 4 downloadable podcasts
- 1 live video chat
- Interact with Simple Pickup
- Undisclosed bonuses
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Project GO
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Are you really using this successfully???"
December 14, 2015
In week 1 (Approaching a girl who's working) a guy walks into a shoe store in a mall and, after a few moments, he starts talking about guns (?!) and telling the girl he started shooting since he was seven years old or so. Creepy as hell, you can film and sell all the conversations in the world, but this nonsense will get you nowhere.
Plese don't go, read a little bit more: the "bonus" for the first week is another guy walking up to girls asking if they have AIDS. Very original. Very clever. The smartest way ever to start a daygame conversation. Sense of humour is a great tool, and being original is really hard, but this is nonsense too: can't you think of a better way to use your sense of humour?
If you want to go ahead and be subscribed to week 2, it's up to you. I would never waste my money this way: if week 1 is the best they're supposed to offer you to get you hooked, I don't even want to imagine what they will tell you to do later.
Please, if you are successful with these resources, let me know on which planet you live and I will come visit you for a few laughs.
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"Tried it with great results! "
May 12, 2013
Because SP is not about tricks or pretending to be somebody your not. Instead they will show you how to pickup up girls quickly and easily by just being bold, direct and forward.
At first i thought: i'll never have the courage to do this. But then i realised that there's really not much at stake because the way you approach a girl is so balsy that even if a girl isn't interested, she will still be impressed and flattered by the way you approached her. She'll think that you a cool confident guy with enormous guts( hey thats really what you are, how about instant and real dhv!)
So there's no real rejection, at least not in the sense that she doesn't want you because your not 'good' enough. And the few times that a woman wasn't interested in me, it didn't feel like rejection. My mindset is: Its all about meeting women and checking if the two of you match, and your the one taking initiative to make things happen. You'll get better at it the more you do it, its fun!
I'm not a particular attractive guy( i'm 38 and bald btw!) but found that women love to be approached by a bold confident guy(without being rude). For me thats one of the most important take aways of the Simple pickup method. But there is lot more insightful info in the SP method.
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"A waste of time and money"
August 17, 2016
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"The only product you need"
November 10, 2012
I've read a lot about pick up, seduction, night/daygame, and if you're really interested in becoming good at day game... buy this product.
This website subsciption is perfect for those that are visual learners that need to see it done before implementing it.
The best part about this website subsciption is that there are new videoes every week covering a new sticking point, and because they've been doing this for upwards or 7 months... there are sooooo many vidoes. Any sticking point that you've needed covered.. they have the solution packaged with a bow
What they do so well is instead of using prop people they show you INFIELD FOOTAGE then after you've watched the footage THEY BREAK IT DOWN
Seriously, you can not lose with Simple Pick Up.
Stop jerking it to Jenna Jameson, and get this product, playa.
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"In a nutshell - get it, invest in yourself! "
September 16, 2014
I wanted to learn how to actually talk to and flirt with women without making both us feel comfortable. Project Go helped me do just that, the 3 coaches are fun and definitely relatable. If you too need a bit of guidance talking to the opposite sex I highly suggest investing in PGO.
For me the 2 videos that made all the difference was by one of the coaches ‘Kong’ in Chapter 5 explains what it means to be in God Mode - which is effectively learning how not to give a shit and enjoy every failure. The infield footage is both hilarious and really informative, for instance in the video Kong starts doing jumping jacks and weird stuff in public then approaches a random woman by the beach while negging her, and ends up getting her number! He then interlaces explanations of what he’s doing and why in a fun way to tie it all together.
The second was where one of the other coaches ‘Jason’ donned a fat suit and pickuped girls (in their bonus videos). For me I’ve always been insecure about my weight and it’s been one of the biggest things (no pun intended) that has held me back, now I’ve learnt to be secure about myself and actually use my insecurities to my advantage!
Project GO has changed my life, I couldn’t recommend it enough.
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"I took project go, a Lovesystems boot camp and an RSD Hotseat...this is the best!"
August 19, 2015
Lovesystems I had gotten very little value out of. The boot camp was focused on us approaching, and many of the students had never even done a cold approach before. I, on the other hand, had done many, so I wanted up close criticism of the way I handled a conversation, because one of my main issues was ejecting early, and I wanted to see what strategies I could use to keep a conversation going and sexual. I also wanted to see demonstrations up close to see how the instructors handled it. I wanted to see the intracracies of the interaction up close. Instead I got to see a few interactions up close with no up close critiquing of my conversations. I got to hear about success that they had but not see it. Anyways, I have very few regrets in life but not asking for a refund was my biggest yet. I just felt guilty asking for one.
Anyways, the RSD Hotseat was better than Lovesystems despite being 1/10th the cost. I got to see the instructor talk to girls and carry on a conversation whilst keeping it sexual. I got to see a few different interactions and scenarios. The girls honestly weren't that hot that he was approaching but the content was definitely there.
Finally, here comes the review of the above product. Jesse Kong and Jason do an excellent job of breaking down the psychology, inner game, techniques, communication methods, and much more for people who are either beginners or intermediates. This was the third and last program that I took in the industry, and the one that I had learned the most. It covered all the material that the two preceding boot camps taught, plus more. They did all of this for 1/10th the cost of a Hotseat and 1/100th the cost of a Lovesystems boot camp. There is a lot of marketing, BS, and frauds in the industry and while these guys still do say a few things that are clickbaity and gimmicky, they are the least FOS out of anyone in the industry. Hats off to these dudes.
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"Good quality with superman confidence"
May 21, 2013
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"Best Advice/Footage out there, trust me."
September 15, 2014
Overall, this is one of the few things that I've bought that I can say changed my life. I'm a happier person that I was just a few months ago, and I know that the biggest reason is because of projectgo. I recommend it to anyone who's looking to not only get better with women, but also become more confident and happier with the person they are.
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November 20, 2012
I cannot tell you the bad or goods because its excellent. There is no BAD at ALL... Its incredible.
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