How To Get Your Ex Back: The Ultimate Guide

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Product Information
"How To Get Your Ex Back: The Ultimate Guide" is a 7-part system teaches men how to get an ex back by first working on himself, the areas he needs to improve upon, and evaluating what was missing from the relationship. Techniques are also provided to help you re-ignite her attraction and get her back, while helping you to redevelop yourself.
Bonus chapter includes: How to Defuse Conflict
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Recreating excitement
- Eliminating your neediness
- Developing the mindset to move forward
- Major components that cause breakups
- Steps when making initial first contact again
- How to claim back the woman you are in love with
- How to conduct yourself after a breakup to recover
- Evaluating and resolving past issues between you and your ex
- Working on yourself to develop relationship holistic happiness
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