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User Reviews of Real Social Dynamics Bootcamp
81 of 92 people found the following review helpful
"RSD bootcamp - A complete ripoff."
Overall rating
Ease of Implementation
Value for Money
Reviewed by Swinger555
February 12, 2006
February 12, 2006
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Instructor(s) for Coaching:
Tyler/TD (Owen Cook)
Date Program Took Place:
February 03, 2006
The Good
I got a new pair of jeans which cost me $283.
The Bad
-Over the course of three days (21 hours) we spent a mere 6 hours in field.
-Over the course of three days, my instructor demonstrated a total of four sets and refused to do more, despite my numerous requests and pleads.
-Seminar material was unoriginal, and can be found on these forums for free.
-Complete lack of customer service.
-Complete lack of caring about the students success.
-The entire bootcamp experience.
If you are considering taking a RSD bootcamp, I urge you to read this review first.
Last November I signed up for a RSD bootcamp and I took the Feb 3-5 bootcamp in NYC. While I knew that it isn't a magic pill going into it, I was promised by TD personally over the phone that the bootcamp would be tailored to my individual needs, and would shave a minimum of one year off my game. On top of that, they claim these things on their website:
"1- We take you out into malls, cafes, restaurants, and clubs to demonstrate how to meet women right in front of you.
2- We act as your personal wingman and meet women together.
3- We get you doing it step-by-step (what to say, the right body language, how to create sexual tension, everything.
4- We work with you and give you the kind of potent and crucial feedback that you need to get this area mastered until you've got it sorted out.
The program is structured so that even if you've never approached a woman in your entire life, you'll feel totally comfortable and at ease."
Lies. All lies. They fulfill none of these things; it's just marketing hype to lure an unsuspecting individual into giving them his or her money.
Before I took my bootcamp, I sent out multiple emails to my instructor and the coordinators stating what I'd like to do during my bootcamp, and what I'd like to accomplish. Because this was supposed to be a customized bootcamp, I requested the majority of the time to be spent in field, as well as adequate demonstration so I could see what "good" looks like, and have a role model to follow. When I brought these things up to my instructor upon meeting him, after he received my email and promised to fulfill my requests, he told me "We'll see." We'll see? Last I checked, I am the customer, am I not?
I arrived at my bootcamp early in NY to meet my instructor. I was actually thrilled at who my instructor was, as I'd heard he lived for over a year in the Project Hollywood mansion with Mystery and his gang, so his game had to be top notch right? On top of that, it was a 2on1 bootcamp as opposed to a 4on2, meaning more sets, and more attention. Things were looking great. To all those who knew me beforehand, I was very much looking forward to this experience, and went into it with an open mind.
Or so I thought... My instructor was actually nervous and a bit fidgety upon meeting him. Now I can understand nervousness is human, but it struck me as odd as this is supposed to be a guy who's a mPUA, and has conducted hundreds of workshops. I would soon find out that he is indeed a social robot, and lacks the ability to vibe on anything else besides game. There were many times where I, the other student, and my instructor would be walking down the street, in complete silence. I guess the term "Real Social Dynamics" is used very loosely.
The first two days of the bootcamp ran from 7:00pm to 2:00am, and we'd spent from 7-11 in a boring seminar, where my instructor drudged on and on, preaching theory and material that I already knew, and can easily be researched via the asf archives (hence why I requested the majority to be field work, and was promised to me beforehand). We'd spent the other 2 and a half hours in a club, where my instructor pushed me into sets. Here's the thing though.. he refused to demonstrate any sets whatsoever. He flat out said no. In fact, during the course of the three days (21 hours) I witnessed him approach a total of four sets, only one that I could actually hear him in. I was highly upset by this as one of the main reasons I decided to take this bootcamp was to see how the masters do it live and up close. I now have second doubts about my instructors ability to perform, as I feel he was making excuses just so he didn't have to approach.
As far as feedback went, here was the feedback I got after approaching sets at the end of the night. "Good job on approaching man, you did what 99% of asf can't do."
That was it. No constructive feedback at all. In fact I was so upset with the way things were going, and the complete lack of caring by my instructor, that I actually left the program early one of those days, with no desire to continue. It was so bad, I was tempted to not even attend day three at all.
Day 3 was a total joke. It ran from 11pm to 6pm. We spent the first five hours of that in another seminar, going over the exact same material we had gone over the first two days. The second hour we went shopping at various clothes stores so my instructor could show us what's currently in style. That was the magic makeover they promise. You can get this same experience watching the fashion channel. Finally, the last hour we spent in field. That's right, a mere one hour on Sunday was spent doing field work. Highly disappointing.
After this complete waste of money, I emailed TylerDurden the following day, stating my concerns, giving him a chance to somewhat remedy the situation. His replies contained the context of "We have your money now, and there's nothing we're going to do for you." In fact, I didn't even want my money back. I would of liked a second bootcamp where things are done right. I even tried to negotiate for a single phone coaching session, where I could at least learn something. No deal. He even had my instructor call to confront me on why I thought the bootcamp was bad. Very disappointing, considering TD states claims that their customer service has gone up 1000% over the past two years.
So if you like throwing money away, the RSD bootcamp may be for you. Before you consider spending that $1500, I would suggest giving yourself a makeover, donating that money to the homeless, or hell, put it in a brief case, go to the center of your city, open it, and let it blow away in the wind. The money will be better off, trust me.
Hell, if you'd like, I can give you the exact same bootcamp experience for a mere $20.
Last November I signed up for a RSD bootcamp and I took the Feb 3-5 bootcamp in NYC. While I knew that it isn't a magic pill going into it, I was promised by TD personally over the phone that the bootcamp would be tailored to my individual needs, and would shave a minimum of one year off my game. On top of that, they claim these things on their website:
"1- We take you out into malls, cafes, restaurants, and clubs to demonstrate how to meet women right in front of you.
2- We act as your personal wingman and meet women together.
3- We get you doing it step-by-step (what to say, the right body language, how to create sexual tension, everything.
4- We work with you and give you the kind of potent and crucial feedback that you need to get this area mastered until you've got it sorted out.
The program is structured so that even if you've never approached a woman in your entire life, you'll feel totally comfortable and at ease."
Lies. All lies. They fulfill none of these things; it's just marketing hype to lure an unsuspecting individual into giving them his or her money.
Before I took my bootcamp, I sent out multiple emails to my instructor and the coordinators stating what I'd like to do during my bootcamp, and what I'd like to accomplish. Because this was supposed to be a customized bootcamp, I requested the majority of the time to be spent in field, as well as adequate demonstration so I could see what "good" looks like, and have a role model to follow. When I brought these things up to my instructor upon meeting him, after he received my email and promised to fulfill my requests, he told me "We'll see." We'll see? Last I checked, I am the customer, am I not?
I arrived at my bootcamp early in NY to meet my instructor. I was actually thrilled at who my instructor was, as I'd heard he lived for over a year in the Project Hollywood mansion with Mystery and his gang, so his game had to be top notch right? On top of that, it was a 2on1 bootcamp as opposed to a 4on2, meaning more sets, and more attention. Things were looking great. To all those who knew me beforehand, I was very much looking forward to this experience, and went into it with an open mind.
Or so I thought... My instructor was actually nervous and a bit fidgety upon meeting him. Now I can understand nervousness is human, but it struck me as odd as this is supposed to be a guy who's a mPUA, and has conducted hundreds of workshops. I would soon find out that he is indeed a social robot, and lacks the ability to vibe on anything else besides game. There were many times where I, the other student, and my instructor would be walking down the street, in complete silence. I guess the term "Real Social Dynamics" is used very loosely.
The first two days of the bootcamp ran from 7:00pm to 2:00am, and we'd spent from 7-11 in a boring seminar, where my instructor drudged on and on, preaching theory and material that I already knew, and can easily be researched via the asf archives (hence why I requested the majority to be field work, and was promised to me beforehand). We'd spent the other 2 and a half hours in a club, where my instructor pushed me into sets. Here's the thing though.. he refused to demonstrate any sets whatsoever. He flat out said no. In fact, during the course of the three days (21 hours) I witnessed him approach a total of four sets, only one that I could actually hear him in. I was highly upset by this as one of the main reasons I decided to take this bootcamp was to see how the masters do it live and up close. I now have second doubts about my instructors ability to perform, as I feel he was making excuses just so he didn't have to approach.
As far as feedback went, here was the feedback I got after approaching sets at the end of the night. "Good job on approaching man, you did what 99% of asf can't do."
That was it. No constructive feedback at all. In fact I was so upset with the way things were going, and the complete lack of caring by my instructor, that I actually left the program early one of those days, with no desire to continue. It was so bad, I was tempted to not even attend day three at all.
Day 3 was a total joke. It ran from 11pm to 6pm. We spent the first five hours of that in another seminar, going over the exact same material we had gone over the first two days. The second hour we went shopping at various clothes stores so my instructor could show us what's currently in style. That was the magic makeover they promise. You can get this same experience watching the fashion channel. Finally, the last hour we spent in field. That's right, a mere one hour on Sunday was spent doing field work. Highly disappointing.
After this complete waste of money, I emailed TylerDurden the following day, stating my concerns, giving him a chance to somewhat remedy the situation. His replies contained the context of "We have your money now, and there's nothing we're going to do for you." In fact, I didn't even want my money back. I would of liked a second bootcamp where things are done right. I even tried to negotiate for a single phone coaching session, where I could at least learn something. No deal. He even had my instructor call to confront me on why I thought the bootcamp was bad. Very disappointing, considering TD states claims that their customer service has gone up 1000% over the past two years.
So if you like throwing money away, the RSD bootcamp may be for you. Before you consider spending that $1500, I would suggest giving yourself a makeover, donating that money to the homeless, or hell, put it in a brief case, go to the center of your city, open it, and let it blow away in the wind. The money will be better off, trust me.
Hell, if you'd like, I can give you the exact same bootcamp experience for a mere $20.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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30 of 38 people found the following review helpful
"I don't Think it's worth the Money I Spent."
Overall rating
Ease of Implementation
Value for Money
Reviewed by thundergod
March 07, 2006
March 07, 2006
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Instructor(s) for Coaching:
Tyler/TD (Owen Cook)
Date Program Took Place:
January 01, 2006
I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had a bad experience with the RSD bootcamps.
I took one a few months ago, and although it wasn't a "total rip off", I do feel that my money would have been better spent elsewhere.
I had the same thing with my instructors, no demonstrations at all, they just pointed out sets for me to open without really teaching anything.
the only results they got were that one of them got a kiss (more like a peck on the lips) from this chubby chick that I wouldn't even approach, not much of a demonstration for someone who's supposed to be a mPUA...
one of my instructors was half asleep most of the time, and the material they handed out was full of typos and spelling mistakes... very unprofessional for people who call themselves "executive coaches"...
they did do a great job with the fashion consult, but I don't think that's worth all the money I spent.
I took one a few months ago, and although it wasn't a "total rip off", I do feel that my money would have been better spent elsewhere.
I had the same thing with my instructors, no demonstrations at all, they just pointed out sets for me to open without really teaching anything.
the only results they got were that one of them got a kiss (more like a peck on the lips) from this chubby chick that I wouldn't even approach, not much of a demonstration for someone who's supposed to be a mPUA...
one of my instructors was half asleep most of the time, and the material they handed out was full of typos and spelling mistakes... very unprofessional for people who call themselves "executive coaches"...
they did do a great job with the fashion consult, but I don't think that's worth all the money I spent.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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30 of 32 people found the following review helpful
"RSD Alexander Bootcamp Rip-Off"
Overall rating
Ease of Implementation
Packaging/ Customer Service
Value for Money
Reviewed by Arlo31
July 09, 2014
July 09, 2014
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Instructor(s) for Coaching:
Alexander (RSD)
Date Program Took Place:
June 13, 2013
Alex Treasure RSD Rip Off
I attended an RSD bootcamp on June 2013, in Sydney, taken by Alex Treasure of RSD. To cut to the chase, I basically paid 2000 USDs for Alexander to come to Sydney for a holiday. His instruction and teaching whilst out was non-existent, and his attitude is characterised by arrogance and a sense of indifference. Throughout the bootcamp, the students had to go out of their way to find him whilst he was hitting on girls at the club, his argument was that he was "demonstrating" for students his "scientific method" for attracting women, which was kind of funny, since most of the time he was nowhere near the students, nor did anyone ask him to "demonstrate". Anyway, Alex Treasure is just some manipulative ego-maniac who lives in the sheltered world of pick-up, surrounded by "Yes men" RSD fan boys.
What surprises me is how Alex, purports to have discovered the "Scientific method" for attracting women based on his education in psychology, when in-fact he didn't complete his studies and dropped out of uninversity.
I also attended an Alex in-field footage Hotseat, which basically consists of Alex buying girls drinks, until one of them is either drunk or dumb enough to go "home" with him.
What never ceases to amaze me about RSD, is how they have created a cult-like worship of their ideologies, and drones upon drones of RSD fan boys who accept whatever is said by RSD instructors like mindless zombies.
What most of men in the community have been taken in by, is the idea that attracting women is a "skill-set", where your appearance, success and financial security has absolutely no influence on a women's level of attraction towards a man. RSD fan boys live and hope that someday they'll develop the "skill-set" where they can "pick-up" any hot girl walkig down the street, regardless of their life situation. As a man I can see the appeal of this belief; but also just how ridiculous it is as well.
RSD insinuates that women have an "On switch", and if your "skill-set" is good enough, then you can attract any women you want, even if you're short, fat and socially inept. Instead of saying something along the lines of "Practice talking with women more, and be more sociable" which will inevitably lead to better results; RSD replaces commonsense with psycho-babble and new age spiritualism, maintaining success with women derives from "being in state", "being non-reactive" etc., and other pseudo-pop-spiritualism expressions. What most of their fans refuse to believe is that women have autonomy, and are capable of thinking for themselves, and the idea of "game being a skill-set" is a marketing gimmick perpetraited by RSD in order to sell their bootcamps, DVDs and various other programs.
I posted a negative review about my bootcamp experience on the forum not long after June 2013, that was subsequently deleted by RSD.
I suggest people steer clear of RSD bootcamps, especially the ones' taken by Alex Treasure, he simply doesn't give a crap, and prefers to pick fights with his meat-head friend Sean. It'll be interesting to see what would happen him Alex and his mate Sean picked on guys who knew how to fight back!
The truth is that most people who take bootcamps with Alexander them lack assertiveness, allowing him to utilize his pseduo-logic to manipulate people. I will be posting more about RSD and Alexander in the future, and also screen shots of my review that got deleted from their website.
I attended an RSD bootcamp on June 2013, in Sydney, taken by Alex Treasure of RSD. To cut to the chase, I basically paid 2000 USDs for Alexander to come to Sydney for a holiday. His instruction and teaching whilst out was non-existent, and his attitude is characterised by arrogance and a sense of indifference. Throughout the bootcamp, the students had to go out of their way to find him whilst he was hitting on girls at the club, his argument was that he was "demonstrating" for students his "scientific method" for attracting women, which was kind of funny, since most of the time he was nowhere near the students, nor did anyone ask him to "demonstrate". Anyway, Alex Treasure is just some manipulative ego-maniac who lives in the sheltered world of pick-up, surrounded by "Yes men" RSD fan boys.
What surprises me is how Alex, purports to have discovered the "Scientific method" for attracting women based on his education in psychology, when in-fact he didn't complete his studies and dropped out of uninversity.
I also attended an Alex in-field footage Hotseat, which basically consists of Alex buying girls drinks, until one of them is either drunk or dumb enough to go "home" with him.
What never ceases to amaze me about RSD, is how they have created a cult-like worship of their ideologies, and drones upon drones of RSD fan boys who accept whatever is said by RSD instructors like mindless zombies.
What most of men in the community have been taken in by, is the idea that attracting women is a "skill-set", where your appearance, success and financial security has absolutely no influence on a women's level of attraction towards a man. RSD fan boys live and hope that someday they'll develop the "skill-set" where they can "pick-up" any hot girl walkig down the street, regardless of their life situation. As a man I can see the appeal of this belief; but also just how ridiculous it is as well.
RSD insinuates that women have an "On switch", and if your "skill-set" is good enough, then you can attract any women you want, even if you're short, fat and socially inept. Instead of saying something along the lines of "Practice talking with women more, and be more sociable" which will inevitably lead to better results; RSD replaces commonsense with psycho-babble and new age spiritualism, maintaining success with women derives from "being in state", "being non-reactive" etc., and other pseudo-pop-spiritualism expressions. What most of their fans refuse to believe is that women have autonomy, and are capable of thinking for themselves, and the idea of "game being a skill-set" is a marketing gimmick perpetraited by RSD in order to sell their bootcamps, DVDs and various other programs.
I posted a negative review about my bootcamp experience on the forum not long after June 2013, that was subsequently deleted by RSD.
I suggest people steer clear of RSD bootcamps, especially the ones' taken by Alex Treasure, he simply doesn't give a crap, and prefers to pick fights with his meat-head friend Sean. It'll be interesting to see what would happen him Alex and his mate Sean picked on guys who knew how to fight back!
The truth is that most people who take bootcamps with Alexander them lack assertiveness, allowing him to utilize his pseduo-logic to manipulate people. I will be posting more about RSD and Alexander in the future, and also screen shots of my review that got deleted from their website.
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27 of 33 people found the following review helpful
"DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY with these people!"
Overall rating
Ease of Implementation
Value for Money
Reviewed by REG123
March 13, 2006
March 13, 2006
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Instructor(s) for Coaching:
Tyler/TD (Owen Cook)
Date Program Took Place:
September 01, 2006
I attended an RSD bootcamp in London last September and it was absolutely shocking. No structure, no demonstrations from the so called experts just a waste of time and much needed money. They tell you to simply approach sets armed with no game plan, no material in the hope that this will "clear your fear". A load of rubbish. I had done a lot of work on my inner game prior to attending and felt pretty good but by 10pm on the first night, after being blown out countless times, I was back to square 1. Thats right, this bootcamp was counter productive to my game. They refused to give me a refund. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY with these people!
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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22 of 28 people found the following review helpful
"I was Surprisingly Dissapointed"
Overall rating
Ease of Implementation
Value for Money
Reviewed by rottenflesh
January 23, 2008
January 23, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Date Program Took Place:
January 01, 2008
I took my bootcamp with RSD and was surprisingly dissapointed. I've been a fan of RSD for quite a while, and actually preferred them overr TMM.
My instructor was the new guy, Nathan. Basically he wouldn't do any demo sets, I asked him on the first night and he said "I've done enough already". I literally had to BEG him on the second night to do atleast one demo set, and he approached a HB4 or something, who was fat, weird glasses/hair, etc. He gave the most general feedback and wasn't customized to say the least. I told him I wasn't happy with the bootcamp, and he literally walked off and said that he has nothing to say and didn't even give me feedback for the 2nd night. He hardly watched me in any sets, and I was really dissapointed with his attitude. I was getting blown out for like 15 times straight in the first time, and all Nathan did was like, lets jump man, lets jump. It was quite ridiculous.
It seemed that I had paid 2 grand just for the instructors tp push me into sets. I can go on and on with all the stuff that went badly, but I'll just stop. There were 2 other students as well. One was happy because he managed to get one number from a girl and the 3rd guy wasn't satisfied as well. There was also an intern who had absolutely no idea what was going on, and simply hugged me whenever he saw me. I also say Nathan getting AMOGGED which literally killed me.
Obviously, I've gained from the bootcamp by learning about plowing, body language, smiling, etc. However, that wasn't why I took a bootcamp. Luckily, they kept their word to the refund policy and I got my money back.
My instructor was the new guy, Nathan. Basically he wouldn't do any demo sets, I asked him on the first night and he said "I've done enough already". I literally had to BEG him on the second night to do atleast one demo set, and he approached a HB4 or something, who was fat, weird glasses/hair, etc. He gave the most general feedback and wasn't customized to say the least. I told him I wasn't happy with the bootcamp, and he literally walked off and said that he has nothing to say and didn't even give me feedback for the 2nd night. He hardly watched me in any sets, and I was really dissapointed with his attitude. I was getting blown out for like 15 times straight in the first time, and all Nathan did was like, lets jump man, lets jump. It was quite ridiculous.
It seemed that I had paid 2 grand just for the instructors tp push me into sets. I can go on and on with all the stuff that went badly, but I'll just stop. There were 2 other students as well. One was happy because he managed to get one number from a girl and the 3rd guy wasn't satisfied as well. There was also an intern who had absolutely no idea what was going on, and simply hugged me whenever he saw me. I also say Nathan getting AMOGGED which literally killed me.
Obviously, I've gained from the bootcamp by learning about plowing, body language, smiling, etc. However, that wasn't why I took a bootcamp. Luckily, they kept their word to the refund policy and I got my money back.
Originally posted on the Attraction Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
"RSD (Real Social Dynamics) Ozzie Bootcamp Review. Not worth it."
Overall rating
Ease of Implementation
Packaging/ Customer Service
Value for Money
Reviewed by Max
February 02, 2015
February 02, 2015
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Instructor(s) for Coaching:
Date Program Took Place:
June 06, 2014
I'll start by giving you my background. I am 21, I'd say average looking, still a virgin, with no options in the near future of getting a girlfriend via social circle as all my friends are male. So I pretty much have no choice but to step into the world of cold approach pick up if I don't want to die a virgin. So I researched almost everything on PUA, watched almost every RSD video and just took the plunge and signed up for a live bootcamp. As expensive as it is, I thought the ability to get laid/a girlfriend whenever I wanted was priceless. I've never done a cold approach before so I thought this would cut the learning curve.
So when I turn up, I am the only student there which Ozzie told me happens roughly once a month which instantly surprised me as I thought there was a massive demand for instructors. Secondly he didn't know my name/age despite telling the RSD staff over the internet 3 times before and the fact I was his only student that weekend and he didn't even look at what my name is was slightly offensive. I arrive at 7pm in the hotel lobby and we talk a bit about not very much and he kept taking breaks every so often to talk about other things non-PU related which annoyed me as I wasn't there/ didn't pay to talk about sports with him.
At 11pm we go to where the nightlife is and we do some social pressure exercises. One involved standing with my legs far apart and my arms in the air far apart like a starfish in the middle of a big crowd of people and had to hold it for two minutes. Doing that then involved a lot of strangers running up trying to wedgy me, one girl went to kick my balls and others asked me what I was doing. Another involved exaggeratedly humping a lamp post for two minutes, and as you would guess similar things happened again. It wasn't pleasant and didn't really expand my comfort zone as it just felt stupid to me. Once that was over I then did some street approaches with the opener 'Is Leicester Square a real square?' as the aim was if you have a bad opener and make it work you learn more. But I didn't really know what to do after the opener. Most responses were either: 'Yes', 'I don't know' or 'Why are you asking?'. Which with any of those responses what do you say? Because I really don't care about Leicester Square I want to flirt/pick them up. So I had to survive 2 minutes which basically ended up with me making up stories about how I was trying to meet a friend there and ended up asking for directions. That was the best case scenario. Worst case they didn't even stop and just carried on walking and ignored me. There was also a lot of waiting in between sets in order to increase my anxiety so when I approached I was theoretically increasing my comfort zone.
When we went into the club my opener was equally as bad. 'Is this the best club in London'. Which again gave me the same 3 similar responses and being a local asking someone who actually isn't from London confused a lot of girls and again made me start lying about only just starting to go to nightclubs, when in fact I have been going since I was 18 just never done any cold approaching. Ozzie's advice was just 'smile more' and 'get closer'. But the interactions were always platonic and where going nowhere as I wasn't flirting. Worst cases I got were girls instantly getting dragged off the bar/toilet by their friends, laughing at me as soon as I opened them and instantly dismissals such as them saying 'ask the bouncer' and there was nothing I could really say to that other than being honest and saying I was trying to hit on them which 1, they were pretty hostile in trying to get me to go away I very much doubt the conversation would have continued 2, i wasn't confident enough to do it/pull it off and 3, it defeats the point in the open Ozzie gave me. If i did that, why not just open that way? Best case scenarios were the girls recommending places that I should go and me talking to them about favourite venues and places to go. Again not really flirting or getting attraction from them. I find it funny how hard it was to survive 2 minutes in conversation in the nightclub and the girls i did survive 2 minutes with I feel like it was mainly because they were just nicer/politer people rather than me doing anything differently. Although I did see an improvement when I increased my energy levels and tried to come across more friendly.
Ozzie said 90% of PU is fear and the other 10% is the how to. Which I do agree with to some extent. So he said when you feel fear don't fight it accept it, embrace it and go with it. But when I wasn't smiling enough due to being fearful and anxious he told me to fake it, which kind of contradicts the whole 'don't fight the fear' advice as I am trying the repress the symptoms. He calls it Fear Technology and to expand the comfort zone you must not fight the fear but go straight into it and hold the pressure. So he sent me into a lot of 'high intensity' sets, which basically means any set which looks impossible or would cause a lot of anxiety. Such as one girl surrounded by 5 meatheads with one hand on the back of my head and the other on my crotch with the same terrible opener 'Is this the best club in London?' So when I do that I again find it very hard to survive 2 minutes to even expand the comfort zone due to the girl walking away thinking 'WTF is this?' or them asking me what I was doing, which I didn't really have an answer for apart from honesty and when I told some that I was trying to expand the comfort zone some where offended in the same way some people are when they find out they were mislead into taking part in some psychology experiment and the other girls gave me sympathy which isn't something you want from a girl you're trying to attract/have sex with/date, as you need their respect not pity. Doing things like this I personally feel doesn't increase my comfort zone but makes my approach anxiety worse as I now have more negative references as to what happens when I try and cold approach. So I don't feel it was that helpful to me. Also how many people are really going to put themselves in really anxiety inducing stressful situations out of choice when they're on their own for the hope that it will one day lead to getting a girlfriend? It's unheard of, unrealistic to me and just won't happen. I want it to be fun and fear technology is not fun. It is a pretty universal principal in the PUA community that you should be having fun when doing it so you can continue as even when you're failing you're having fun and it gives the girl a good emotional state transfer. Doing this feels like a chore and emotional torture, so when you're failing I can see a very high giving up rate.
Outside the club was the same sort of thing but with the opener 'What is the best after hours place' Again basically asking for directions.
The second night we went out was more of the same social pressure drills, street openers, club openers etc. But he tried to introduce physical game to me. For someone who this was basically his first time talking to girls who were strangers the idea of touching them was a lot for me. I did a few arm around the shoulder while I was talking to them, but it made me very anxious so I didn't get very far with that.
The daygame session was similar. Opening with the Leicester Square opener. More asking for directions again and doing the same social pressure drills, but in the day people just look at you weirdly and don't really say anything. Not really much more to say about the day, other than I got really bored doing it and I doubt I'll ever bother with daygame again. What I found hardest was that it felt like street harassment like many women complain about, so I really struggled with it.
The example approaches Ozzie did seemed to all go the same with after the opener every girl asking what his accent was and then asking him where he was from as he is foreign. Which doesn't really help me improve my conversational skills as I am local and don't have that. Thinking back the longest conversations I got into where when speaking to someone foreign and asking them about where they live haha, a conversation I'm sure they've had 1000 times before though, so not really making me stand out.
Afterwards I had a conversation with Ozzie about future plans etc. But he wrote some plans on the back of his hotel receipt not even bothering to get a clean piece of paper. He also shown me some pick up videos on his laptop which he didn't close the TV show he as watching before and his laptop then ran out of battery mid video. Throughout every approach I did I noticed Ozzie wasn't close enough to me to hear what I was saying and at some points, especially in daygame he was actually looking the other way. I got the impression he really couldn't be bothered with me or teaching pick up anymore. Out of all the instructors he uploads the least videos to Youtube. He didn't teach me how to flirt or gain attraction, I didn't even get a single phone number. This 'natural game' feels like a scam, it's basically telling me to teach myself, so why did I need to pay for an instructor? Ozzie then told me he follows up with all his students via email to answer questions and see how they are getting on. I sent him an email and I get no response so I resend it and still get no response, It's now been over 6 months since the bootcamp and he hasn't responded or contacted me so I take it that was a lie and further adds to my belief he really doesn't care about his students/pick up.
I wanted to learn how to flirt and chat up women as I have no idea really what to do. Not ask for directions and be put in really embarrassing situations. I get I have low self-esteem issues and I'm not very good socially. I am a fan of RSD (not so much Ozzie) and will continue to try and make something happen for me. All this bootcamp really did was force me into set. Overall I would say paying $2,000 + whatever price for a hotel isn't worth it. Maybe if it was with a different instructor and you are better socially than I am and have some experience with cold approach pick up maybe you'd get better results and It may possibly be worth it. Given that there isn't very many success stories on the RSD Nation website I'd even question going on a bootcamp then. I think you're better just getting a wing and him force you into set and constructively criticise what you're doing and save the money.
So that was my experience I thought I'd share with you to vent/give you some insight to what bootcamp may be like.
So when I turn up, I am the only student there which Ozzie told me happens roughly once a month which instantly surprised me as I thought there was a massive demand for instructors. Secondly he didn't know my name/age despite telling the RSD staff over the internet 3 times before and the fact I was his only student that weekend and he didn't even look at what my name is was slightly offensive. I arrive at 7pm in the hotel lobby and we talk a bit about not very much and he kept taking breaks every so often to talk about other things non-PU related which annoyed me as I wasn't there/ didn't pay to talk about sports with him.
At 11pm we go to where the nightlife is and we do some social pressure exercises. One involved standing with my legs far apart and my arms in the air far apart like a starfish in the middle of a big crowd of people and had to hold it for two minutes. Doing that then involved a lot of strangers running up trying to wedgy me, one girl went to kick my balls and others asked me what I was doing. Another involved exaggeratedly humping a lamp post for two minutes, and as you would guess similar things happened again. It wasn't pleasant and didn't really expand my comfort zone as it just felt stupid to me. Once that was over I then did some street approaches with the opener 'Is Leicester Square a real square?' as the aim was if you have a bad opener and make it work you learn more. But I didn't really know what to do after the opener. Most responses were either: 'Yes', 'I don't know' or 'Why are you asking?'. Which with any of those responses what do you say? Because I really don't care about Leicester Square I want to flirt/pick them up. So I had to survive 2 minutes which basically ended up with me making up stories about how I was trying to meet a friend there and ended up asking for directions. That was the best case scenario. Worst case they didn't even stop and just carried on walking and ignored me. There was also a lot of waiting in between sets in order to increase my anxiety so when I approached I was theoretically increasing my comfort zone.
When we went into the club my opener was equally as bad. 'Is this the best club in London'. Which again gave me the same 3 similar responses and being a local asking someone who actually isn't from London confused a lot of girls and again made me start lying about only just starting to go to nightclubs, when in fact I have been going since I was 18 just never done any cold approaching. Ozzie's advice was just 'smile more' and 'get closer'. But the interactions were always platonic and where going nowhere as I wasn't flirting. Worst cases I got were girls instantly getting dragged off the bar/toilet by their friends, laughing at me as soon as I opened them and instantly dismissals such as them saying 'ask the bouncer' and there was nothing I could really say to that other than being honest and saying I was trying to hit on them which 1, they were pretty hostile in trying to get me to go away I very much doubt the conversation would have continued 2, i wasn't confident enough to do it/pull it off and 3, it defeats the point in the open Ozzie gave me. If i did that, why not just open that way? Best case scenarios were the girls recommending places that I should go and me talking to them about favourite venues and places to go. Again not really flirting or getting attraction from them. I find it funny how hard it was to survive 2 minutes in conversation in the nightclub and the girls i did survive 2 minutes with I feel like it was mainly because they were just nicer/politer people rather than me doing anything differently. Although I did see an improvement when I increased my energy levels and tried to come across more friendly.
Ozzie said 90% of PU is fear and the other 10% is the how to. Which I do agree with to some extent. So he said when you feel fear don't fight it accept it, embrace it and go with it. But when I wasn't smiling enough due to being fearful and anxious he told me to fake it, which kind of contradicts the whole 'don't fight the fear' advice as I am trying the repress the symptoms. He calls it Fear Technology and to expand the comfort zone you must not fight the fear but go straight into it and hold the pressure. So he sent me into a lot of 'high intensity' sets, which basically means any set which looks impossible or would cause a lot of anxiety. Such as one girl surrounded by 5 meatheads with one hand on the back of my head and the other on my crotch with the same terrible opener 'Is this the best club in London?' So when I do that I again find it very hard to survive 2 minutes to even expand the comfort zone due to the girl walking away thinking 'WTF is this?' or them asking me what I was doing, which I didn't really have an answer for apart from honesty and when I told some that I was trying to expand the comfort zone some where offended in the same way some people are when they find out they were mislead into taking part in some psychology experiment and the other girls gave me sympathy which isn't something you want from a girl you're trying to attract/have sex with/date, as you need their respect not pity. Doing things like this I personally feel doesn't increase my comfort zone but makes my approach anxiety worse as I now have more negative references as to what happens when I try and cold approach. So I don't feel it was that helpful to me. Also how many people are really going to put themselves in really anxiety inducing stressful situations out of choice when they're on their own for the hope that it will one day lead to getting a girlfriend? It's unheard of, unrealistic to me and just won't happen. I want it to be fun and fear technology is not fun. It is a pretty universal principal in the PUA community that you should be having fun when doing it so you can continue as even when you're failing you're having fun and it gives the girl a good emotional state transfer. Doing this feels like a chore and emotional torture, so when you're failing I can see a very high giving up rate.
Outside the club was the same sort of thing but with the opener 'What is the best after hours place' Again basically asking for directions.
The second night we went out was more of the same social pressure drills, street openers, club openers etc. But he tried to introduce physical game to me. For someone who this was basically his first time talking to girls who were strangers the idea of touching them was a lot for me. I did a few arm around the shoulder while I was talking to them, but it made me very anxious so I didn't get very far with that.
The daygame session was similar. Opening with the Leicester Square opener. More asking for directions again and doing the same social pressure drills, but in the day people just look at you weirdly and don't really say anything. Not really much more to say about the day, other than I got really bored doing it and I doubt I'll ever bother with daygame again. What I found hardest was that it felt like street harassment like many women complain about, so I really struggled with it.
The example approaches Ozzie did seemed to all go the same with after the opener every girl asking what his accent was and then asking him where he was from as he is foreign. Which doesn't really help me improve my conversational skills as I am local and don't have that. Thinking back the longest conversations I got into where when speaking to someone foreign and asking them about where they live haha, a conversation I'm sure they've had 1000 times before though, so not really making me stand out.
Afterwards I had a conversation with Ozzie about future plans etc. But he wrote some plans on the back of his hotel receipt not even bothering to get a clean piece of paper. He also shown me some pick up videos on his laptop which he didn't close the TV show he as watching before and his laptop then ran out of battery mid video. Throughout every approach I did I noticed Ozzie wasn't close enough to me to hear what I was saying and at some points, especially in daygame he was actually looking the other way. I got the impression he really couldn't be bothered with me or teaching pick up anymore. Out of all the instructors he uploads the least videos to Youtube. He didn't teach me how to flirt or gain attraction, I didn't even get a single phone number. This 'natural game' feels like a scam, it's basically telling me to teach myself, so why did I need to pay for an instructor? Ozzie then told me he follows up with all his students via email to answer questions and see how they are getting on. I sent him an email and I get no response so I resend it and still get no response, It's now been over 6 months since the bootcamp and he hasn't responded or contacted me so I take it that was a lie and further adds to my belief he really doesn't care about his students/pick up.
I wanted to learn how to flirt and chat up women as I have no idea really what to do. Not ask for directions and be put in really embarrassing situations. I get I have low self-esteem issues and I'm not very good socially. I am a fan of RSD (not so much Ozzie) and will continue to try and make something happen for me. All this bootcamp really did was force me into set. Overall I would say paying $2,000 + whatever price for a hotel isn't worth it. Maybe if it was with a different instructor and you are better socially than I am and have some experience with cold approach pick up maybe you'd get better results and It may possibly be worth it. Given that there isn't very many success stories on the RSD Nation website I'd even question going on a bootcamp then. I think you're better just getting a wing and him force you into set and constructively criticise what you're doing and save the money.
So that was my experience I thought I'd share with you to vent/give you some insight to what bootcamp may be like.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
"Doesn't worth the money "
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Ease of Implementation
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Value for Money
Reviewed by Snir
August 21, 2019
August 21, 2019
I'm just going to post the email I sent to CS and got no reply:
Well, I won't recommend the bootcamp to a friend, and I doubt that I'll ever buy another RSD program after my disappointment from the most premium product of RSD.
On the first night we went "freestyle" which was cool, but considering the fact that we paid 2k to come to this program, it's a waste of a night. I thought that we will get at least an honest review of our approaches the next day, but since we were like 8 people, there wasn't enough time to let everybody talk in detail and really break down our night. You are proud that the bootcamp is 1-3 ratio(3 students for 1 instructor), and I got the impression that it's going to be me with 2 other student with Derek, but apparently it's 3 students per assistant, and to be honest, I think my game is way better than his assistants(at least most of them for sure. I also felt like I can't take their advice seriously after the girls in the club showed way more attraction and attention towards me than them).
I didn't get ANY "whisper-in-the-ear" advice like you show on your bootcamp videos, nor did I see a live demonstration of a "proper approach" so I can take my notes on it. As a matter of fact, it felt like the students opened and hooked the sets, and only then the assistants came in.
Most of the advices I was given were just like "approach this set", "don't give up", "she can go fuck herself", but nothing really customed to me. I could get those advices from my buddies at home.
I came to the bootcamp in order to shed some light on my sticking points, and get better with a higher quality of women, but unfortunately, I don't feel like I got what I paid for. Also, I came for Derek, but the guy let his assistants lead for the first hour of the bootcamp without even being present with the students.
I would mention the positives as well - Derek and his assistants stayed in the venue after the bootcamp hours(although I don't think they had better things to do as they tried to pull as well), and Derek invited us to his talk on Sunday for free. He also said we could email him once a month to see where we are at. Derek's advices, at the beginning of each bootcamp meeting, were very good, however most of them didn't resonate with me and my stickig points.
So to sum things up,I'm a loyal customer of RSD and I bought a lot of digital products, hot seats and live events, all were extremely satisfying. I expected to leave the bootcamp with a feeling of "ok, so my main focus for now is this", but I didn't get it, and although I am a positive dude who never complains, I feel like the bootcamp wasn't worth the money(at least for me and for my level in game).
Thank you for reading.
Well, I won't recommend the bootcamp to a friend, and I doubt that I'll ever buy another RSD program after my disappointment from the most premium product of RSD.
On the first night we went "freestyle" which was cool, but considering the fact that we paid 2k to come to this program, it's a waste of a night. I thought that we will get at least an honest review of our approaches the next day, but since we were like 8 people, there wasn't enough time to let everybody talk in detail and really break down our night. You are proud that the bootcamp is 1-3 ratio(3 students for 1 instructor), and I got the impression that it's going to be me with 2 other student with Derek, but apparently it's 3 students per assistant, and to be honest, I think my game is way better than his assistants(at least most of them for sure. I also felt like I can't take their advice seriously after the girls in the club showed way more attraction and attention towards me than them).
I didn't get ANY "whisper-in-the-ear" advice like you show on your bootcamp videos, nor did I see a live demonstration of a "proper approach" so I can take my notes on it. As a matter of fact, it felt like the students opened and hooked the sets, and only then the assistants came in.
Most of the advices I was given were just like "approach this set", "don't give up", "she can go fuck herself", but nothing really customed to me. I could get those advices from my buddies at home.
I came to the bootcamp in order to shed some light on my sticking points, and get better with a higher quality of women, but unfortunately, I don't feel like I got what I paid for. Also, I came for Derek, but the guy let his assistants lead for the first hour of the bootcamp without even being present with the students.
I would mention the positives as well - Derek and his assistants stayed in the venue after the bootcamp hours(although I don't think they had better things to do as they tried to pull as well), and Derek invited us to his talk on Sunday for free. He also said we could email him once a month to see where we are at. Derek's advices, at the beginning of each bootcamp meeting, were very good, however most of them didn't resonate with me and my stickig points.
So to sum things up,I'm a loyal customer of RSD and I bought a lot of digital products, hot seats and live events, all were extremely satisfying. I expected to leave the bootcamp with a feeling of "ok, so my main focus for now is this", but I didn't get it, and although I am a positive dude who never complains, I feel like the bootcamp wasn't worth the money(at least for me and for my level in game).
Thank you for reading.
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