The Better Man Project

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Product Information
Written by Bill Phillips, editor-in-chief of Men's Health magazine, this handbook is for men who want to live longer and healthier. It includes tips and action items, as well as Men's Health's trademark authority and humor.
It addresses:
- Diet
- Fitness
- Health
- Career
- Dealing with stress
- Relationships, including sex
Some of the features:
- Health and fitness self-tests
- Seventy power foods for men
- Do-it-yourself plans to make you the best man you can be
- A cheat sheet of diagnostic tests you should have, and when
- Easy workouts for gaining total-body muscle and losing belly fat
- A troubleshooter's guide to common ailments and home remedies
- Thirty-five do-it-yourself projects to improve various aspects of your life
- Protect your telomeres, reverse diabetes, prevent heart disease, and stave off dementia
- Image, Physique & Style
- Inner Game & Confidence
- CD (Audio)
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Forward: Travis Stork, M.D.
- Your Latest DIY Project: You
- The MH Self-Check: So, How Are You Doing?
- Life Snatchers and Age Accelerators
- Upgrade Your Diet: Want To Feel Better? Perform Better? Then Eat Better
- Fortify Your Fitness: Build Your Better Body
- Improve Your Health: Take Charge: Don’t Rely On Docs
- Your All-Star Health Care Team: Draft A Strong Offensive Line
- Sleep Better, Wake Up Healthier: Overhaul Your Downtime
- Keep Your Brain Healthy: Stifle Stress, Strengthen Synapses, Wise Up About Your Mental Health
- A Better Man In Bed: A Guide To A Lifetime Of Happy, Healthy, And Hot Sex!
- Troubleshooting Your Body: Pain In The Neck? Rumblings In Your Gut? Here Are Your Fast Fixes For Just About Anything
- The DIY Projects: Complete Plans To Make You Better At Everything
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $12.49
- Hardcover $16.45
- MP3 CD $23.38
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website