Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships

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By examining prehistoric origins of human sexual behavior, this book challenges conventional wisdom about sex, marriage, family, and shows how far from human nature monogamy really is.
It aims to demystify almost everything we claim to know about sex and expose ancient roots of human sexuality, while focusing enlightenment through love, cooperation, and generosity.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
On The Origin Of The Specious
1. Remember the Yucatan!
- You Are What You Eat
2. What Darwin Didn't Know About Sex
- The Flintstonization of Prehistory
- What Is Evolutionary Psychology and Why Should You Care?
- Lewis Henry Morgan
3. A Closer Look at the Standard Narrative of Human Sexual Evolution
- How Darwin Insults Your Mother
- The Famously Flaccid Female Libido
- Male Parental Investment
- 'Mixed Strategies' in the War Between the Sexes
- Extended Sexual Receptivity and Concealed Ovulation
4. The Ape in the Mirror
- Primates and Human Nature
- Doubting the Chimpanzee Model
- In Search of Primate Continuity
Lust In Paradise (Solitary?)
5. Who Lost What in Paradise?
- On Getting Funky and Rockin' Round the Clock
6. Who's Your Daddies?
- The Joy of S.E.Ex.
- The Promise of Promiscuity
- Bonobo Beginnings
7. Mommies Dearest
- Nuclear Meltdown
8. Making a Mess of Marriage, Mating, and Monogamy
- Marriage: The 'Fundamental Confidion' of the Human Species?
- On Matrimonial Whoredom
9. Paternity Certainty: The Crumbling Cornerstone of the Standard Nattative
- Love, Lust, and Liberty at Lugu Lake
- On the Inevitability of Patriarchy
- The March of the Monogamous
10. Jealousy: A beginner's Guide to Coverting Thy Neighbor's Spouse
- Zero-Sum Sex
- How to Tell When a Man Loves a Woman
The Way We Weren't
11. 'The Wealth of Nature' (Poor?)
- Poor, Pitiful Me
- The Despair of Millionaired
- Finding Contentment 'at the Bottom of the Scale of Human Beings'
12. The Selfish Meme (Nasty?)
- Homo Economocus
- The Tragedy of the Commons
- Dreams of Perpetual Progress
- Ancient Poverty or Assumed Affluence?
- On Paleolithic Politics
13. The Never-Ending Battle over Prehistoric War (Brutish?)
- Professor Pinker, Red in Tooth and Claw
- The Mysterious Disappearance of Margaret Power
- The Spoils of War
- The Napoleonic Invasion (The Yanomami Controversy)
- The Desperate Search for Hippie Hypocrisy and Banobo Brutality
14. The Longevity Lie (Short?)
- When Does Life Begin? When Does It End?
- Is 80 the New 30?
- Stressed to Death
- Who You Calling a Starry-Eyed Romantic, Pal?
Bodies In Motion
15. Little Big Man
- All's Fair in Love and Sperm War
16. The Truest Measure of a Man
- Hard Core in the Stone Age
17. Sometimes a Penis Is Just a Penis
18. The Prehistory of O
- 'What Horrid Extravagancies of Minde!'
- Beware the Devil's Teat
- The Force Required to Suppress It
19. When Girls Go Wild
- Female Copulatory Vocalization
- Sin Tetas, No Hay Paraiso
- Come Again?
Men Are From Africa, Women Are From Africa
20. On Mona Lisa's Mind
21. The Pervert's Lament
- Just Say What?
- Kellogg's Guide to Child Abuse
- The Curse of Calvin Coolidge
- The Perils of Monotomy
- A Few More Reasons I Need Somebody New
22. Confronting the Sky Together
- Everybody Out of the Closet
- The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon
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Book options include:
- Kindle $5.99
- Paperback $10.53
- Hardcover $20.85
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