Mating Intelligence: Sex, Relationships, and the Mind's Reproductive System

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Product Information
This book explains the six sections of mating intelligence to transform and improve your sexual relationships.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Mating Intelligence: Toward an Evolutionarily Informed Construct
Mate Search and Maring Intelligence
- How Self-Assessments Can Guide Human Mating Decisions
- Mating Intelligence in Personal Ads
Strategic Flexibility In Mating Intelligence
- Intelligent Priorities: Adaptive Long-and Short-Term Mate Preferences
- Personality, Mating Strategies, and Mating Intelligence
- Deceiption and Self-Deceoption as Strategies in Shory and Long-Term Mating
- How Having Children Affects Mating Psychology
Mental Fitness Indicators and Mating Intelligence
- The Role of Mutations in Human Mating
- Mental Disorders as Catastropic Failures of Mating Intelligence
Mating Intelligence and Other Individual Differences
- The Role of Creativity and Humor in Mate Selection
- Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Quality, and Partner Selection
- Mating Intelligence and General Intelligence as Independent Constructs
The Ecological Context Of Mating Intelligence
- Brain Size, Intelligence, and Paleoclimatic Variation
- Ecological Constraints on Mating Tactics
- Mating Intelligence: Frequently Asked Questions
- Mating Intelligence: An Integrative Model and Future Research Directions
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $34.56
- Paperback $50.07
- Hardcover $94.05 - $160
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