Conversation Tactics (Book 2): Strategies to Confront, Challenge, and Resolve

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Product Information
Patrick King offers his second “Conversation Tactics”. This book is geared towards resolving conflict peacefully. It shows you how to successfully manage difficult conversations with less stress, and how to handle them calmly and productively.
Book 2 aims to teach you how to:
- Minimize misunderstandings
- Useful phrases to diffuse tension
- Confront without creating a confrontation
- Communicate what you’ve always wanted to
- Keep others calm and peaceful to solve problems
Some of the areas covered:
- A formula for difficult conversations
- Giving and receiving feedback and criticism
- The importance of the third story and how to find it
- The best ways for tact and creating a win-win situation
- Outsmarting insults, dirty tactics, and impossible people
- Creating a space of safety and vulnerability for honest discourse
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The Why of Difficult Conversations
- Grant Emotional and Logical Validation
- Find the Third Story
- Separate Impact from Intent
- Address Causation
- Tact(ics): Speak So People Will Listen
- Tact(ics): Speak To Create A Dialogue
- Choose Your Battles
- Create Safety
- Be Solution-Oriented
- The Five Phases To Difficult Conversations
- Feedback With Grace
- Know BATNA and WATNA
- Negotiation Tactics
- Dealing With Impossible People
- Dealing With Counterstrikes
- Becoming Confrontation-Fluent
- Dirty Tactics Defense
- Conclusion
- Speaking and Coaching
- Cheat Sheet
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.99
- Paperback $8.99
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website