The Pick Up Artist Bootcamp

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Coaching Program Information
One-third of this bootcamp session discusses the theories on picking up, attracting, and dating women. The remaining two-thirds focuses on infield training.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Standard Bootcamp
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Direct
- In-Direct
- Cocky Funny
- Cheeky
- Sexual Direct
Creating Attraction
- Story Telling
- Demonstrations
- Emotional
- Sexual
- Jealousy Plotline
- 21 grams kiss close routine
- Cup of Tea Bad Shag routine
- Sex or Shoes opener
- 3 criteria as seen on channel 4 makeup, hair, shoes, underwear in minutes
- Wanted or need opener for instant deep connection.
- Talk for ever technique, also hook on topic etc
- 98% opener
- 99% opener Wink
- Beckster bar game get girls to buy you drinks if you like
- 1 up manship
- Seated kino/game
Forming a Connection
- Finding Commonalities
- Light Rapour
- Deep Rapour
- Facebook
- Phone
- Kiss
- One Night Stand
- Sex on Dates
- Threesome
- The Three minute number close
Removing Approach Anxiety
- Re-Framing
- Changing Neural Associations
Inner Game Work
- Improve Self-Image
- Developing Emotional Strength
- Good Self-Esteem Triggers
- High-end Female Psychology
Keeping the Conversation Going
- How to Self Amuse
- Association Linking
- Improvisation
Outer Game Non Verbal Communication
- Body Language
- Vocal Tonality
- Create a Confident Sounding Voice
- Create a Deeper, Richer Sounding Voice
- Eye Contact
NLP and Hypnotics (Access highly resourceful states and cause the girls to enjoy being around you)
- Fractionation
- Memory Elicitation
- Symbolisation
Types of Game
- Day Game
- Night Game
- VIP Night Club Game
- Train Game
- Book Store Game
- Department Store Game
- Coffee Shop Game
- Pivots
- Social Circles
- Dance Floor
- Creating the Lifestyle
- Facebook Game
- Stripper Game
- Text Game
- Verbal Escalation
- Kino Escalation
- Stealth Escalation
Flash Game
- How to Fry Emotional Circuits
- High Emotion Spiking Routines
- How to Impress Your Friends
Style and Grooming
- How to Peacock Correctly
- Personal Image Consultation
What You Get:
2 days of bootcamp training
Bonus Item:
- Beckster E-Book
Guarantee / Terms:
100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the bootcamp, no questions asked.