The MindFrame Persuasion Home Study Course

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Product Information
"The MindFrame Persuasion Home Study Course" offers persuasion techniques and tips that you can use in everyday life.
For example:
- Corporate presentations
- Courtroom arguments
- Public speaking
- Face to face selling
- Writing money-sucking
- Hypnotic copy
Bonus items include:
- MindFrame Persuasion eBook
- Maui Marketing Course CDs
- 'Fly On The Wall' MP3s
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Lifestyle & Social Skills
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- 'Spatial Anchor'
- Using Fractionation
- Using Tonal Shifts
- 'Two Track' Persuading
- The 'Ownership Fantasy Factor'
- 'Non Touch’ Real World Anchoring
- Unconscious Process Recognition
- Using Presuppositions And Suggestions
- The Power Of The Willing Suspension Of Disbelief
- Presenting As An Absolute, Unquestionable and Awesome Authority
What You Get:
5 DVDs and 9 CDs
Guarantee / Terms:
90 Day Money Back Guarantee