The Master Pickup Artist University Coaching Club

Product Information
After signing up, you will receive a core program and additional DVDs every month of the program.
The core program includes (check these pages for reviews):
- - Stealth Attraction
- - The Social Domination Blueprint
- - 9 Secrets to 9s and 10s
- - Approaching Confidence
Each month, members of this group get 4 DVDs where Gambler and his team of trainers show you pick up artist strategies and methodologies.
Important Note: The Master Pick Up Artist University can only be bought as part of the Stealth Attraction sign up package (when you clicking on the 'go to product owner site' buttons on this page you will be taken to Stealth Attraction website where you can access Master Pick Up Artist University as part of the Stealth Attraction package.
These DVDs start from where Ultimate Natural Game leaves off and are aimed to get you to advance to the Master Pick-Up Artist level.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Online Video
- Online Access
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Core Program at Start Up (see the individual product pages for information)
- Stealth Attraction
- Approaching Confidence Audio Entrainment Program
- The Social Domination Blueprint
- 9 Secrets To 9's And 10's
The monthly DVD content varies from month to month.
What You Get:
- 4 DVDs each month
- Live webinar with Gambler (Richard La Ruina) and AFC Adam Lyons every month
4 Training Programs:
- Stealth Attraction
- Approaching Confidence Audio Entrainment Program
- The Social Domination Blueprint
- 9 Secrets To 9's And 10's
Guarantee / Terms:
Initially, $69.95 will be charged to your account in order access "Master Pickup Artist University" for the first 30 days, plus the four training products (including stealth attraction).
If not satisfied with the program, cancel before the end of the first 30th month, or you will be billed for $69.95 for the continuation of your subscription to Master Pickup Artist University.
User Reviews of The Master Pickup Artist University Coaching Club
Most Helpful User Reviews
June 17, 2011
GAMBLER'S material is definitely not for the novice or someone just learning about GAME. You already have to have a fairly good grasp of your self-esteem and you have to have a fair amount of confidence to apply much of what he teaches. This is not for the faint of heart, but INCREDIBLY effective IF you can rise to the occasion.
One of his main themes is what he calls STEALTH seduction. The stealth aspect is what makes these techniques somewhat challenging for a novice, but extremely powerful for someone who already has a good amount of game. In my opinion STEALTH is the ULTIMATE level of OUTER GAME, but to achieve it your INNER game has to be pretty damn strong and stable.
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"Great material, but be ready to open your wallet...permanently"
February 07, 2014
But be prepared:
This club was a bit like drinking from a fire hose. There is so much coming at you that it is hard to absorb it all and put it into practice unless you can devote a large amount of time to the endeavor.
I was working long hours when I got involved in the MPUA University, so I fell behind in my studies. It therefore made sense to put the club on hold for a couple months while I played catch up. After all, $70 a month is a significant amount of cash to spend on course material you can't study immediately.
So I temporarily cancelled my membership.
Bad idea.
When I logged onto the MPUA University after canceling, I discovered that I was barred from accessing all the content I had amassed over approximately seven months. Obviously, I was furious. I called the customer service number and was told that you have to pay $69 per month to maintain access to course materials, and if I you don't continue to pay the membership fee you're cut off. WTF??? Who does business like that? And when I asked that question of the snotty customer service rep, I was in essence told that's the way it is, so f--- off.
Okay then...
Look, I'll say it again: the material presented in the University if first rate...some of the best I've encountered for high level game, but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay roughly $800 over the course of a year only to have all access yanked when I stop paying a monthly fee. Maybe that works for you, but it doesn't for me.
And to the rude customer service rep: May you soon be flipping burgers at Mickey D's.
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"Not Happy"
February 24, 2012
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"the good, bad and ugly"
September 29, 2014
this was my introduction to PUA...
i found puatraining by mistake while just searching for player related stuff, and it all looked great, i bought into the marketing and decided to give it ago...
stealth attraction comes free with this, and that is an amazing program... the actual university has some amazing videos that feature some of the worlds best and shittest unknown coaches and training...
the best include, richard, adam, matt hussey... they all give great material and it's alot to take in, it could take years to fully understand all the concepts here, and unfortunately you're only allowed to stay for a year, then you're kicked out... i think this is totally wrong, you're paying ALOT of money here to only have the products on a temporary basis.
imagine buying an iphone and then apple take it off you after a year? LOL, it's wrong... you can buy the actual dvds of this course though and have it on a permanent basis,...
as well as the great material here, there is also some shit, god awful stuff too that simply doesn't help you...
Kezia noble is on these dvds and is about as useful as her sister at conversation skills... her attitude is awful, and her teaching is worse... she clearly doesn't want to be on these dvds and is already planning and scheming about creating her own company by stealing puatraining's teachings...
there are also some no-name coaches here that offer very little... Dharam, Gulliver, sweeney, hypeo matt, and a few others, who are having an interview like conversation with Richard in his flat... it's just two men talking, and not actually teaching anything, or giving anything useful, its just a case of "i do this, i do that, when im in clubs i do this" blah blah blah, without actually giving you decent information.
there is also a very poor interview with Gulliver about dating websites and how he got some girls from adult friend finder, what a load of rubbish...
Andy and Yad are also featured here, back before they created, and their advice here is pretty rubbish compared to what they do now, so the info is really out dated...
i think the university needs to be updated, get rid of the shitty trainers, and get some new guys in that know what they are doing....
to sum up... the best and most useful stuff is by Adam, Richard, and Matt Hussey, the stuff they teach here is gold and its worth it just for their stuff... but the rest are not worth your time.
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"Truly natural game for the Genuine"
July 02, 2012
You'll learn all about attraction, body language, conversation and date topics, and of course how the women's mind truly works. If you have the $77 a month I would absolutely recommend this course, it's truly phenominal!
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