Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

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Product Information
First published in 1948, this volume of "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was viewed as a scientific milestone towards understanding human sexual behavior. First hand interviews with approximately 5,300 males were collected during a fifteen-year period, covering:
- Methodology
- Sampling
- Coding
- Interviewing
- Statistical analyses
It then examines factors and sources of sexual outlet.
- Female Psychology
- Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part I: History and Method
- Historical Introduction
- Interviewing
- Statistical Problems
- Validity of the Data
Part II: Factors Affecting Sexual Outlets
- Early Sexual Growth ad Activity
- Total Sexual Outlet
- Age and Sexual Outlet
- Marital Status and Sexual Outlet
- Age of Adolescence and Sexual Outlet
- Social Level and Sexual Outlet
- Stability of Sexual Patterns
- Rural-Urban Background and Sexual Outlet
- Religious Background and Sexual Outlet
Part III: Sources of Sexual Outlet
- Masturbation
- Nocturnal Emissions
- Heterosexual Petting
- Pre-marital Intercourse
- Marital Intercourse
- Extra-marital Intercourse
- Intercourse with Prostitutes
- Homosexual Outlet
- Animal COntacts
- Clinical Tables
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $46.53
- Hardcover $59.98
- Paperback $166.50
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website