Relationship Management   

Relationship Management
Dating Company: Love Systems | Dating Coach:
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"Good to Establish a Foundation on Relationship Management"

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Last Update: February 15, 2025
The Good
Provides solid foundation of knowledge to start from for traditional exclusive girlfriend-boyfriend relationships, good summary of some of most useful relationship management ideas from the 'seduction community'
The Bad
Little insight into making relationships a positive addition to your life e.g. building the value of a relationship through deepening it and improving its quality, limited content on relationships beyond traditional relationship model (e.g. multiple relationships etc.)
The Bottom Line
For someone new to dating advice with little understanding of the principles of relationship management this product will provide a solid foundation to start from and help you to avoid the biggest mistakes. It does a good job of summarizing a lot of the 'pick up artist community' knowledge on the subject as it relates to 'traditional exclusive girlfriend-boyfriend relationships'.


The product contains comprehensive knowledge on 'avoiding errors' in relationships through its general principles and more specific examples throughout the product. This is very valuable for beginners, with either little relationship experience or who have not learned the lessons from those relationships, or for those who now have relationships with more attractive women and are finding themselves in more challenging situations they don't know how to deal with (Note: this is very common).

If you have been studying dating advice for a while the knowledge will be less useful to you because you will have seen a lot of it before. Nonetheless, most people will get some 'golden nuggets' to add to their skillset from this product.
Some content is a little too abstract without obvious practical application, but the majority is well defined with, the author Savoy, giving many examples and stories making it easy to clearly understand the concepts. The product would have been improved with more 'practical techniques' to use in different situations.

Good Traditional Relationship Advice, Not So Great on Multiple Relationships
The content is strongest where Savoy discusses 'traditional relationships' (i.e. exclusive girlfriends). The advice is good and straightforward on these.

It becomes weaker where he starts to talk about multiple /more complex relationships. Personally, I disagree with some of the limitations Savoy presents on multiple relationship management (based on the experiences of myself and many other top dating masters I know). This product stays pretty general, not getting into specifics on these topics, and sometimes the advice is misleading or actually wrong.

Aggregator of Community Wisdom
Overall, the information in this product represents an aggregation of the information that has been developed in the 'pick up artist community' over the many years since its beginnings. So if you have participated in the community for a number of years and are reasonably connected you should know most of it already.

Having said that, this product has value. It does a good job of aggregating the good quality community knowledge into one of the first products on the 'relationship management' topic.

Savoy brings some additional innovations in terms of the integration of some love systems concepts (e.g. embedding, emotional progression model) with the material. This is also useful, particularly for students of Love Systems who already use these concepts, as it will make implementation easier.

Unhealthy Overly-Controlling Frame
If you are looking to take your relationship skills to a level where you are building healthy strong relationships with women there are some minor issues with this product. "Other guys shouldn't be talking with your girl unless you are part of that conversation." Savoy (Paraphrased)

This is a quote talking about guys talking to your girl in a club from the DVD.

It is not what I'd call a healthy long term mindset, which will set a good foundation for relationships with women. It will actually do the opposite, setting you into an overly controlling relationship, which will create drama, conflict and eventually the demise of your relationship.

This mindset comes through a little throughout the product - here I've taken the most explicit quote to point it out clearly to you.

This is not a way I would want to live - or recommend you live. There are much better 'relationship healthy' approaches to dealing with other men interested in 'stealing' your girl that are effective.

The Bottom Line
A professional good value product for men who have little to no relationships skills and are relatively inexperienced in relationships (or just not very good at it). This is pretty good value for money if you are in this situation.

However, it is expensive if you are already pretty experienced and want to learn about more complex relationship situations (e.g. multiple relationships).

See our ranking of relationship skills advice for other options

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Product Information

This DVD home study course aims to help men fully maximize the benefits of their relationships with women.

Professional dating consultant Nick Savoy’s course is a result of his many relationship seminars. It is an expanded live-recorded seminar addressing a wealth of relationship questions.


Includes an hour of Q&A from Nick’s live relationship management seminars and actual clients.

Relationship Skills
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
DVD (Video)
Hot Topic Tags:
Dating Multiple Women
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Nick Savoy
Love Systems
Release Date:
September 05, 2007
Price: $49.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Chapter 1: Foundations
Chapter 2: Types of relationships
Chapter 3: General relationship management principles
Chapter 4: High commitment relationships
Chapter 5: Medium commitment relationships
Chapter 6: Low commitment relationships
Chapter 7: Changing the relationship
Chapter 8: Infidelity
Chapter 9: Bonus Q&A

Some of the areas covered:

- How to bring up the idea of a threesome
- How to correctly set up a relationship
- Relationship Management versus Pickup
- The three main principles of relationships
- Setting the tone of a relationship from the start
- Figuring out the type of woman you want
- Damage control after you make a mistake
- Finding a woman that is interested in threesomes
- A model that predicts if a women is going to cheat
- Sending the correct subconscious signals to women
- Dating multiple women at the same time with honesty
- Establishing the rules and expectations for “friends with benefits”
- Things that are not attractive to a woman until after you sleep with her
- What to do around a woman’s family and friends so she thinks you are great
- Setting relationship priorities that get women and express your confidence
- How to make a woman your girlfriend and keep the relationship passionately exciting

What You Get:

3 DVDs

Guarantee / Terms:

See policy of product website

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Although it wasn't flawless, the experience was worth it."

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The Good
While I enjoyed the seminar as a whole, there were a couple things that stood out. First, Savoy emphasized the importance of differentiating between pickup and relationships. Second, the discussion portion was crucial to my experience because the sheer volume of information presented inspired many questions that I found useful to hear answered, but wouldn’t have thought to ask. Third, I had the opportunity to meet a number of great guys that, despite their differences, have a lot in common and a lot of wisdom to offer. I hope to keep in touch with many of them.
The Bad
The casual style of Savoy’s presentation allowed seemed to invite a lot of questions, which interrupted the flow of the seminar and seemed to distract from the overall quality. I myself am guilty of being over-eager to get answers. Perhaps with future seminars, attendees can be invited to come prepared with questions to ask during the round-table. Also, for questions that come up during the presentation, it might be more effective to have people write them down to save for the end. Of course, sometimes clarification was needed for a particular item, which is entirely appropriate. On the whole, though, I would have preferred the tangential discussion to be kept to a minimum.
The Short Review:

* The seminar was comprised of all new techniques and information.
* The format and presentation made it easy to learn and understand.
* Although it wasn’t flawless, the whole experience was definitely worth it.
* I highly recommend this Seminar if you have the desire to be good with women beyond the sarge.


The first six hours were dedicated to breaking down Relationships by type. Savoy and company have whittled down the complex variety of relationship dynamics into six categories. Savoy presented the information in a casual, friendly way while taking the time to answer questions fully.

The next four hours were spent in a more relaxed, conversational format. Attendees were invited to share their particular relationship goals while Savoy guided a round-table discussion of the issues involved in each person's unique experience. While no one was required to stay for this portion, nearly everyone did.


Savoy exhibited a thorough, deep knowledge of the material. He spent significant time breaking down each relationship category in terms of how to get it, as well as how to keep it. The categories presented are as follows:

* Friends with Benefits
* Dating/Undefined
* Multiple Relationships
* Open Relationships
* Traditional Plus
* Traditional Relationships

Savoy organized these categories in terms of the exchange between level of commitment and level of freedom in a relationship. He provided numerous examples. He explained the appropriate frame for each type, as well as tips on how to stay in a type or move from one type to the next. Savoy offered scenarios showing the mistakes most men make when in a relationship, especially men who have pick-up game.

This Seminar was a major departure from the type of information available in the community at large. I've read a lot of pick-up material, and I can honestly say that this topic is severely underrepresented elsewhere. Savoy is breaking new ground with these techniques, teaching men what to do AFTER you've got the girl(s).

The community has prepared many of us for how to get a woman to cheat on her boyfriend with you. But until now, no one has really explained how to prevent cheating in the women you date. Savoy spoke extensively about why women cheat, how to spot a woman that is predisposed to cheating, and how best to guard against your woman cheating. Best of all, he framed the discussion within the context of each relationship type rather than just traditional.

Throughout the Seminar, Savoy made several surprising insights that have permanently changed the way I see relationships. I felt illuminated in much the same way that I did when I first found the community.

Overall Impressions:

Savoy has clearly spent ample time gathering information and compiling experiences to create a comprehensive guide to managing relationships. He engaged the topic with passionate fervor—something I expect from a good speaker. I look forward to any future products that may come of this fairly new segment of community knowledge.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"The DVDs are Wonderful"

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The Bottom Line


The DVDs are wonderful not only because they feel the empty niche of "dating and relationships" in pick up but because they do it so well. Speaking as a man who loves commitment, a guy who want's more out of a girl then just to sleep with her and never see her again these DVDs allow me a better look into the world of relationships and what to do after you have the girl. Watching the DVDs and taking notes have given me much greater freedom in knowing what I want and how to get it while also making me question why I want one type of relationship over another. If you're a PUA who wants multiple relationships, monogamy or even if you have a girl and want to know how to keep her happy and loyal then these DVDs are for you.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Overall, I Would Give This Product My Unreserved Recommendation!"

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I got the DVDs in the mail last Saturday and I literally watched them non-stop glued to every minute.

The foundations were helpful and the three rules of relationships are great guides. Next came an overview of the different types of relationships followed by general prinicpals that apply to all relationships (I would list them but I am unsure how much detail I can provide). Savoy then goes into each type of relationship in detail and provides very sound advice in each case. I myself am on the verge of a traditional relationship so I was particularly glued to this part and I found some pretty useful information there. I would have liked a bit more information on the traditional relationship because I did know some of the rules Savoy outlined from Magic Bullets and the Friends with Benefits interview. But this part was supplemented later with some interesting stuff.

After the types of relationships comes a section on how to change relationship types which was very insightful. One of my favorite parts was next: the model of predicting infidelity. This part was pure genius and I got a lot of great information here. A subheading of this came up when Savoy gave advice what to do when a guy starts flirting with your girlfriend and it was not what I expected. I have definitely addressed this issue incorrectly in the past and I was writing FURIOUSLY during this part.

After each section was a Q & A and for the most part these were helpful as well. The bonus Q & A disc was a mixed bag in my opinion. Granted, it was a bonus, but some of the questions seemed not useful to me. Maybe for others they would prove useful.

Overall, I would give this product my unreserved recommendation! The video is well produced, professional, and full of great advice. It is definitely the essential relationship guide and I am sure I will consult it frequently in the future.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"All in all a worthwhile tool."

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If you're thinking of buying this course, stop right now and just get it, it's that good. It's worth the money.'s what you need to know if you're in this "game" to win.

Content wise it's jammed packed full of useful relationship information whether you're a newbie (read: virgin) or had more than your fair share of relationships with beautiful women (read: i'm jealous).

I personally believe the infidelity model is pure gold and worth the price of the DVD's alone, but if you're reading this you're probably dubious as it is, so i found the Q and A session at the end of the course pretty insightful. It's where Savoy gives his own version of an FAQ from what i believe were bootcamp students at the time of the seminar recording.

All in all a worthwhile tool.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Essential relationship guide"

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The Good
Full of great advice, very sound advice on each type of relationship, model for predicting infidelity, video well produced
The Bad
Would have liked more information on traditional relationship, & A disc was a mixed bag in my opinion - some of the questions seemed not useful to me
I got the DVDs in the mail last Saturday and I literally watched them non-stop glued to every minute.

The foundations were helpful and the three rules of relationships are great guides. Next came an overview of the different types of relationships followed by general prinicpals that apply to all relationships (I would list them but I am unsure how much detail I can provide). Savoy then goes into each type of relationship in detail and provides very sound advice in each case. I myself am on the verge of a traditional relationship so I was particularly glued to this part and I found some pretty useful information there. I would have liked a bit more information on the traditional relationship because I did know some of the rules Savoy outlined from Magic Bullets and the Friends with Benefits interview. But this part was supplemented later with some interesting stuff.

After the types of relationships comes a section on how to change relationship types which was very insightful. One of my favorite parts was next: the model of predicting infidelity. This part was pure genius and I got a lot of great information here. A subheading of this came up when Savoy gave advice what to do when a guy starts flirting with your girlfriend and it was not what I expected. I have definitely addressed this issue incorrectly in the past and I was writing FURIOUSLY during this part.

After each section was a Q & A and for the most part these were helpful as well. The bonus Q & A disc was a mixed bag in my opinion. Granted, it was a bonus, but some of the questions seemed not useful to me. Maybe for others they would prove useful.

Overall, I would give this product my unreserved recommendation! The video is well produced, professional, and full of great advice. It is definitely the essential relationship guide and I am sure I will consult it frequently in the future.
Owner's reply


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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"I Could Have Used Some of this stuff when I First Started Dating"

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I'd always done well with women in cold approach/SNL scenarios. Things have changed a bit in the past 20-25 years since I really started dating (I was born in 1969), texting had become huge and flakiness was now considered normal behavior instead of rudeness, so I needed to tweak my fashion a little (upgraded the boots and t-shirts I wore, added some jewelry), phone game, and understanding of social circle/flakiness, but nothing big. Meet to sex had never been a really big issue. What drove me to the community was relationship management; learning to screen for the right women, managing the relationship overall.

Back in the 60’s they had free love, and in the 70's people were still pretty frank about setting up the parameters for whether they were exclusive or not. Openness and honesty around sex got replaced with shame and fear when Reagan and AIDS came along. I have to say I feel sorry for people growing up now, because it’s a huge deal if someone can hit triple digits in lays now whereas then it was pretty common, especially in the 1960-70’s.

What I loved about this program was that it fills a void that isn't handled anywhere else in the "community", and that is how to set levels of commitment in a culture that no longer handles those things as bluntly as it used to. I'd stopped having sex with some of the women that I'd had the opportunity to, because I didn't know how to handle their expectations without hurting their feelings if I wasn't interested in being their BF. In this course I learned how to set the expectations for low, medium, and high level commitments, the possibilities/expectations of threesomes, and to screen for fidelity, all within the first few hours of meeting a woman. They had to do with how I met her, how I pursued her, what I presented to her as the lifestyle I was living, what I told her about my social life, the topics of conversation I had with her in general, and when to stop talking about that stuff after the expectations had been made clear. Most importantly I learned how to keep those expectations clear after I've slept with a woman, so that no one's feelings got hurt. The course also tells you how to know where the relationship is headed, and how to change commitment levels if need be, but with the screening information and qualification section you really should be able to set up the right commitment level from the word go, which makes things so much easier than changing people's expectations. Savoy screens for women's character, in addition to their fidelity, are really useful before setting commitment levels.

Growing up in the 70's was the decade that they preached women and men were not only equal, but also the same. The good news was that women always insisted on paying for their half of the date, without question. The bad news was that we were encouraged to talk fights out as equals, which didn't work that well then, and definitely doesn't work now. Savoy gave tips on how to set boundaries, and how to handle fights. Back when we were being taught that women and men were the same, we weren't being told that sometimes women fight for NO reason whatsoever, and that it doesn't mean ANYTHING. Savoy had some good solutions for how to handle that situation.

All in all I could have used some of this stuff when I first started dating, and it was really essential for me now that so many of the unwritten rules have changed from just 20 years ago.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"Fills an empty niche of 'dating and relationships' in pick up"

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The Good
Fill empty niche of 'dating and relationships' in pick up, gave me a better look into the world of relationships and what to do after you have the girl, given me much greater freedom in knowing what I want and how to get it while also making me question why I want one type of relationship over another
The Bad
Some of the tips given are common sense
Having recieved a copy of the newest Love System's DVD course "Relationship Management" I found myself pretty excited. It wasn't like many of the other courses and seminars I've seen, it was fundamentally different. It appealed to the more visceral and real part of me: The part that knows that, one day, I wish to be in a committed monogamous relationship with the woman I wish to spend my life with. It also appealed to the ever more present belief that, until I do meet the right girl that I want to marry, I want to be with as many girls as possible and test what's out there.

The excitement rose as I put it in my DVD player. Would it live up to my expectations? Too many courses teach you how to approach and attract the girl, but this is the only one I've seen that focuses on how to keep her.

The first disc was filled with the basics of relationship management techniques. It serves as the backdrop for which all the other DVD's are set to. It starts off talking about the foundations of relationships. It does not just focus on one relationship but instead creates three arch-types of a relationship based on commitment levels (High, medium and low respectively). High commitment relationships are relationships that require more time and effort and thought. Things such as a traditional, monagamous relationship and a traditional plus (where you only date each other except for mutually agreed upon threesome) are considered high commitment. Medium commitment covers multiple long term relationships and open relationship's. Low commitment covers dating/undefined and friends with benefits. The first disc also goes through the general principles one should follow under any type of relationship and gives some practical advice on how to approach relationships.

Disc two delves deeper into the types of relationship. It explains, in detail, the level of commitment needed, what kind of ideas or expectation's should be set up at what time period in order to have a healthy relationship no matter where it fall on the commitment continum. As the DVDs state, relationship management begins BEFORE you sleep with a girl. It is on this disc that you will learn to embed relationship ideals into stories and conversation, how to manage your's (and her) expectations and how to deal with the common relationship pitfalls. The DVDs also introduce another level usually forgotten in pick up: How to transition between relationship types. Mostly though, the best and easiest transition is within commitment levels. However, if you have your base (lowest form of commitment), you can easily take a relationship up the commitment levels while if you try to move down from the highest commitment level you risk losing her. Here Savoy gives not only good tips and advice on how to create these relationships, but also gives direct lines and quote's and stories to help you learn how some delicate subjects should be broached. To broaden the scope of the DVD, Savoy has a chapter devoted to infidelity where he explains the 3 part infidelity model, an almost mathematical formula to see if a girl is cheating on you but, when used as a baraometer to see how your relationhsip is progressing, can prevent you from being cheated on. This alone make's the DVD a boon to have when trying to get a good relationship.

The third and final disc is strictly Q & A. Although each chapter has a Q and A section this last disc goes mush deeper into some of the themes and ideas covered in the DVDs or will approach the matter from a different angle. The question's are all thoughtfully answered, some taking up to two minutes and longer, more nebulous questions taking up to eight minutes. The question's themselves run the gamut from the vital (i.e. how to find out if your girlfriend is cheating, finding the right relationship type for you, telling her you are seeing other people, screening for things you want and how to encourage those behaviors in the women you date) to the very useful (i.e. managing multiple relationships, what dates are more likely to lead to sex, ect).

On the negative side, some of the tips given are common sense. This happens more in the first disc then it does in the second or third. Of course, seeing as it is an introduction to relationships that is to be expected.

The DVDs are wonderful not only because they fill the empty niche of "dating and relationships" in pick up but because they do it so well. Speaking as a man who loves commitment, a guy who want's more out of a girl then just to sleep with her and never see her again these DVDs allow me a better look into the world of relationships and what to do after you have the girl. Watching the DVDs and taking notes have given me much greater freedom in knowing what I want and how to get it while also making me question why I want one type of relationship over another. If you're a PUA who wants multiple relationships, fuck buddies, monogamy or even if you have a girl and want to know how to keep her happy and loyal then these DVDs are for you.
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