Reading Her Body – Sex Signals Decoded

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Product Information
"Reading Her Body" was created by Christopher Philip and Jon Chandler as an instruction guide to reading a woman’s body signals. It uses more than 90 pages to identify the sex signals a woman’s body is giving off.
All chapters include instructions of a woman’s body signals as well as photo examples of how to read them.
The purpose of the book is to help men understand that most communication is non-verbal and that body language can tell a different story.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to tell if a woman is interested in a man
- A woman's body part that can be shown in public as a sexual sign of desire
- The distance a man should stand from a woman when talking to her
- The meaning behind sex signals women send
- The games women play from across the room
- The “sloppy” technique for determining if a woman is interested
Bonus 1: Her Body Decoded Action Shots - 80 photo pages explaining body language signals.
- Decoding the signs you are being sent
- How to strategize getting into a woman’s personal space
- Strategies to get close to a woman and avoid getting rejected
- The signals women give off to let you know they are not interested
Bonus 2: Quick Start Action Guide - Explaining what a guy needs to know to read a woman’s body.
- Signals men often overlook
- An introduction conversation starter
- The importance of a woman’s hand signals
- How to tell if a woman is checking you out
- What it means when a woman invades a man's space
- Something a guy should do when entering a room
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