Improv(e) Your Conversations

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Product Information
“Improv(e) Your Conversations” teaches you how to use the framework from improv comedy and apply it to your social interactions and conversations. Improv comedy and memorable conversations have many similarities and this book brings together actionable and practical techniques from the improv comedy to create conversational flow and connection.
Some of the areas covered:
- Sherlock Holmes and great conversations
- The three topics to use when your mind blanks
- Directing the conversation to where you want
- Exercises to illustrate and practice each technique
- Beating the number one cause of awkward silences
- How to make great impressions and be instantly likable
- The mindset to always know what to say and respond quickly
- Maintaining an equal give and take for maximum conversational flow
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Chapter 1: Just improve(e) your conversations!
Chapter 2: Always say “Yes, AND…”
Chapter 3: React every single second
Chapter 4: Use specific statements, not open-ended questions
Chapter 5: Be as present and observant as possible
Chapter 6: Details, details, details
Chapter 7: “No.” is a big no-no
Chapter 8: Don’t end up in the same place you started
Chapter 9: Cultivate entertainment
Chapter 10: It’s in the name – improvise!
Chapter 11: Make everyone else look good
Chapter 12: Remember and reincorporate details from earlier
Chapter 13: Yes, we are talking about practice
Chapter 14: Sometimes you just need to shut up
Chapter 15: If all else fails, just keep HPM in mind
Cheat Sheet
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.86
- Paperback $8.99
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website