How Sexual Desire Works: The Enigmatic Urge

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Product Information
"How Sexual Desire Works" offers scientific research uncovering the biological and psychological bases of sexual desire. The author uses the insights of modern science to make sense of a wide range of desire-related phenomena:
- Fantasy
- Novelty-seeking
- Sexual addiction
- Sex-drug interactions
- Fetishes
- Voyeurism
- Sexual violence and killing
It also delves into neuroscience and provides an understanding of how the brain can be used to explain temptation and conflict, as well as addressing unanswered questions in this area of research.
- Female Psychology
- Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- What is enigmatic about sexual desire?
- Explaining desire: multiple perspectives
- Sexual desire in a broad context
- An incentibe-based model
- Sex and levels of organization
- Sexual attraction
- Shades of desire from simple to complex
- Details of the brain and desire
- Arousal
- The consequences of sexual behaviour and associated expectations
- Sexual familiarity and novelty
- Inhibition, conflict, and temptation
- How did sexual desire get here?
- Setting the trajectory: link to adult sexuality
- Sexual desire in interaction
- Representations of sex
- Sexual addiction
- Variations in desire: general principles
- Some forms of desire at the fringes
- The toxic fusion: violence and sexual desire
- Sexually associated (serial) murder
- Concluding remarks
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $27.10
- Paperback $31.81 - $39.99
- Hardcover $74.99 - $110.00
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