Brad P Workshops

Coaching Program Information
This is a 2-day workshop that takes place on the following dates, locations, and schedules:
- November 13-14, Los Angeles
- October 2 -24, New York
- November 13-14, Chicago
- Friday 7pm - 2am
- Saturday 2pm - 2am
- Sunday 2pm - 7pm
This event is customized for every skill level.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Standard Bootcamp
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Field time is more important than seminar time
- Workshops are for building your intangibles
- Use of a very specific system of "information timing"
- Frame control
- Social freedom
- Presence
- Beat your approach anxiety
- Style
What You Get:
- 2 Day Workshop
- Instant download of the "Underground Dating Seminar" and "Instant Attraction"
Guarantee / Terms:
Money back guarantee is voided if not present at every scheduled program activity in its entirety, or for not participating in all program exercises.
User Reviews of Brad P Workshops
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Amazing and Offered Me Exactly What I Need"
March 17, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
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"Seriously Awesome Instructor"
October 23, 2007
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
The other thing this guy has the ability to do that i've never experienced before was to transform someones fashion. I swear he took one guy (in my humble opinion was looking kinda dorky, sorry if you're reading this, don't take it personal, brad felt that i needed new duds too) and turned him into a freekin john mayer lookalike...i'm not kidding, this guy could be his twin, and before he had the clothes i would have never seen it.
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"I’d give this bootcamp a solid A"
November 29, 2007
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Brad P.
- Gabriel (Brad P.)
Here’s what Brad P formally taught me: openers, storytelling, passing shit tests, and routines. Beyond that, he also taught various guys about style, overcoming approach anxiety (AA), and logistics. Technically, there was a section on Day Game, but he didn’t teach it. One of his friends simply supervised while some of us went out and practiced.
Let’s move on to my thoughts about the material. Who better to learn his openers from than the guy who invented them? You could learn from just the Shocker/Instant Attraction ebook, though. I recently took a couple of his openers to field test in Sacramento, and they worked well. One of his openers is killer for consistently opening big groups of women. Another gets smaller sets laughing and builds some attraction fairly consistently. Check your gamey vibe at the door, though. Fortunately, I learned from TMM about cutting threads and Transition. My favorite example of the effectiveness of a Brad P opener occurred during his workshop. I took one of my own openers and used it once only to get shit-tested harder and more relentlessly than I’d ever been shit-tested before. On the next set I used a Brad P opener and ended up in set for two hours. Funny.
For storytelling, Brad P magically transformed a story of mine into something funny that has entertained a few targets. You need to know TMM to learn about DHVs and attraction switches, though, or you won‘t know what kind of story to tell or how to make it put you in the most attractive light. I’m one who doesn’t think every story you tell has to flip a switch, though. We also learned a specific technique to pass shit tests. Let me just say that it was pure gold. I use it all the time now. I even ran into a two-set in Sactown where one was clearly S and the other was clearly M. HB Sadism tried to Alpha me with her words calling me “f----r,“ pulled my attention away physically when I talked to her friend, called me “cocky†and “conceited†several times because she was turned-on, and grabbed my hand constantly to squeeze or twist it as hard as possible. Captain Jack’s advice about reading The Way of the Superior Man was right on, and this woman definitely wanted to feel my masculine strength. I digress. Anyway, I passed her tests so easily with Brad P’s technique. I plowed and became so confident that I began to Alpha this Alpha Female. There’s no boost to your confidence quite like out-Alphaing a sadist.
Brad P had a number or routines that have helped me fill the conversation gaps in-set. His co-instructor, Gabriel, personally chose a few for each student. I did learn a few valuable tips about logistics. I’m still rather new to the Game, but those tips were very helpful as I have begun to screen early in my game the logistics for SNLs. Also, Brad P hooked us up and I learned some very valuable things about improving my style. No doubt my Attraction game improved off of that alone, and I’d already taken a TMM BC which offers style advice, too. On another note, I should mention that there was a third optional day for the workshop about overcoming AA, achieving your goals in life, and more. But I decided to save my cash and received the Cliff’s Notes on how to be a true PUA, instead.
I could stop there and write that I’d give this bootcamp a solid A-, but I’m not sure that would be totally candid. There’s more. We students came from various camps, and there were only eight of us. Some came from RSD, one came from Badboy Lifestyles, and some came from TMM. The RSD and Badboy guys were not too happy with the workshop. They hadn’t taken a TMM BC, and most didn’t know or only had fair reading knowledge of the Model. They were expecting a whole lot more bang for their buck. Personally, I thought I got a square deal. My reasoning is this: I paid one-third the cost of a TMM BC to attend this workshop, and the classroom time was one-third of the TMM classroom time. That’s fair. As far as the content, I thought the value was high. I got a lot out of Brad P, including c.d.s, ebooks, classroom instruction, in-field instruction, and personal analysis. He gave a lot of value for the price, and let’s not forget that he’s considered one of the best PUAs out there (at least, according to one of Thundercat’s lists and judging how he was the featured guest speaker at my TMM BC).
Honestly, we three TMM guys were the ones who thought the workshop rocked. That might be because we knew exactly where to insert Brad P’s teachings into the Model. One guy who I thought struggled at my TMM BC and who I felt might not make it turned into a rockstar in-field after Brad P got through with him. He went from quiet, milquetoast to outgoing PUA-in-training. Brad P/Dr. Frankenstein turned this guy into John Mayer. Mayer was getting as many number closes that night as me. That impressed me so much considering that I was one of the best to come out of the TMM BC while he was maybe one of the worst. All the respect in the world to Mayer after Brad P turned him out. The Brad P workshop was just what the doctor ordered for him.
Miscellaneous Debris
-With Brad P’s help, I almost had my first pull just a month after my first BC. It was a double-edged sword because I had to ditch the girl who was ready to go to the “afterparty†with me for a final analysis with Brad P after the club closed. So the afterparty and logistics were hopelessly lost. It’s okay--her face may have been an 8 but her body was a 5. It’s the practice in pulling that I regret missing.
-One of the amazing things that I saw Brad P do was approach a huge MIXED group SEATED at a SMALL BAR and win over the table. Most guys I see post fear the words “mixed,†“seated,†and “small.†So Brad P showed balls of steel on that one. He’s got game.
-Instructors were Brad P and Gabriel. Brad P was as solid as when I first saw him at my TMM BC. What I appreciated was how much time he spent with us in-field rather than chasing tail for his own purposes. That separated him from instructors who would often game more than coach with TMM, although I understand that TMM has changed that dynamic. To his credit, he could’ve pulled a virgin but decided against it last-second. Brad P was also very friendly and social and had a great sense of humor. In other words, he was down-to-earth and not elitist. Gabriel was the same way but even more so. You’d have to see him and talk to him to know just what I mean. Great style, both of them. Both of those guys were also cool people beyond the Game. Real human, you know? I actually felt sometimes like I was just hanging out and having a good time with them. Man, those guys were fun to be around! Ron (a rockstar) was also a blast to go out with, and if he were a pro the workshop would’ve been perfect for me.
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February 12, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
We did some mall game as part of day 2 and i opened about 12 sets. Something I had never done before.
I also F-closed a chick on my flight back from the camp.
That happened based on brads great tips especially logistics and indirect sex inuendo.
Sign up for him if you get the chance.
BradP you rock
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"Would I recommend it? YES, wholeheartedly."
March 20, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Brad P.
- Glenn P
All I can say is that this was much better than I could have imagined. Here's what made it so good:
Good organization - Everything was planned from the timing to the locations for fieldwork. A 12CD set was sent to read in advance so we didn't waste precious time studying what we could do at home.
Great wings - Especially Gabriel who is a rising star in his own right. And we had a great student:instructor ratio - 8:3
Brad P is the real deal - He got laid the first night and could have the second night, both with hotties and within half an hour of closing time. This is despite the fact he had a cold sore and wouldn't kiss them!
Very personalized - The 8 of us ranged hugely, from people who were on their 1st bootcamp and had just started out in the community (one guy said he had life anxiety, not just approach anxiety), to people on their third bootcamp and one guy who Brad said was in the top 2%. We also varied from people who wanted to build routine stacks to me (more unscripted). Brad and his wings worked with us to personalize everything to our skill level and preferences. There was feedback personal to me at every level and I now have a ton of notes I need to put into an action plan. I was having issues working out exactly what is me, and what is my style of Pickup, thanks to the seminar I am now a lot closer to it and to getting past my sticking points.
Great fashion makeovers - For some of the guys who needed fashion makeovers, Brad took them shopping and they returned an hour later totally different people. He really know his stuff.
Would I recommend it? YES, wholeheartedly. I think almost everyone can benefit from this workshop. I would add, though, that if you are new to this, it's best to read and understand the basics of attraction (e.g. the Mystery Method, the Game) and do some basic approaches (e.g. the Stylelife challenge). Once you are past the very basics, there's a lot more to work with to accelerate your game.
Overall, highly recommended.
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"Simply Amazing"
April 30, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Brad P.
- Glenn P
Worth every penny. Brad P is without a doubt a real deal PUA, and cares genuinely for every student in his bootcamp. His seminar is among the most reasonably priced in the community and the value for that price is outstanding. I will be referring several of my friends for bootcamps in the future. I already have one interested in a Chicago seminar.
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"Fun, Helpful, Life Changing and Just Awesome"
June 17, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
- Brad P.
- Gabriel (Brad P.)
Coach evaluations:
Not only did he explain everything well, but as the most positive person at doing it, and helped all of us reach our goals in the bootcamp! To be honest, he was so socialable and easy to talk to that I was seeing him as more like a big brother rather than just a guru. He gave me the best makeover that made that Saturday night special, and helped me work on what I need to work on to be a better person! Thanks Brad, you're awesome!
He was so full of energy and positive as well just like Brad. Without his, support and quick thinking, I never would've pulled off what append that night with the Serbian's girlfriend. He even evaluated us on his own, which was a big help. Thanks a lot Gabriel, and keep that Green Day look!
Honestly, in the beginning, I didn't have much confidence in him because he was new. However, that all changed on the first night! He was so inspiring and I will never forget what he told me about when I'm in sets. "Don't think too much about what's happening, just go for what you're gonna do!" That helped me become fearless and relax throughout that day and the rest of the bootcamp! Magic is great! I know he's gonna be a great coach, and BradP made a good decision having him as a coach, he's got a real trainer right there! Thanks Magic, I'll never forget what you said!
Wow, it was just amazing! I don't regret any part of this! Thanks a lot guys!
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"It was completely worth it."
August 15, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
I only needed to watch Brad do 3 or 4 sets... and he only needed to watch me 3 or 4... to really make these changes. The value in those changes was life changing though. I was a hard student to coach, I knew that, Brad found that out... yet he did it, and it's changed every and any interaction I'll ever have for the rest of my life. I'm totally confident he can help you too.
as a community, although I'm not the stereotypical community member... this is my message to you guys: If you are stuck... get to a workshop. period. Otherwise you will just repeat bad habits. Reading is not the answer... it digs the hole deeper. If you are freezing up it is likely from too much reading (not too little!).
What I thought my problem was (lack of material, creative approaches, etc..)... it wasn't... it was something else (positioning, understanding of a physical dialogue). Brad picked up on that in about 50 minutes. Fixed it. Now the game has slowed down. Way slow. I can walk up to 9s and 10s in an unfamiliar environment really expecting a positive result and usually getting it these days. In fact, I am way less obsessed with gaming these days, I got that area of my life pretty well handled thanks to BradP. it's not that hard after all..
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"My Most Incredible Learning Experience"
August 16, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
This was the most incredible learning experience I've had in years. The change from where I was on Friday walking in to the workshop to the end of Sunday was simply staggering, everything seems so much more natural and my approach anxiety is no longer holding me back. I would absolutely recommend this workshop and say trust the instructors and be committed to making changes. They really know their stuf, it isn't all theory and they get you to put this into practice. The time in the field was phenomenal, the insight invaluable and the encouragement cracked me through my biggest sticking point. Thanks guys, top job!!!
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"It Was Amazing!"
October 14, 2008
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Brad kicks ass. Magic kicks ass. The demos alone were worth the price of admission, but they delivered so much more. Both of these guys are great PUAs and all around amazing people, being very generous with their time, experience, and energy.
I made huge advances in my game, and would recommend this workshop to anybody.
I want to put in a special Thanks to Magic for all of the time in the field with me and pushing me harder than I would have pushed myself. And a special Thanks to BradP for being the Rockstar that he is and making this all possible
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