Information on and coverage of the dating advice for men market. Includes history, analysis, rankings  and commentary on product rankings and other trends on the dating advice market from self development, to the pick up artist community, to spirituality and traditional dating coaching.

Dating coaching can cost you big bucks these days. Fortunately, the reported results and success that students attribute to it can be spectacular too. A few thousand dollars doesn't seem like much when it transforms your dating life and makes you happy. However, it really sucks spending that money when you don't get those results.

Every guy looking to buy a particular dating coaching bootcamp must ask himself this question:

"Will it be good value for my investment of time and money?

We delved into the Dating Skills Review database to get some insights into this question. The results come from 133 dating coaching services and 198 user reviews of them.

Read more: Dating Bootcamps - How Do the Most Expensive and Cheapest Compare with the Best Student Feedback

Why are we still so confused about relationships when we’re improving in other areas of our lives?

We are improving as a race, technology is increasing all around us, we are making some unbelievable discovers about the universe and the world around us. We know how to become doctors, lawyers, experts in all areas of our lives.

There is something really strange about one part of our lives.

We learn less about it than other parts, yet it is arguably far more important. We get no education in this part of our lives, and many of us are anxious about it, think about it a lot… and don’t understand why we get success or fail in it.

Read more: The Dating Knowledge Gap

The seduction community, or pick up artist community, also known as 'The Community' by its members, is the originating place of modern dating advice and knowledge for men.

Before the seduction community, dating advice was not based on proven science or real experiences. It was largely ineffective and misleading. Most of it was just plainly 'fraudulent marketers' taking advantage of men who were not happy about their success with women.

'The Community' emphasized real life results, it was and is a meritocracy of sorts, that has little time for men trying to teach or pass on advice unless they have a proven track record of a very successful dating life.

Read more: The Seduction Community: How a Group of Men Started Using Science to Get Better Results with Women