7 Principles of Seduction

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Product Information
This program helps to establish effective seduction in learning how to give women the experience of wanting you. It is designed to help men through the steps of improving different aspects of themselves to go from average to highly desirable and improve their game with women.
The ebook includes the Advanced Coaching Program to build dating and attraction skills, confidence, and self-esteem. Every month receive audio and video information, and exercises. In addition, every 7 months on the Advanced Coaching program (starting with the 7th session) receive a bonus copy of one of Carlos’ premium ebook courses.
Bonuses include:
1. Audio coaching: Strategies to help you date more and achieve success.
2. Monthly mini ebook: Offered as a bonus with all orders accepted during special launch celebration.
3. Teleconference calls with Carlos Xuma: Subscriber access to the dating advice teleconference calls.
4. Access to Podcast Archive 1 through 30: Get the first 30 podcasts Carlos has made.
5. Unlimited access to the Alpha Power Forum: Access to members-only message board.
6. Monthly Audio: Segment for motivation and improvement offered to coaching program subscribers.
7. Premium content: Access to additional videos, articles released to Advanced Coaching Members.
8. Monthly video for the subscribers addressing body language, style, and grooming.
9. Discount on existing and future products: 10% discount on your next program and future bonus offers.
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How the "economics" of sex works
- The 4 Steps of Seduction
- Why honesty is the best policy with women
- Achieving true comfort and trust with a woman
- 3 compatibility killers to eliminate
- 5 keys to conversation power with women
- How to make conversation natural and un-forced
- How to succeed with the "trump" card of all seduction
- Following the 7-step "emotion progression" model
- The 3 Worst methods to use when approaching women
- 25 Alpha Male Attitude Affirmations
- The Life Philosophy of the successful ladies man
- How to bypass a woman’s difficulties and lack of cooperation
- The true goal of seduction and the mistake that traps 90% of guys
- The perfect approach method to start a conversation with a woman
- 6 Rules of Seduction including soul-searching and deep conversations
- The "Redirect" technique to avoid a woman's tests before they even start
- Why you must never play the "micro" game of seduction
- How to win the inner game and stop worry and rejection fears
- 3 vital elements for preparation before going out in the field to meet women
- 5 types of guys women reject as "incompatible" and are disqualified out of the game
- Why women test you and how to take control of deciding whether you pass or fail
- The 8-Step Fast DayGame model to approaching and meeting women
- What is "token resistance" and how women will sabotage your approach if you are unprepared
- The basic psychological strategies to use in the early and mid-stages of meeting a woman
- 5 areas of a woman’s body to stimulate and communicate sexual confidence and competence
- A technique for increasing a woman's natural desire to get physical with you
- 20 steps to prepare your home, car, and confidence to win the game of seduction
- 7 Principles of Connection: establishing a bond with a woman to open her heart to you
- A technique used to avoid appearing as if you are too good to be true and scaring away women
- How the Passive Avoidance Game that women play works and not getting caught in it
What You Get:
- ebook
- Video and MP3 audio files (Advance Coaching Program)
Guarantee / Terms:
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
Upon acceptance of The Advanced Coaching subscriber program, you will be billed $17.97 each month. Cancel at any time.