When you first get into attraction advice, it can be difficult to separate the good from the bad, the right from the wrong.

One thing that I see confusing beginners is how diverse the advice can be, depending on the guru.

Some will tell you to go to bars and practice talking to a lot of women (Venusian Arts, Mehow).

Others will tell you to mostly avoid bars and focus on meeting women in your daily life (Paul JankaGunwitch)....

When you first get into attraction advice, it can be difficult to separate the good from the bad, the right from the wrong.

One thing that I see confusing beginners is how diverse the advice can be, depending on the guru.

Some will tell you to go to bars and practice talking to a lot of women (Venusian ArtsMehow).

Others will tell you to mostly avoid bars and focus on meeting women in your daily life (Paul JankaGunwitch).

Some will suggest you learn scripted routines (Love Systems, Stylelife), but some will swear you need to “vibe” and just have fun boldly improvising (Real Social Dynamics, BadboyZan Perrion)

Some will recommend you talk to a woman for a long time, to have your personality sink in and display your best qualities (Brad P., Venusian Arts). But others say you should get her number as quickly as possible and then get out, so that she can let her imagination run wild about you (Vin DiCarloPaul Janka).

Now, the problem is, many beginners are already intimidated, confused or suspicious of attraction advice to begin with.

Plenty will say: “how could completely opposite ideas both be right? Does it mean it’s all bullshit?”

After all, it seems logical to want the “THE right way” of doing things.

But the truth is, different methods work FOR different people, and ON different people. Different techniques work on different girls, or depending on your goals, looks and personality.

Because women are not pieces of hardware, you can’t enter a “correct” input and get the same answer every time without fail. Far, far from it.

The “correct” input will depend on a large variety of factors, including your delivery, your fashion sense, her personality, the venue, the time of the day, who she is hanging with, etc etc.

Her mood also plays a big role. In other words, the same input will get you a different response from the same woman, depending on how her day has been going so far.

The best gurus know this, and will teach you to be flexible. But some just go from their experience and generalize it to all women. Either way, you need to keep in mind the bigger perspective.

This happens in all fields by the way…

Last month I read two business auto-biographies. Two guys worth hundreds of millions of dollars, talking about their life.

One attributed his wealth to never, ever giving away even a single percent of ownership in his company. I made that much, he said, because the company grew like crazy and I still own 100% of it.

The other gentleman attributed his success to generously giving away shares to all his collaborators as an incentive to work hard. I may not own it all, he said, but I own a piece of a very big cake.

Two radically opposed approaches, but they both worked.

Recently I also listened to two productivity courses, by Neil Fiore and Kevin Hogan.

Fiore suggested to keep a balanced life and only work a few hours a day on any project, in order to avoid burning out. Day to day consistency is the key, he says. Get it done slowly but surely.

Hogan, on the other hand, says you should work 18 hours a day, get it done and take a rest. Work hard and worry about balance later.

Both guys are wildly successful authors who publish new material regularly. Whatever they suggest, works for them.

I could give you more examples, but you get the picture.

So just because two teachers point to opposite directions doesn’t mean much. They may both be right. But chances are, one is more right than the other when it comes to you applying it in your life.

In the next post, we’ll explore how to choose the right advice for you…